And there it was, the topic he could not discuss with her. Because no one could save the bay. People had carted away jars and jars of the plankton which would soon die in whatever other environment they would try to establish. He had seen many a YouTube video of people with the jars on their desktops, hoping for a personal bioluminescent.
He finished up the loose ends, letting Nico know the minister’s decision. They had just sent over a unified letter with their decision and he was in the process of conversing with the resort. Turns out, another piece of land on the commercial strip of the island, near all the other hotels, might work out just fine. Nico sat back in his seat. “I’m sorry for the collateral damage with all this.”
Daniel frowned. “That bay will never be the same.”
Nico shook his head. “I’m talking about Melodia, you dufus.” He picked up a pen and fiddled with it on his desk. “You know, for being the artistic brother, you are not very sensitive.”
“We’re a mess, brother. I’ve never been at odds with a person as much as I am with her.”
He chuckled. “And that’s part of it all. You care for her.”
“I do. But I’m having a hard time forgiving her. Every time I see the bay I will remember how she broke our trust. She said she would keep it a secret.”
“She did, true. But how often have you ever done something that needed forgiveness?”
“I know, Nico. But this is where I am. I don’t want to keep opening up the possibility with her, for it to slam shut again. Sometimes minutes after the opening.”
Nico raised his eyes to Daniel’s. “Would it help if I told you she was well on her way to saving the bay?”
Nico pushed a folder across the table.
Daniel stared at it before picking it up. Could she have found a way to save the bay? Was that really all that stood in the way of his pursuing her fully?
He picked up the paperwork and leafed through the details.Genius. Again. How could he have ever thought her anything else?
Chapter 13
Melodia took her turn down the runway. Her first appearance as the official model for her particular designer had gone well so far. Today was her biggest test. Several large buyers sat in the audience and of course, the designer himself, Giovanni.
Giovanni had called for her into his office and they met to strategize. She had never experienced anything so exhilarating in all of her modelling career. They talked about the best ways to accentuate the strengths of the dress, and when Melodia suggested emotion to match, Giovanni had been intrigued instead of dismissive. He asked her to try it on this runway walk. If she could create an emotional response from the buyers, she knew they had them.
It took all her concentration, especially once she stepped out and gasps sounded all around her, to maintain the emotion they were going for. The dress was bold, bright, and fun.
She was to engender charm and expectation and then hopeful surprise.
Each step flowed in front of the next without hardly a thought from her. She let her body go on autopilot as she concentrated on her expression. Once she reached the end of the ramp and she was to swivel, she would create her finale before walking back down the ramp and exiting the stage.
Everything was going exactly according to their discussed plans. She tried to block out the crowds, but their applause indicated the plan was working. Pleased, she compared this moment to the time her heel caught. Perhaps she could make a difference in this industry after all. As she approached the end of the ramp, a pair of green eyes caught her attention. Her gaze flickered over him, but her insides shook. What was Daniel doing here? He stood right at the end of the runway, right where she would make her final turns. She dared another flicker at him just as she made her first turn and she was to do her grand finale. He held a sign. “Beautiful.”
And she knew what he meant.
And she smiled. She was supposed to. At this moment, her body was to show pleased delight in her attire and she did; with each turn, her hope and happiness grew. She grinned. Her hands, her body hummed with energy. Daniel had come. And he thought her beautiful. All of her.
And the crowd cheered with extra exuberance. As if they too had been holding out in hopeful anticipation for her smiles and her happiness. Her suggestions to Giovanni had worked. Being involved in the planning and execution of her job was exhilarating, and the irony of this moment was hard to miss. She had to admit, in a different sort of way, her dad was right, her smiles would take her places.
As she exited the ramp, her team gathered around. “You were perfect!” The young girl who did her makeup this summer beamed up at her.
Melodia grinned. “We did it.”
They rushed her back to her dressing room, but they were stopped halfway by an out of breath aide. “Don’t change!” He paused to take great gasping breaths. “They want an encore.”
“What?” Melodia had never heard of such a thing.
“Yes! Only you. They want a repeat performance.”
She swallowed. And then grinned. “Ok!” She stood offstage, eyeing the runway, completely empty. The crowd of people filled each side of the walkway, heads peering down the long stretch of stage. The music still played. And one person stood at the end, with the same sign, eyes boring into hers.