A person with a hotel badge and a large camera stepped up to them. “Picture?”
“Sure.” They turned, and the camera clicked.
The guide joined them, taking names on his clipboard. “Carisa.”
She raised her hand. “Ah, the honeymoon couple.” He handed them each a lei. “Congratulations.”
The photographer returned. “Now we need a kiss for the camera.”
“Oh no.” Carisa’s face turned red and she waved them away.
“Oh, she is shy.” The cameraman laughed. “You have a shy bride.”
“It’s not that. No.” Carisa looked at Wyatt, her expression completely unsure.
“Oh, come here.” He couldn’t admit how excited he was for a guilt free reason to taste her lips. He pulled her into his arms.
She looked up into his face, her expression full of questions.
He winked and then looked at the camera. “You ready?”
The man held up the lens.
Wyatt took his time. He studied her face. She smiled in expectation. Then he tilted his head and lowered his mouth to hers. He knew he only had a moment, the briefest contact, but as soon as her felt her soft lips beneath his, he was lost. He kissed her once, as slowly as he could, then lingered just above her lips for another half second. Even though he parted as soon as was expected, he knew he would never be the same. Her soft response to his, the light in her eyes, the sense of energy and hope that flowed through him, he had never felt anything like her kiss in his life. And all he wanted to do was repeat the experience.
People around them clapped, and the cameraman was pleased. “Excellent kiss.” He handed them a ticket. “Instructions on where to download.”
Wyatt nodded. “Thank you.” And pocketed the ticket. He didn’t meet Carisa’s eyes. That kiss was a deal changer. Maybe. And he didn’t know what to do about it yet. All he did know was that his lips needed hers again, and soon.
Her fingers stayed laced with his and they listened as the guard explained their tour. They loaded the bus, still not meeting each other’s eyes. When they finally found their seats, Carisa turned to him. “Okay, out with it.”
His mouth opened in surprise. “What?”
“That kiss. What was that kiss?”
He was astounded she’d even bring it up.
“Don’t Uh me. That was something.” Her forehead wrinkled in adorable confusion, and a sparkle lit her eyes, as if she knew exactly what.
He shrugged. “I say we just go with it.”
“We just had a phenomenal kiss and, I don’t know about you, but if I have a phenomenal kiss, I go back for seconds.” He wiggled his eyebrows until she laughed and looked away.
She mumbled. “You’re something.”
“Good something, or bad something.”
“Definitely good something, but…” She waited so long he worried she forgot to finish her sentence.
He nudged her.
“But, I don’t know what to do about it.”
“Like I said, I say we go with it.”