“Like having simultaneous orgasms?”

“Exactly like that.”

She quirked an eyebrow. “Obviously not.”

“Well, you’re about to,” he said.

Doubtful. She’d already managed two explosive orgasms. He didn’t really think she was capable of a third, did he? Before she could even form a snarky comeback, he began to thrust. The shift in position had the head of his cock rubbing hard against her front wall. She gasped in surprise as an unfamiliar pleasurable sensation rocked through her pussy. That might not have been enough to send her flying on its own, but then his thumb began to massage her clit and within seconds she was thrashing in torment as he brought her to another peak.

“Yes,” she cried out. “Yes!”

She shattered, and he followed her over the edge. His hands shifted to her hips, pulling her hard onto his cock as he pushed into her.

“Oh God,” he groaned, his entire body quaking. He pulled out a couple of inches, but pressed balls deep again, still shuddering. “Mmm.” He pulled out all the way, and she felt a spurt of cum against her opening before he thrust into her one last time.

With a whoosh of breath, he shifted his legs out behind himself again and collapsed on top of her, squeezing her so tightly she could scarcely breathe. But she didn’t mind. She hugged him even closer.

They lay intertwined, breathing raggedly, for a long while.

Roux drifted in and out of sleep, not sure how much time had passed when the intercom crackled and startled her to full alertness.

Jordan announced, “We’ll be landing in about an hour. The persistent fasten-seat-belt sign is your punishment for making us late, Aimes. We have clear skies all around, and there’s a magnificent sunset forming off the right wing.”

Steve lifted his body off Roux’s and peered out the window over the back of the sofa. “She’s right,” he said. “You need to see this. It’s spectacular.”

She stared up at him, her heart pounding at his gorgeousness. “It sure is.”

He grinned when he recognized that she was staring at him and not at anything as mundane as a sunset. “So we’ve accomplished multiple orgasms and simultaneous orgasms this afternoon,” he said, settling over top of her with his weight supported on his elbows. “What should we tackle next?”

He stroked her hair from her face and kissed her brow. She melted into the sofa and released a contented sigh.

She had no idea what came next, but whatever it was, she was confident that he could deliver and that she’d enjoy both the journey and the ride.


It was nearly dark when the plane made its final approach toward the landing strip on the small, tree-covered island—an island that Dare claimed was shaped like a guitar, but which Steve thought looked more like a dick and balls. The main portion was rounded at the bottom and roughly oval-shaped, with a long peninsula that extended far out into the sea. There were even a few rocks jutting up from the ocean at the tip of the peninsula, which could be construed as drops of jizz, but Steve had discovered long ago that Dare didn’t think owning a dick-shaped island was funny in the least. It was a guitar, damn it. So Logan and Steve joked about Dick Island behind Dare’s back, but never to his face.

“What does the island look like to you?” Steve asked Roux, who was sitting next to the window and gazing outside with a flush of excitement on her fair face. The woman was an absolute goddess.

“A tropical paradise.”

“I mean its shape. Does it remind you of anything?”

She nibbled her lip and then said, “A baby rattle.”

“What?” He stretched over her to point. “The long part is obviously a dick and the round part is the balls.”

“Those would be some huge balls and a disappointingly thin dick,” she countered.

True. He was glad his junk wasn’t shaped like that, but still . . . “It doesn’t look anything like a guitar, right?”

She tilted her head, giving the rapidly enlarging island another look. “About as much as it looks like a dick and balls. It’s a baby rattle.”

“Do babies even play with rattles anymore?”

“Or it could be a spoon.” She looked at him with wide eyes, as if seeking approval.

He still thought it looked like a dick and balls, but said, “Yeah, I can see that.” He stroked a silky lock of her hair, realizing that he had an unquenchable need to touch her hair as much as possible as well as to touch her lovely face and the rest of her. God, the woman was deep under his skin. He leaned in for a kiss, but the plane touched down and they bumped foreheads.

“I don’t know about you,” he said, rubbing the spot on his head with one hand and the one on hers with the other, “but I’m ready to get the fuck off this plane for a couple of days.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “I had a pretty good time on this plane.”

“Just pretty good?”

“Best time of my life.”

She gifted him with that sexy little smile of hers. As usual, it made his balls tighten.

