Colton saluted and tossed him a rope.
Dex pulled them over to the side of the boat and Gianna climbed up the ladder first. Dex shouldered his own gear and followed up after her. With one final look over his shoulder, they left their precious gift behind. He hoped that somehow someone in need would be able to use it next. And he vowed to help the people on Panau in gratitude.
Once on deck, he shoulder-hugged Colton. “You remember Gianna?”
“Hey, Colton.” She held out her fist.
“Good to see you, Gi.”
The boat turned and raced back in the direction it had come.
“Where we going?”
“I’ll bring you up to speed.” He waved them inside.
“You have a plane here for your use.” Colton’s gaze flicked from Gi to Dex and back.
“Amanda and Ridley?”
“With their teams. I’ll be heading back to mine in the morning.”
He nodded. He couldn’t look at Gi. He wasn’t sure what she wanted. And he had to move forward with business as usual for a minute. But he wished he had a second to talk to her. This had the makings of the last time they were together, and he didn’t want a repeat. “Thanks, Fly.”
“Of course. Now, you ready to see the damage?”
He reached for Gianna’s hand, which she let him take. A good sign.
“Let’s have it.”
Colton lit up screens at one end of the room. Mostly news pundits with images of planes flying over the islands, the leader of Mantuk, and strings of islands with a Mantukese flag over the map. And then Gi’s father came on the screen. General West, secretary of defense. Gianna tensed. His audio was turned on. “We will not desert the people of the Pacific Oceanic Alliance. But correct protocol must be followed. Our number one priority has and always will be our own citizens. Once they are cleared of the area and finished interfering with a peacekeeping mission already in place…”
Gianna huffed.
Her father continued talking, saying politically neutral phrases, making no promises, and giving no real direction. But Dex suspected the general would be much more motivated by the powers at play than about helping the villagers of Panau.
Colton debriefed him on the situation. Mantuk had taken over most of the Pacific Islands in a bold move to assert the spread of their power. Military operations had been strengthened in Tandora, and the US government had been reaching out to Ivy, asking for support in their efforts.
The Pacific Oceanic Alliance wanted to start maneuvers to force the Mantukese out of their waters. They were seeking allies among the powers and pressuring the US to honor their agreements and treaties.
Basically it was one big mess. And all Dex wanted to do was take Gianna back to the village. Life was simpler when they’d been building the structure for the orphanage.
Gi sighed. “We heard some news of the Mantukese being aware of me or Dex on Panau.”
“That’s the other news.” Colton clicked his remote. A press conference came up on the screen, this time Dex’s father. “The United States is doing everything it can to bring home all our citizens. But we have a deep compassion and love for the people on the islands, who this will impact the most. We strongly encourage aid to this population to continue. And, if at all possible, assistance to those on the ground working for them.” A video of Gianna came up. She sucked in her breath. And Dex frowned. His dad didn’t come out and say her name, but people would soon know who it was. And General West would see it for what his father meant it to be, pressure to assist his own daughter.
Gianna’s eyes were drawn together. But she lifted a hand in the air. “Politicizing everything as usual.”
He nodded. But he watched her. Should he apologize? Were they past letting the actions of their fathers get in the way?
Colton muted the sound. “I think you get the gist. We’re getting some serious pressure to shut down our assistance to the Pacific Alliance. And you two are obviously getting serious pressure about more than that.” He eyed Dex. “Your call.”
“No way am I backing away from the Alliance.”
Gianna nodded at his side.
“They’re our client. We are a politically neutral organization…sort of…and I also agree with helping the islands help themselves.”
“Then off to Tandora?” Gi stood closer.