Page 21 of Ace

He was quiet for so long, she thought she’d overstepped. But she let him think and just waited.

“You’re right. Part of the reason I jumped was to do good by Panau who I let down all those years ago.”

She nodded. And because the moment was so nice, she didn’t push the topic further into how he’d let her down, even though it was a natural segue and he was probably thinking the same thoughts. “Okay, your turn. Tell me my favorite takeout.”

“What? Piece of cake. You like Easy Salad. You’ll eat that every day, but your secret guilty pleasure is Noodle Heaven.”

She grinned.

“I’m right, aren’t I? If someone brings you Noodle Heaven, it doesn’t matter what time of day or night, you’ll eat the whole thing.”

“You’re right! Still true. I haven’t had either of those in too long.”

“Well, let’s get you some. First thing we do when we’re back in DC.”

“Do you think we’re going back to DC?”

He shifted. “I’m not sure. I have to talk with the team, but that might be the best move for now. I’ve caused a bit of a situation. And if we want to do anything to help the villagers, that’s the best place to start.”

He was right. But she didn’t want to go too far. Not yet. She’d feel better if she was still in the Pacific Islands area for a while.

“Okay, now it’s my turn again. What’s the worst case I ever had to deal with as a JAG?”

“The one I dug you out of.” She smirked. “The one where you were trying to defend that poor woman by thinking like a man.”

“The very one.” He hugged her closer, and she loved every minute, unashamedly.

“What is my favorite thing to do in a rainstorm?”

“Run in it.”

“Right. And mine?”

“Curl up in a ball shivering.”

“Do I like nuggets or the sandwich?”

“Sandwich, and two or three of them.”

“What did you hide in our time capsule secret wishes box?”

She shifted, not wanting to tell him. Then she turned. “Hey, that’s unfair. You’re supposed to ask me questions aboutyou.And besides, that’s meant to be a secret. Until we open it up.”

“That happens this year.” His voice was quiet.

“You’re right. I’d forgotten all about it, honestly.”

They were quiet for a moment. Years ago, they’d created a time capsule together. Their high school was having them make one at school, and they had thought it would be fun to do their own. At the time, she honestly never thought they’d open it. She’d assumed it would be lost. But unless the Callisons had torn down their tree fort in the backyard, it was probably still there, around twenty years later, in a secret compartment they’d made. She was a bit mortified by her declarations of love for Dex. She said nothing, kind of hoping the whole thing would be forgotten.

It was now as dark as night got. Stars twinkled at them, but no moon had risen to light anything else.

“I think I’ll check my phone coordinates to make sure it’s still sending.”

A nervous ball grew in her stomach. They had some supplies, but being exposed in open water during the day would be far worse than at night.

The thump of helicopter blades sounded in the distance.

“Oh, that’s good news, right?”