"I was thinking it could be more this time."
"More?" I didn't want to second-guess what Jax was saying.
"I could stop taking my hormone pills today, and then we could see what happens."
I let out a whoop, and everyone at the fire pit roasting marshmallows turned toward me. I waved. Thankfully, Otis's marshmallow caught fire. Jax's papa put it out, drawing everyone else's attention away from me.
"Yes," I whispered to Jax. "I want to see what happens." Reindeer heats weren't guaranteed to result in pregnancies, but we'd managed a pregnancy without a heat. I was ready to give it my best shot, but, "Are you sure you're ready?"
Jax beamed his brightest smile at me. "With you by my side," he said, "I'm ready for anything." A hint of doubt crept into his expression. "You will stay, won't you?"
"You're my heart." I kissed him until he smiled against my lips. "The North Pole is my home now," I said loud enough for everyone to hear me. I didn't know how much bigger our little family would get, but we had room to grow and my wonderful in-laws to support us. Jax was the Christmas gift that kept on giving.
Jax leaned up on his tiptoes and kissed me while the boys went off on a tangent about the North Pole. Neither of them knew exactly where or what it was. The Honeycomb was their apartment building where I worked, and Christmas Village was where Daddy worked. They still hadn't wrapped their minds around places having more than one description, the way a city in the United States could be in a county, state, and country.
They had plenty of time to figure it all out. I only hoped they learned to eat s'mores without getting chocolate and marshmallow all over themselves before they mastered geography.