Page 23 of Donner

"This shouldn't be happening so quickly," he muttered in my ear. "It's almost too much. I want to mark you, so everyone in this club knows you're mine."

"I'm pretty sure you made it obvious with that kiss." I pulled him down for another kiss, standing on my toes and lining my body up with his so we fit together from groin to shoulder. I'd wanted this night, this dance, but now, all I desired was to take him home.

Home. Not back to the hotel. Not to his home in Miami. I wanted to spirit him away to my apartment at the North Pole. The thought sobered me like a bucket of ice water.

I was on vacation. I wasn't supposed to get attached to Beau. I was here to have some fun and take my mind off work. This was my first real vacation without my parents. It wasn't supposed to change my life. Or was it?

I pressed my cheek to Beau's chest, looking out at the men I hadn't noticed when I'd been watching Beau watch me. They were all gorgeous, but they were strangers. I'd gotten to know Beau over the last four days. I liked him. I trusted him. My reindeer saw him as mate material. Who was I to question that?

I wondered what Santa 30 would say to that, though. I was supposed to be de-stressing, not worrying even more about my future.

The slow song ended, and I lifted my head. Beau gazed down at me and grinned. I was already bouncing on my toes in the cute go-go boots I found in my magical bag. Beau's smile was contagious. I rubbed my body against his, loving the feel of his cock pressed against mine. These shorts weren't big enough to hold me, so I had to tamp down on my excitement. I'd taken enough dips in a frozen lake to remember the feeling of icy fire, but it wouldn't be enough for much longer.

"Do you want to get out of here?" I whispered in his ear, knowing he could hear me over the pounding bass, thanks to his shifter senses.

"We just got here," he teased. "When the D.J. finishes this set, I'll introduce you, and then we can go."

Beau behaved like a perfect gentleman for the next two songs, dancing just close enough to keep everyone else away. I loved the feel of his hand on my hip as we swayed to the beat.

As the second song started to wind up for the grand finale, Beau wrapped his fingers in mine and led me to the D.J. booth just off the main stage. We climbed the stairs to the door and waited for the D.J.'s baritone to stop blaring through the speakers. From where we were, the sound was too echoed to understand for my over-sensitive ears. The first bars of a classic rock ballad were Beau's cue to knock on the door. A moment later, it opened, and Beau was forcefully tugged inside by his shirt.

"Beau!" The D.J., a thin white man with tattoo sleeves and a brown mop of hair slapped him on the back as he embraced him. "Good to see you! I heard you quit Neon Haze. If you ever need a job, I can put in a good word for you here."

"Thanks," Beau said.

My heart sank at the words. Of course, Beau would need another job. As much as I wanted to drag him to Christmas Village with me, his life and his home were here.

"Who's this?"

"Jax, I'd like you to meet my friend Aiden O'Donnell, the best D.J. in the city."

"Nice to meet you," I said, plastering on my best fake smile as I shook his hand. I didn't have to worry, though. Aiden wasn't looking anywhere near my face.

Beau made a strangled sound in his throat. "Mine."

"All right, big guy. Wow." Aiden patted him on the chest. "You did good, okay? I was merely appreciating your … choices."

"I'm choosing to leave now," Beau said, grabbing my arm.

"I'm sorry!" Aiden said before Beau could turn the door handle. "Please, stay and chat. It's been too long."

Beau begrudgingly turned back around.

"So what do you do, Jax?" Aiden asked. This time, his gaze was locked on mine.

"I'm in logistics," I said, hoping that was a vague enough answer. "I'm here on vacation. We kayaked around the Everglades this morning. I thought I'd gotten my second wind for dancing, but I'm already tired."

I glanced at Beau, who had a wide grin on his face. He knew I was overplaying my fatigue.

"We should get you back to the hotel," he said. "Another big day tomorrow."

"Oh?" Aiden asked. "Where are you going tomorrow?"

I hadn't planned that far ahead. I stared blankly at Beau.

"Well, it was going to be a surprise, but I was going to offer to take Jax to Bayside Marketplace for a little shopping." Beau chuckled and pulled me to his side. "He packed a little too light for the trip."

"I did no such thing." I tried not to pout. I couldn't explain my lack of wardrobe choices to Beau in front of Aiden, so I was stuck letting him think I'd packed this tiny outfit.