“Okay!” She hurried down the hall to her room and closed the door. Why did he hesitate to tell her everything? Because it was dangerous. Because it was classified, because everyone who knew was burdened with the knowledge. With a heavy heart, he knew that at least some of that burden would now be hers. Because it was already hers, he reminded himself. The moment the spear brushed by her face, Brooks knew she could remain in complete ignorance no longer.
After his shower, he searched the closet secret hideaway he’d made when they were little. He smiled when it was still there. He didn’t know if the palace staff humored him or was truly in ignorance of his hidden box under the floorboards in the closet. He pulled out the rope. Then he moved to the balcony, tied it to the stone railing and let the rope dangle down below. He pocketed the cross and then held onto the rope while climbing backwards down to the floor below. When he ran out of balcony, he used the knots they’d tied and then dropped to her railing, jumping onto her balcony. She was in a bathrobe, her hair tied back in a towel and he regretted his impulsive move, but he turned his back to give her some privacy.
“You!” She raced out onto the balcony. “Will you always use the rope?”
He turned and kept his eyes away from the opened looseness of her robe. “Why would I not? Who wants to wander the halls for five minutes when I can just swing on down. Though.” He pointed to her robe. “Maybe I should announce myself first.”
Her face colored again. “Oh right, sorry. I’ll just be a minute.”
He turned from her again, staring out at their amazing view. The gardens stretched out in front of them for miles. They had horse riding fields and competition arenas, groves of fruit trees, rose gardens, a fabulous maze that the gardener used to change up now and then just to try and throw he and Skye off. Everything stretched out to their front all the way to the ocean. Which was blue and sparkly in the setting sun. he knew their own private beeches were watched, but as beautiful as the view was, the beach was their weakness in security. Anyone could sneak up there, especially in the dead of night and then have access to the property and eventually the family.
He smelled lemons and knew Skye was trying to scare him. She pounced on his back, climbing up for a piggy back ride. “Let’s go!” He knew she held her fist in the air like she always had.
“Where are we going fair maiden?”
“Why, to the fort, of course!”
He turned his head over his shoulder. “Really?”
“Sure, why not? Besides, no one will interrupt us there.”
“Good point. Okay, off we go!” He started to gallop with her on his back.
“Whoa pony, whoa.” She slid off.
“Okay, first of all, I am not a pony.”
“Oh right, stallion.”
“And what’s the matter? You don’t want to ride?”
“Walking will be just fine. This time.” She pointed to the rope. “We leaving that where it is?”
“Sure. Then they’ll all know I’m in house.”
“I’m pretty sure they already know.”
They made their way to the old tree in the back of the grove of figs. They climbed up inside, the sun giving them plenty of light still. Then they sat, side by side shoulders touching, while Brooks brought out the cross.
Skye ran her finger over the jewels again. “I think this is probably legit. I mean. It’s so old and been hidden so long, it has to be, right?”
“I think so too. And this, is what I need to talk to you about. This right here might be the whole reason we’re being chased.”
Her eyes widened, but she said nothing.
“It’s called the Cruz de Verdade.”
“The cross of truth?”
“How do you know what it is?”
“I’ve seen it before. In pictures. Just about every major religion in the world would love to get their hands on this cross.”
She reached for it, balancing it in her hands. “What else do you know about it? What are they after?”
“A DNA sample.”