“But somehow, I think we’re going to top it.”

He squeezed her hand. “Count on it.”, He’d usually heap on the island fun by getting plastered and high and then dance naked on the beach until he passed out, but with exception of naked beach time, that scenario held absolutely no appeal to him when he was with Roux. He couldn’t decide if the sudden shift in his idea of fun was a good thing or a bad thing. He had his notorious rock star reputation to uphold. But not here with her. Here with her he could be anything he wanted to be. Even lame.

There were two main dwellings on the island and a caretaker’s cabin. They left the air crew of two to enjoy their weekend at the larger, more luxurious house near the landing strip that ran the length of the peninsula. He and Roux climbed aboard one of the sports quads to make their way to the smaller, more secluded beach house that could be reached only by driving through the jungle or by boat. The small headlights cut through the darkness to guide them on a path that was difficult to navigate even in the daytime. The underbrush had a way of overgrowing and blocking the narrow road within days of it being cleared. Steve guessed that the day’s notice he’d given to Dare hadn’t been enough time to alert the island’s caretaker to cut back the brush.

“Are there monkeys in this jungle?” Roux asked excitedly as she peered into the dark under-canopy around them.

Normally Steve would have the vehicle at full throttle and be barreling through the underbrush in pursuit of Logan, who was a total adrenaline junkie. But he took it slow, concerned for Roux’s safety. He’d never realized jungle underbrush could put him in a romantic mood, or maybe it was the feel of her hands on his waist and her warmth at his back that had him considering their surroundings as something other than a nuisance blocking his way to the beach. The eerie call of some night creature piqued his curiosity rather than making him want to get out of the foliage as soon as possible.

“Monkeys? I don’t think so,” he said. “Birds maybe. We can explore in the daylight and see what we can find.”

“I thought you’d been here before.”

“I have,” he said, suddenly feeling embarrassed by his total disregard for the potentially amazing wildlife on the island. All he’d ever cared about before was that the bar was well stocked and that no one complained about how loudly he blared the music on the beach. “I just stuck to the beach. Never ventured too far into the trees.” At least not at a rate of speed that he’d have been able to see anything but a furry blur.

Roux slapped herself hard, and he jumped.

“Well, there are definitely mosquitoes on this island. Do I need to worry about malaria?” she asked, slapping herself a second time.

“I hope not. I’ll go a little faster so the thirsty buggers can’t catch us. Hold on.”


arms tightened around his waist, and he decided his going fast with her was the best decision he’d ever made—and he wasn’t thinking about the speed of the ATV.

A few minutes later, he pulled to a halt under the beach house—between its sturdy stilts—and a motion sensor switched on the security lights.

“Oh my,” Roux said, peering up at the underside of the tiny cottage. “What a charming little house.”

He wasn’t sure how she could tell from this vantage, but it truly was cute and cozy. Painted blue with white trim, it had a nautical theme inside and out.

“This cottage was original to the island when Dare bought it,” Steve said, sliding off the ATV. “He added the landing strip and the ridiculously expensive mansion-type house at the base of the dick after he bought it.”

“It’s not a dick, it’s a spoon handle,” Roux corrected with a grin.

He sighed and shook his head. “You’re too sweet for your own good, Red.” But he was okay with that, because her nature drew out qualities in him that he’d forgotten he possessed, and she was wonderful to be around. He couldn’t imagine a single day in his future without her in it.

She slapped her neck. “Apparently the mosquitoes agree.”

“Let’s hurry inside before your sweetness attracts a swarm.”

Feeling unabashedly chivalrous, he scooped her off the quad and into his arms. He carried her to the open-backed wooden stairs that led to the deck that faced the ocean. The warm onshore breeze stirred her hair against his face and was a welcome relief after the cloying heat of the jungle. It was also an effective mosquito deterrent. Roux wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him, breathing deeply.

“I figured I’d have to get throwing-up-in-a-bucket drunk to experience this for myself,” she said.

He puzzled over her words until he remembered that he’d carried her friend Azura to their hotel room the night of the after-party. He also remembered having to jack off that night for the first time in years because Roux had left him with a raging hard-on and no desire to seek alternate pussy for relief. “No drinking required. I’ll carry you anywhere you want to go.”