Page 34 of Donner

"We're locked in a room with some clues, and we have to use those clues to unlock the door and escape before time runs out."

"Like in a horror movie?"

"Yes." I could tell he was trying to keep his tone neutral, but he had opinions.

So did I. I couldn't believe people did that for fun. "No, thanks."

Beau squeezed my hand. "No. Thankyou."

My heart melted from his bright smirk.

"Is it too boring to stay here with me for the next few days," I asked, "until I need to leave?"

Beau dropped his chin, hiding his face with his curtain of wet hair. "Not at all. I want you to have fond memories of your time in Miami, is all."

"Hey." I carefully maneuvered in the water until I was straddling him, pushing his hair out of his face and forcing his chin up so he met my gaze. "I'll always remember you."

"Will you?" he whispered. "You're going to leave."

"I have to go," I said, "but that doesn't mean it's over. I will never forget how I feel about you."

He wrapped his thick arms around my waist and squeezed me so tight I had trouble catching my breath. "You're going to leave me like everyone else."

"Come with me," I whispered. "I can put in a request with the Santas."

"I'll come when I can." His tone sounded like a promise, which was more than I deserved from him, but I would take every scrap of hope I could get. I threw my arms around his shoulders and held him as I shook and sobbed all my fears into the water around us.

The next morning, we went to the beach. Three days passed in a blur of sun, water, room service, and sex. Morning sex. Shower sex. Poolside sex. Jacuzzi sex. Late night, half-asleep sex. I couldn't get enough of Beau, any way he would have me. Top. Bottom. Side. Once, I fucked him until I came, and then we switched positions until he came. Then, we rode the euphoria of his knot until we both came again.

What had once felt like an impossibly long vacation came to an end all too soon.

Chapter 20


Watching Jax pack his things after we showered together Thursday morning was the hardest thing I had ever done.

"How will you get back?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said. "I plan to go to the lobby and think about home. I'm hoping Santa will do the rest." He dropped his boots into the bag's side pouch and zipped it closed, the final item he needed to pack. He looked as devastated as I felt. I'd thought I knew how much it hurt to lose someone, but seeing my pain reflected on Jax's face only confirmed that I had not yet experienced a loss like this.

"I'll visit you as soon as I sell my mom's house." I didn't speak the silly feelings waiting to roll off my tongue. I wanted to shout to the heavens that I loved him, that I couldn't imagine spending my life without him, that I would be a good mate to him and get down on one knee for him, if only he would wait for me.

"You have my number, right?" Jax asked, pulling his phone from his pocket. The first thing he must have seen was my name in his contacts list because he made the happiest noise I'd heard from him all morning and flashed me a half-smile.

"I have your number." I hadn't needed to text him since I showed up at the hotel, but I was looking forward to constant texts, not to mention phone and video calls.

"All right, then." He dropped his bag on the floor and tackled me to the bed, pinning my hands above my head and capturing my mouth in a desperate kiss. I kissed him back as hot tears leaked from the corners of my eyes onto the comforter beneath us. It hurt to breathe, but I didn't want to stop kissing him. Finally, he broke contact on a sob and dropped his head to my chest, soaking my shirt. "I don't want to go."

"It won't be long." It wasn't a promise I could make with the volatile housing market, but I wanted it to be true. I wanted to be by Jax's side in no time at all.

We both started at the sound of someone clearing their throat in the main room.

"Housekeeping?" Jax whispered.

"They usually wait until you check out." Not to mention, they usually knocked!

"Shit." He wiped his face with the pillowcase. Then, he hopped off the bed and ran a hand over his rumpled tank top and shorts in an attempt to smooth them.