She opened her eyes and crinkled her nose. “I’m pretty sure I look like a drowned rat at the moment.” Though he looked irresistibly sexy with his dark hair clinging to his face and neck and water dripping from the strong contours of his jaw to trickle down his throat and broad, muscular chest.

He shook his head. “I want you.”



In that case, she couldn’t resist leaning close to lick the water from his collarbone or kissing a trail up his neck. She always wanted him as well.

One of his hands squeezed her breast while the other worked its way beneath the fabric of her bikini bottoms. His fingers were cool against her heat. With a few rapid strokes against her clit, he had her wet and moaning. She fumbled with his shorts to free his cock and took a moment to appreciate the silky skin that covered the length of his hard shaft. With his continued teasing of her clit, her own need took precedence, and she tugged him forward, lifting her leg and nudging her bikini bottoms aside to direct him into her. He needed no further encouragement. Steve grabbed her ass to lift her higher, leveraging her back against the tree so he could thrust deep.

Her heart pounded furiously as he began to move, his strokes as frenzied and wild as the storm raging against the trees above. His fingers dug into her ass, and she wrapped her legs around his hips. The tree against her back was hard and unyielding as his body drove into hers again and again.

“Oh God. Oh God,” she cried as he pushed her closer and closer to her peak.

“Steve,” he corrected with a soft chuckle in her ear. “I can’t take credit for all existence.”

At that moment, she was pretty sure he could. “Oh, oh G— Steve. I’m coming. Don’t stop.”

She shattered, her body shaking and arching as she claimed her release.

“Ah fuck, baby. I’m done too.” Steve groaned and buried his face against her throat as he shuddered in bliss.

Roux relaxed against the tree, clinging to Steve’s shoulders and squeezing his hips with her legs as she tried to catch her breath.

“I’m never going to achieve my goal of making you come three times if I keep losing control like that,” he said.

She grinned, loving that she made him lose control. “I’m rather fond of the simultaneous orgasm thing,” she said, noticing that the rain had stopped, and the wind had settled down.

“We’re becoming experts at that,” he said.

He shifted her away from the tree, and she winced as air brushed against her back. She was sure she’d have scratches for days, reminders of him after they parted. Would he really be able to wait for her for three months? Not that he’d promised not to be with other women during that time. At the thought, her chest squeezed in agony.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked, stroking her forehead.

“Not yet,” she whispered, breathing through her emotions.

He smirked. “Do you want me to?”

“Not especially.”

“Good,” he said. “Because I don’t think I’m capable of it.”

She was certain he was.


Roux had to admit that the beach was far nicer than the jungle. The cool breeze made the heat pleasant rather than unbearable, and Steve had decided to do a little offshore fishing in the nude, which made the view spectacular. She didn’t even care that they had yet to spot a sea turtle. She sat in the shade to protect her fair skin and pretended to read a paperback she’d found in the beach house. But the flexing of certain back and butt muscles each time Steve cast his line was far too distracting to allow her to comprehend a word she read. Her gaze kept drifting out to the waves and the unexpected center of her universe standing bare-assed for her enjoyment. Feeling bolder than usual, she removed her cover-up, and then, after a few moments’ hesitation, her bikini top. She’d never felt sunshine on her bare breasts before, so she ventured from under the shade tree to sit closer to the shore.

Steve snagged another fish and reeled it in. Now that she was closer, the view was even more spectacular. Who knew fishing could be such an entertaining spectator sport? He turned to show her the size of his prize—and she caught a glimpse of the size of his package—and he immediately dropped the fish back into the water. The size of his package grew.

“Did you put sunscreen on your pretty pink nipples?” he asked.

She laughed, not sure if she should be offended that he was able to worry about something like sunscreen when she was sitting topless on the beach or touched that he was concerned for her well-being.

“I figured they wouldn’t be exposed for long,” she said. “Not when your mouth is empty.”

“Good point.” He grabbed the bucket of fish sitting in the waves and carried that and his pole toward shore. His other pole was standing at full rigid attention. Roux’s mouth watered, but she played it cool, closing her eyes, tossing her hair back and arching her back to show off her bare breasts. She felt daring and liberated and beautiful. Those were not things she felt often and certainly never all at once.

Cool water dripped on her foot, and a shadow blocked the heat of the sun from her body. Her nipples hardened as if they knew Steve was admiring them.

“I wonder if anyone would notice if we stayed here forever,” Steve said quietly.

She opened her eyes, thankful for the sunglasses that kept her vision clear. His cock was at eye level, and any thoughts she’d had about the length of forever scattered on the breeze.

“Come on my tits,” she said, squeezing her thighs together as the image of him doing it entertained her thoughts. “Right here. Right now.”

His naughty grin had her rocking her pussy against the sand. “I can’t do that on demand,” he said. “I’ll need a little help.”

“You can’t help yourself?” Because if he kept looking at her like he wanted to devour her, she was going to have to help herself real soon.

“It’s been a while,” he said, one hand moving to circle his cock. “Two weeks to be exact. But I think I remember how.”

When his grip tightened around his shaft, her entire body spasmed with longing. She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he stroked himself, and she could almost feel him inside her, thrusting into her with that same rhythm. She thought the anticipation and longing were almost as good as being fucked, until his breath quickened with excitement. Then she decided this was a total waste of cum.

“Wait,” she said.

She tugged his hand away from his cock. She placed a gentle kiss on its tip, her tongue snaking out to flick against a small freckle that decorated his skin just beneath his rim. Steve’s breath came out in a huff


“I changed my mind.”

“That’s not very nice.”

“I want to ride you.”

She glanced up to catch his wide grin. “I take it back. That’s much nicer than doing this manually.”

She tugged his arm gently, and he dropped to his knees beside her, cupping her face with both hands and kissing her gently.

“I still want you to come on my tits,” she said, shoving at his solid shoulder to coax him onto his back. “Don’t come inside me this time.”

He groaned. “But I love coming inside you.”

She grinned and slipped off her bikini bottoms. “I love it too.”

“Careful not to get sand between us. It chafes like a bitch.”

She stepped away from him and brushed the sand off her butt and thighs, and then straddled him. “You put it in,” she said. “I have sand on my hand.”

“I must say, I like this bossy side of you, Red.”

“I like all sides of you,” she said, her heart hammering at admitting something so binding. She pressed the bullet dangling from her bracelet into her belly to soothe her suddenly jumbled emotions.

“I like all sides of you as well.” His tip nudged her opening, and she shifted to accept him inside her. “More than like.”

“I more than like you too.”

He laughed, his eyes bright. He looked blissfully happy.

She sucked a breath through her teeth as she slowly lowered over him. Damn, she was tender. How many times had he been inside her in the past twenty-four hours? A dozen? Still she wanted more.

He moved his hands to her hips, pulling her down as he thrust up to penetrate her fully.

She placed her palms on his chest, the bullet on her bracelet between her flesh and his. He didn’t complain about the discomfort. He covered that hand with his and pressed down as if he wanted that little bit of metal that had nearly ended her life to brand him permanently.

“I more than like you so much,” he whispered. “I thought feeling this strongly about a woman would be terrifying, but it’s a relief and a joy.”

“Shut up before you say too much,” she said. “This is a frivolous weekend affair, remember?” But she knew it was so much more than that as she began to rise and fall over him. He had her heart, and she knew it. He also gave her hope that she could one day have his.