If she had to, Gianna was going to be the one to do just that.
But the next day, nothing further happened on the international front. Nothing yet seemed to be escalating. And so, training continued as usual for Top Flight. Gianna’s frustration rose a notch because, to her, it looked like no plans to save her island friends were underway.
She slipped a helmet over her face and adjusted the mask. She much preferred her own equipment, but she hadn’t had her own fitted mask or uniform since her own days flying.
Once again sitting in the pilot seat of a plane, she couldn’t stop her smile. They inspected the instrument panels and did the requisite tests before flight.
Then they sat ready to give the go-ahead signal. She breathed in twice.
“You ready for this, Blaze?”
“Thanks for being my copilot.”
“Are you still mad at me?”
The quiet hope in his voice melted some of her resistance to him. But it would do neither of them any good to pursue anything more. Still, as much as he’d proven their incompatibility, she could not stay mad at him. “No.”
As they hovered once again high in the air, quiet and untouched by anything, she breathed out as a great peace filled her.
“Are we just going to sort of float here or really fly?”
A giggle rose up inside. “Oh, we’re going to fly.” She pulled back and sent them soaring into the air, ever higher.
“WOOOO!” His shout made her laugh. She spun the plane in an easy turn and then dipped down to dive. He shouted the whole way, and it made her smile.
When she levelled out again, she moved to the area where they were all to meet.
He fastened his mask. “As soon as the others join us, their task will be to hunt us down. They don’t know it, but we will be picking them off one by one as well. Omar will join us from behind.”
“Oh that is so evil of you.”
“It’s the only way to prepare them.”
“And now you sound like Cobra.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.
“Yeah, she was the best.”
“She said the same about you.”
“I know.” The woman had given her the best recommendation she could have. She had wanted her to return and teach other pilots.
“You would be excellent.”
“I don’t know.”
“Just ask your new puppy.” His tone was so disgusted and laced with insecure jealousy, she had to tease him just a little.
“What! Are you talking about Rocky?” She clucked.
“Just because the guy is a little sensitive. That’s appealing to a woman, you know.”
“Appealing? Having to talk a guy down off a ledge, a guy who’s in a billion-dollar plane?”
She bit back her laugh. “Right. He’s not afraid to show emotion.” She coughed. “Or to listen to a woman, talk to her. Oh, or how about this, probably wouldn’t just take off without discussing his plans with her.” She was irritated all over again.