Page 11 of Ace

Understanding lit his expression. “Ah, no wonder. I got a message flying over that you were spotted and had been communicating with allied forces.”

“But what will I tell the villagers? I feel terrible.”

“Tell them you’re out fighting for their peace.”

Oh, he knew just what to say. She narrowed her eyes. “That smooth lie just rolled off your tongue.”

“That was no lie. Don’t you think you will do exactly that?”

She bit back all accusations about how he had not done any of the things they’d dreamed about during their time as JAGs. Instead she just nodded. “You’re right. So where’s the pickup point?”

He looked away.

“There’s no pickup point?” She studied him. “What is this? Are you here alone?” She couldn’t believe he’d done something so daft as to land down here by himself.

“Yeah, it was a last-minute choice. But they know what I did, where I am. It’s just a matter of reaching them by radio, I would think.”

“Except my signal has been blocked. I finally got some emails out at the café earlier. But it’s not like you can just start walking around to public places.”

He pulled his sack off his back, wincing. “Let’s give it a try.” His radio in hand, he turned it on and switched channels. Then he reached one where a women’s voice was talking. “Ace, I repeat, Ace, are you out there?”

He winked at Gianna. “Ivy, I’m here.”

“Dex! Oh, Dex!” She sounded frantic, and Gianna wondered just how close this Ivy person was to Dex.

“I landed. I’ve assessed the situation. Will need an extraction first thing in the morning.”

The pause felt long and thick. “Uh, that’s a negative, Ace.”

“What? Ivy, I need an extraction. We will be at the northwest tip of the island—”

“Dex Callison, this is Commander Wilkins. What do you think you’re doing?”

“I became aware of an American down here in the middle of all this mess, and I wanted to check on the children.”

“Wanted to…” The man clicked off his radio for a moment. And Gianna’s hut went silent.

Then the crackle started up again and made Gianna jump.

“That’s a negative, Dex. You not only broke several international laws, but you are in breach of contract with the Pacific Alliance.”

“I am not in breach. I have a team in place who will carry out our agreement with you. In fact, you are in a unique situation where we can consult in a live manner. And your first exercise can be how to extract a team member from enemy water.”

“I’m not amused.”

“I don’t suggest that you are, sir, Commander, with all due respect.”

“No. I don’t want to hear it. What you did was selfish, plain and simple, and I’m of a mind to let you rot there with your girlfriend.”

Gianna sucked in a breath.

But Dex waved his hand and shook his head to her, perhaps hoping to ease the awkwardness, but really it only increased her discomfort. No need to deny a relationship quite so emphatically, honestly. She wanted to step out of the hut and take a walk. But she was stuck, waiting to hear how Dex talked himself out of what was apparently a reckless rogue move. Had he not changed one bit since they were kids?

After what Gianna thought was an overly long and mostly unnecessary conversation, he turned off his radio, leaned his head back, and sighed. “You heard.”

“So they aren’t coming? At all?”

“I’m not sure. I think once the Pacific Alliance Commander cools off a little bit and your father lays on some heat, things might change, but until then, we might be here for a while.”