He approached, swallowed twice, flexed his fingers and finally, after she tilted her head and said, “Hello.” Did he regain function of his vocal box. “You look amazing.”
She dipped her head. “Thank you.” The hint of pink on her cheeks emboldened him more and he held out his gifts. “I brought you something.”
“Oh, thank you. Come in for a minute. Let’s see what this is.”
He followed her back into her room and was gratified to see several outfits laying over her couch and shoes strewn everywhere.
She followed his gaze and then laughed. “You know me. I can never pick an outfit.” Her eyes sought his, a silent question he knew he could answer. He stepped closer. “Of all the dresses you’ve ever worn, this is my favorite. No one will be able to look away.”
“Well, I’m only concerned with keeping one man’s attention tonight.”
He ran a finger along the top of her shoulder. “If I’m the lucky one to deserve such a distinction, you’ve got me at first glance. I couldn’t look away if I needed to. I’m not sure how you do it.”
“Do what?”
“Go from tree climbing, waterski champ to this stunning work of feminine power.”
She laughed. “And now I might start to doubt your sincerity.”
He shrugged. He meant every word, but he needed to tone it back anyway, no sense scaring her off before they even had a chance. “Open your gift.”
She lifted a small box out of the gift bag. “What is it?” Her smile of expectation meant more to him than he expected it to. She lifted the white lid and then gasped. She looked up to him with shining eyes. “This is stunning.”
“I noticed we didn’t have many jewels in the treasure box. Didn’t you always want to find a Blue stone?”
She lifted the delicate chain, the deep, rich sapphire blue sparkled in the light. “Can you?” She turned and handed him the chain.
He concentrated so he could open the clasp and then lowered it on her neck. It sat right where he hoped, in the small dip below her throat. He let his fingers slide along her skin as he fastened the chain, gratified to see the rise of beautiful goose bumps everywhere his fingers touched.
She turned to face him. “Thank you. I don’t know what to say. It means so much coming from you.”
Her wide staring eyes, open to him, looked up into his face and were almost his undoing. But he worked to find his brain. “Maybe that’s what a date with you will be all about.”
“What do you mean?”
“Everything meaning so much more.” He reached a hand up and rested it at the side of her face. “See, I’ve never done that before.”
She shook her head. “No, you haven’t.” She teetered toward him for half a breath and then stepped back. “Unless you count the time you smeared pie all over me.”
He held out his arm. “I wondered if I would live to regret that day. Shall we?”
When she placed her hand on his arm, he felt taller, stronger, and more important than he ever had. How was such a thing possible? He didn’t know, but he led her down the hall and to the ballroom as though he escorted precious cargo.
As soon as they walked in the doorway, Rhett called out, “Brooks!! Skye!” And waved them over to a huge group of the princes and their dates.
“And, here we go.” Brooks had not anticipated the new dynamic of them on a date amidst all their friends and he was pretty sure it would end up being the same vibe as ever. “Save all dances for me. And a break in the middle, and after party.”
“Got it.”
He held up his hand, and they did their very subtle, very cool and adult-like version of their secret handshake. Then they were both swallowed up into their group of friends, the princes all over Skye and her dress, like they would a younger sister, but Brooks found himself eyeing hands and closeness like he never had before.
Donnovan, a particularly reckless prince from across the Mediterranean ran his hand along her upper back, making some kind of joke, but he caught Brooks’ eye and lifted his fingers immediately. Brooks nodded and Donnovan raised an eyebrow but backed away.
Brooks knew that’s all it would take for the word to spread. Did he want the guys all talking about him and Skye? He didn’t care as long as they kept their hands off her.
A voice interrupted in his earpiece. “Perimeter check, clear.”
They were worried someone would make a move. That tonight would lure people in to come search the place or do damage, or make some kind of statement.