Tuft shoved me aside when he came and angled his cock down into the nest. I hurried around him so I could help, but the egg had descended onto the mat before I crawled into place.
Tuft kissed the egg's hard shell and smeared it with its first coating of slick. "Hi, baby. Your daddies are here. We're going to take good care of you."
He was so perfect for me. I kissed the back of his neck as he coated the egg four more times.
"You're making so much slick," I whispered in his ear.
His breath hitched, and he turned to me with unshed tears in his eyes. "They won't starve. Right? Promise me."
He looked fierce enough to bite my dick off if I said no. I kissed his temple and pressed his back to my chest. "I promise."
His cock was hard again. He grabbed my hips, trying to position me at his entrance. "Need your knot, alpha."
His body produced more than enough slick for me, so I removed the excess and smeared it onto our egg. I swear it was growing as we watched, but as fun as it sounded, I did not want to watch our egg grow. I needed to help Tuft lay the next one.
I slid into him with one fluid motion, gently tapping my balls against his swollen ones.
"Move," Tuft whispered. "Need to come."
I rocked against him, shallow thrusts at first, but when he tried to pull away to make them deeper, I gave him what he wanted. I pulled all the way out and slammed back inside with a punishing rhythm. His cries grew louder and less pronounced as he begged me for, "More, please, yes, gods, now, there, THERE."
I angled hard against that spot where he wanted me. He uttered the most satisfied sound I had ever heard a kobold make, guttural and otherworldly.
Another egg shot out the end of his cock with a gush of cum.
It took everything I had to keep from coming with him. I grasped the base of my cock and pulled out to grab more slick to feed the new egg, and then I went right back inside.
"Is there another one?" I asked.
"I don't know."
"Better to be sure." I kissed his neck over his mark as I rode his hips from behind, grinding and thrusting at a pace and angle that had him writhing against me, his head back on my shoulder as I drove into him.
I wanted to feel it, if there was another baby. I reached around to take his cock in my slick hand.
Another hard lump bulged near the base. I slowed my pace to massage it down the passage while I rolled my hips, making Tuft swear with each rub of my cock on his prostate.
I was close, too, but I couldn't come before he did. I wanted to give him my knot as his reward for doing the hard part.
"Close," Tuft panted. "Please, Axel. Need your knot."
"Come for me, sugar. Let's feed this little one first, and then I'll give you my knot."
I didn't know how I was hanging onto my sanity. Tuft's channel felt divine around me, each thrust bringing me closer to ecstasy, but I refused to come until I knew our third little one was in the nest and safe.
I kept one hand on Tuft's cock and let the other drift from his hip up to caress his chest, where his nipples would be. Even though we had no outward appearance of nipples without glamor magic, the area was an erogenous zone.
Tuft moaned and his cock twitched as I rubbed my palm over his sensitive skin.
"Fuck, Axel, I'm gonna …" He came with a choked cry. The egg shot onto the mat with a spurt of cum. Tuft reached back for a generous helping of slick before he hunched over the nest to feed them.
Then, he flopped back against me, his hands on top of mine at his hips. "Knot. Now, alpha."
I wrapped my arms around his chest and held him as tightly as I dared. I thrust deep inside, barely moving with each wiggle of my hips. My knot started to build with my orgasm, making it even more intense when it hit. I was as deep inside Tuft as I could go. My cock seemed to spurt forever as my knot grew and grew, stretching Tuft's insides and making him writhe and moan.
His cock gave a tremendous twitch and his channel convulsed with another orgasm while I knotted him. The sensation made my knot swell even more. We were truly locked together. Thankfully, there was a copious amount of slick to smear over the eggs before my knot formed, and when it finallyreleased, Tuft stood over the eggs and let our mixed fluids nourish them even more.
"I've never seen so much slick in one place," Tuft admitted. "Not from me, anyway."