Page 9 of Donner

Back inside the penthouse suite, Beau seemed as awed as I had been when I'd seen it the first time. "It's even more amazing in the sunlight," he said. "This is such a great view. You're high enough from the street to catch the ocean breeze."

"You're not dressed for the pool," I teased.

"I'm not," he agreed. "I was dressed for my meeting, but I just quit my job."

I blinked. "You … what?"

"My break was supposed to be fifteen minutes, but I took thirty-five."

"What?" I blinked up at him as my brain tried to process what he was saying. "I thought you were still on the clock when you walked me home. It was a courteous thing to do. A positive customer experience."

"I know that, but they have it in their heads that I took you home for my own reasons."

My face burned as I realized what he was saying. They thought he and I had enough time for a quickie before he returned to work. Ha! Any sudden sexual movements, and I would have puked all over him.

"They said I couldn't be trusted with my security clearance and bumped me back to being a server, so I quit."

"All because you helped me?" My whole body shook with rage. I clenched my muscles so tight, they were beginning to ache like they had after I'd been run over on the dance floor.

Beau shrugged, then nodded.

"That's bullshit!"

Beau grinned at me. "I like your passion."

"Is that your way of saying I look pretty when I'm angry?" I scowled to show him I was serious. I'd heard it before. One of Derek's friends thought bullying me was the way to my heart, constantly picking on me and saying, "There it is, that beautiful pout," when I was ready to punch him in the throat. I finally did punch him in the throat. Derek stopped hanging out with him after that.

"I think you look pretty all the time." Beau's voice was soft and slow, like he was used to calming prey animals, even ones as large as my reindeer.

I needed to change the subject, and fast. "Do you have swim trunks?" I pointed to the bag he'd brought with him.

He nodded. "I always carry a bag with me in the car. You never know when you'll get a call to go sailing, skiing, or whatever."

"Skiing? Oh. On the water."

He laughed. "I wouldn't recommend it for someone used to skiing on snow. They're different skill sets."

"I'm far more interested in the jacuzzi at this point," I confessed. I still felt a little dizzy. I must have hit my head harder than I thought.

"I won't keep you any longer," he said, waving toward the patio. "Go. I'll get changed and meet you."

The air outside the sliding glass door wasn't as hot as I'd expected. The white stone had cooled off considerably and the breeze off the ocean was as refreshing as Beau had said it would be. In the jacuzzi, it was the perfect mix of hot water on my shoulders and cool air on my face. I lined my shoulders up with the contoured seat and let the jets massage the residual aches from them.

The sound of the sliding door drew my gaze. Beau was all tanned skin and muscles beneath his work clothes in a way I should have known from being cradled against his chest while he carried me, but it hadn't registered then. Desire to be held again, to trace each line of muscle along his hairless body, struck me without warning. I couldn't take my eyes off him as he made his way to the tub.

Instead of climbing in on the opposite side, he crouched down behind me. "Want me to rub your back?"

"Sure." I didn't know what to expect, but the expert way he worked the area around my spine with his thumbs and kneaded his way to my arms left me feeling completely boneless and relaxed in the span of thirty seconds. Beau was quick and efficient, and there was nothing sexual about the touch, but I had to fight to keep my cock from being noticeable in my tiny swim shorts. If I wasn't careful, it would peek out my waistband to say hello.

"That feels fantastic," I said when he lifted his hands from my skin. "Thanks." I wanted to beg him to touch me more, but I had no reason for it.

I didn't need a reason. Beau must have felt it, too, the unspoken need to stay close. He sank into the water beside me, resting his arm over my shoulders. I leaned my head into the crook of his arm with a contented sigh.

"How was your day?" he asked.

"Relaxing. I didn't feel like going to the lobby for breakfast, so I had room service. They have strawberry syrup here! It's delicious."

Beau's breath lifted my hair from my forehead when he chuffed a laugh. "I've never tried strawberry syrup," he said.