“Of course.” He pocketed the device. Lucan was a huge believer in trackers. People always knowing where he was had saved his life and others around him.
After another hour going over security with their team, Lucan and Barlow were on good terms. Lucan even encouraged a smile from the man.
Barlow said, “You are famous, your highness, in the security circles. The system you have set up in Torren is remarkable if rumor is accurate.”
“Thank you.”
“I hope ours has met your high standard of approval. It was important to our Queen that it do so.” His eyes held a large amount of pride in what he had accomplished and rightfully so.
“I have never seen a system the like. You are to be commended.” He winked. “And I’ll tell her so.”
Barlow bowed his head. “Thank you.”
Lucan was escorted out of the security area and then left to entertain himself. He checked his phone. Three hours until dinner, the next time he would see Anna. Perhaps he could find where they were meeting and step in, see where he could lend a hand.
Chapter 11
Anna’s meetings dragged. What could possibly be so important about next year’s plans for Spanish agriculture? She knew it was important, but wasn’t sure why she should be involved. When the meeting was finally over, she texted her assistant. “I need a meeting with our board to discuss the best use of my time.”
Tradition was valuable in Spain, but some traditions could be let go, like the yearly reporting on the crops of Spain to her majesty. Perhaps she could honor the farmers another way.
She found herself searching the hallways for Lucan. He was there. In her home, where she had wanted him all these years. So many questions flew through her mind. How had he stepped away? Who was taking care of all his many projects? How had he left things at his own palace? She couldn’t believe he had at last given everything up for her. Feelings of guilt crept in.
Ferdinand placed a hand at her lower back as they walked to the next meeting.
She turned to him. “Ferd. I am so grateful you have come. To have you at my side for all of this has meant more to me than almost anything.”
His eyes twinged with sadness. “Almost anything. And I feel theAlmostpart of the anything has arrived, has he not?”
She hesitated and then nodded. “We need to see this through. There are many lingering questions.”
He stepped forward and placed a hand at the side of her face. “And what-ifs?”
“Yes. I’m sorry.”
“Say no more. Would you like me to stick around, continue work on the projects I have started?”
“Perhaps for the week, yes, but find a way to phase yourself out if you know what I mean?” She hated to say it. But it was the kindest approach, honesty.
He bowed. “I will inform mother also. Though she will regret having to return to our gardens as she has fallen in love…” He paused and looked wistfully into her face for a moment. “With yours.”
“Thank you, Ferdinand. You will always be welcome here.”
He leaned forward and kissed her cheek.
“Am I interrupting something cozy?” Lucan’s voice held a hint of humor and a hint of steel.
She turned to him, all smiles. All she wanted was to run away from everything and spend the day with him.
Ferdinand bowed. “Just our farewell. Good luck to you, Lucan. Take care.” His eyes held warning, and then he nodded his head and turned from them both.
As soon as he rounded the corner, Anna grabbed Lucan’s hand and tugged while she ran. “Let’s go, before they find me something else to do.”
He needed no further prodding, he was at her side running and laughing. “Excellent! Where are we going?”
“I’m not sure. Away.”
His grin turned mischievous. “Shall we see if we can outsmart Barlow?”