Page 14 of Donner

"So it's magic," Beau said. I could see the words made him uneasy. "The Santas sound like decent elves."

"I'm sorry your Santa didn't bring you a best friend when you asked." I hoped Beau was prepared for delayed gratification in the delivery of a mate instead.

My beast puffed up with pride.Mate.

I wasn't ready to say the word aloud, since we'd just met, but he was fast becoming the person I wanted by my side, maybe for the rest of my life.

Chapter 8


I hadn't meant to stay the night, but after our flight and a quick swim, I was exhausted. I took a shower to rinse the pool's salt water from my skin. Then, I wrapped the hotel robe around me again and lay on the gigantic bed while Jax showered. I fell asleep to the sound of water hitting glass. It was unusual for me to fall asleep so easily in a strange bed. Spending time with Jax had worn me out. Not only that, but I was beginning to feel comfortable enough around him to let my guard down.

I woke with a start when the sun streamed through the windows. Jax had left the curtains open. I could see why. The brightness didn't bother him at all, the way he was buried in his pillows. I climbed out of bed and maneuvered the blackout curtains shut before finding my way back to Jax's side and pulling him on top of me. He nestled against my shoulder and went back to sleep.

When my alarm blared from my phone at ten, Jax was nowhere to be found. I rolled out of bed and automatically did my usual routine of stretching, push-ups, and sit-ups. Then, I wandered out to the main area where Jax was curled around a tablet device with his feet tucked under him and frowning over half a bagel.

"Good morning."

He started at the sound of my voice, then pointed at the coffee table. "Morning! Breakfast."

"What are you reading?" I asked.

"Hours for the zoo. I was hoping it would stay open into the evening, but it closes at five, and it just opened."

"We can head there now." I sniffed my armpits and changed my mind. "After I shower."

Jax's smile was brighter than the mid-morning sun. "Really? You'd go with me?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to spend your vacation with me?" I asked.

He nodded. "I thought the zoo might be boring to someone who lives here."

"This is your vacation," I reassured him. "And mine, now that I don't have to be at work. I'm happy to go wherever you want to go."

"Well, then," he said. "It's shower time!" He raced ahead of me while I grabbed a plain bagel and covered it with cream cheese. I polished off the first half before I reached the bathroom and scarfed down the second half while Jax helped me with my robe. Then, we attempted to shower together in the glass enclosure. More kissing than soaping happened until the water started to run cold. Then, we both hurried through rinsing.

I had time to eat another bagel while waiting for Jax to get ready.

"I don't have anything to wear," Jax whined from the bedroom.

"Your shorts and shirt from the other night would work." His garter socks had been completely ruined with snags, tears, and a hole big enough to fit his right kneecap. The rest of the outfit, while skimpy, would fit with tourist attire.

Jax brought the shirt out to me, to show me the blood drops embedded in the fabric. The shirt also smelled like someone had poured beer all over it.

I took a deep breath to control my temper before I went off on a tirade about the bar's emergency protocols. For now, I wanted to have a fun day with Jax without letting his unnecessary injuries live rent-free in my head. "The lobby's gift shop might have a t-shirt."

Jax's head jerked toward his closet, and he laughed. "I forgot. There were two shirts hanging in the closet with the robes when I looked yesterday morning. Thanks for reminding me!" He dashed off, giving me a fantastic view of his pert ass. My eagle chirped,mate, mate, mate,at me.

I couldn't get too attached, but I was already in over my head. Watching Jax come undone with my hand on his cock had made me feel both powerful and weak. I'd never been with anyone who made me feel the way Jax did, but he was here on vacation. Once he left, I would be alone again. Not only that, in less than two months I would be broke if I didn't find another job. Neon Haze's owner was powerful enough to have me blacklisted as a bouncer throughout the city if he wanted. I'd have to go back to being a paramedic, working long hours for shit pay and dealing with ungrateful people. I wouldn't have time for a long-distance relationship.

When Jax reappeared wearing a crisp white polo and a pair of golf shorts, I forgot all about the future. I wanted to spend this moment, right now, with this man.

"Now I feel a little underdressed. You look like you belong at the country club."

He laughed. "Nah. You look fine for the zoo. At least I'm not wearing two-day-old blood on my clothes."

"True." I offered him my arm as we waited for the elevator to arrive. I hit the button for the second-floor parking ramp, and he looked at me funny. "You have a car?"