“You too, Henry. You too. Your son is doing great things over in the Pacific.”
“I’m happy to hear that. I know he’s grateful for the chance.”
Her father held up his hands. “That has nothing to do with me. He created his own opportunities with this company. Top Flight is building a name for itself, all over the globe.”
“We are proud of our efforts. Right now we have four teams either on missions or planning them.”
“Well…” Dex’s dad leaned down to peer in at Gianna. ”It’s wonderful to see you safe and sound.”
“Thank you, sir. I’m happy to be here. I’d love to give you an update on the schools and their latest efforts to be self-sustaining.”
“I look forward to hearing it and to hear what you come up with now that you’re back in town. I assume you’ll join your meetings.”
“Yes. You’re welcome to join us. I’ll send our schedule and agendas to you.”
“I would appreciate that.” His smile and concern seemed sincere. And she was filled with a sense of home. All her childhood days, running through his house and back to hers, came back to her. She laughed. “Who’d have thought that our early days would lead to so much good going on in the world.”
Her dad surprised her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “You two were such mischievous kids.”
“And smart. Wow, you outsmarted us at every turn.”
“Here we were, just out of law school, buying these homes we couldn’t yet afford, thinking we knew something about the world.”
“Just to be outsmarted by a couple of five-year-olds.” Dex’s dad shook his head.
“We should have known then the kind of trouble they would get in later.”
They all laughed for a minute and then her dad shook his head. “No. That’s funny. But really, they’re a couple of heroes. Active duty, then serving all over the world. I couldn’t be more proud.” He stepped back toward the car door. “Except when I want to send a special ops team to bring them home from halfway across the world. Then I’m less proud and more…”
“Worried.” Dex’s dad winked.
Her father grunted and told their driver to carry on down the street to the West home.
She laid her head on her dad’s shoulder. “Thanks, Daddy. Sorry you were worried.”
He didn’t speak, but his lips on the top of her head said everything.
Then as they pulled up to the house, he said, “Remember this moment when I have to make some tough decisions in the coming weeks.”
Chapter 12
Dex called Gianna as soon as he woke up, but his call went directly to voicemail. So he took his run by himself. As he ran up and down the wooded streets of his home, he smiled. Everywhere he looked he saw Gianna. Climbing a tree, lugging a huge log, shooting pellets. He laughed as he remembered the frog she used to carry around. She’d found it in the creek at the bottom of the hill and named it Fred. But it didn’t survive long being constantly in her pocket.
He pushed harder and faster. Why was he torturing himself? Why was he trying to rekindle anything with Gi? Their lives were going in different directions. He would never give up Top Flight. It was important. They were doing good. And she wasn’t about to stop caring about the poor children in the world.
His thighs burned as his feet pressed into the pavement. But Gianna was a part of who he was. She was a part of his home. A part of most of his memories. He could no sooner give up Gianna than he could his own past. He clenched his teeth, his breath coming harder. So he opened his mouth, gasping.
Would he have to one day watch while she married another?
His pace picked up. He raced the last stretch home as though he could chase the hopelessness of his situation away.
But it stayed with him, one step ahead.
When he thought his whole body would incinerate in flames, Gi stepped out into his path. “Hey, run with me.”
He gulped in his breath, but it was no use. He was breathing pretty hard.
“Whoa, are you okay?” She watched him.