“What are you gonna sing at the show tomorrow?” Maverick toyed with her ponytail.

“Do you wanna hear that?”

“I know I do.” Mama wrapped a blanket around her shoulders even though the night air was warm.

Then Bailey broke out a fun, fast-paced honky-tonk song. Everyone was clapping, and the twins got up and danced in a circle. She entertained them for another hour, and Maverick loved hearing the sound of her voice again.

Her face was shining, and he could see what he’d only noticed now that they were older. Singing filled her with life. Something about using her voice like this made Bailey more who she was. And he loved to see it. A part of him promised that one day he’d help her reach her dream.

The next morning, they all got dressed in their rodeo costumes. Maverick wore his signature champion outfit from their county rodeo. Bailey wore her costume from her barrel racing days. Even Gracie Faith had a new costume. It looked the same as Bailey’s but with a bright pink star.

She was thrilled, twirling around in her little skirt over and over. Her little boots had matching pink stars. Her hat was trimmed in pink. And Nash the pig had a bright pink bow. “They’re gonna take off the bow before we show him though. It’s not allowed.” She stood up straight and tall, and Maverick couldn’t be prouder.

“Now, you’re ready?” he asked.

“I’m ready.”

He nodded. “Good girl. Your group is first, you know.”

They made their way to the Dawson Ranch box seats. Everyone around them was buzzing with excitement.

Maverick heard Bailey ask Dylan, “Do you think anyone will come?”

“Oh, they’ll come. If only just to see him.” Dylan pointed at Maverick.

Maverick was happy he’d been practicing. As the arena filled up, he knew he was gonna need to rely on some of that practice.

The emcee announced the clowns from Willow Creek and then their sponsors.

Maverick stood and led Gracie down the stairs. “You’re on in just a minute.”

He laughed at the bounce in her step, and as they passed a group of boys, he held back his grin at her little nose that went up in the air. She looked back over her shoulder to see if they were still watching. They were, and her cheeks blushed red.

“Now, Gracie. We need to be concentrating.”

She went to Nash the pig’s stall and called to him. He came prancing over like he was born to follow her every wish.

“You’re gonna blow this whole thing outta the water, little darling.”

“Nash is such a smart pig. Thank you for teaching me, Maverick.”

“You’re welcome. Now get out there and show them what you and Nash can do.”

The announcer began the Willow Creek 4-H program introductions, and Maverick and Gracie Faith moved over to the entrance, joining the other young people in their group. Maverick grinned like any father would, watching Gracie do all of the required tasks with exactness. When it was her turn to walk Nash in front of the judges, she was careful to nod and smile at them like he told her to. She paused longer than the others before her turns, and she was in all respects the absolute best kid out there.

The crowd went crazy when they were done, and the announcer explained what the 4-H program was and what these kids did. “And now the judges are tallying their scores. We will announce the winners in just a moment…we have it, folks. We have our winners.” Grace held his hand, the tightness of her grip telling Maverick just how much she wanted to win.

He couldn’t blame her.

He held his breath as third place and second place were announced.

“And now, for the winner of the gold medal. Gracie Faith Hempstead from Dawson Ranch!”

The crowd went crazy. He could hear his brothers and Bailey in the stands. Gracie jumped up and down and squeezed him around the leg. “I can’t believe it!”

“The contestants can come get their prize ribbons at the ribbon desk. For the first-place winners, we’ll have a ribbon ceremony at the end of the show.”

Their group went crazy again at that announcement. And Gracie and Maverick high-fived each other. Then he said, “That’s a lot of love you got up there.”