Page 5 of The Duke's Brother

“But I’ll be back on the slopes with you guys by Thursday.”

“Ok, the after party then. The hot tub on third is the best. It’s where we decide what’s next for the evening.” Her sultry voice triggered something inside and the idea sounded appealing. At least the hot water jets pounding into tired muscles would be nice. He’d take it from there. “Hot tub it is.”

The Baldeez brothers, all princes, rivals and friends of the Valdez brothers showed up and the noise level and masculine competitive vibe amped up in the room. Tripp nodded to the girls and stepped back a couple steps.

Charlie Baldeez shouted. “Tripp! We gonna tear it up or what?”

Tripp knocked his outstretched fist. “You know it.”

They set up a heli trip together. He would miss the solitude but it was also much safer to go in small groups or pairs.

Charlie fist bumped every guy in turn and nodded to the ladies. “We can’t do off resort skiing every day, not with so much lovely company if you know what I mean. Wait ‘til you see J.C. She’s gonna put even you to shame, Tripp.”

“J.C.?” Tripp didn’t think he knew J.C. Everyone else seemed to know her.

Henry joined them. “Yeah, she had to sit out the trials last year, torn ACL, but she’s back and she’s hot.” He smirked. “In all ways.” Henry Baldeez made even Tripp want to squirm. “Hey, and she’s Torren. I’m surprised you don’t know her.”

Tripp was, too. He racked his brain for all women skiers from Torren. Since he’d been trying to avoid any reminders of his life on the slopes, he hadn’t heard much, but perhaps he heard mention of a J. C. The group started to quiet as everyone made their way off to bed. The skiers started the day with the sun. Those in training got exclusive use of the west side until 10 a.m. And then all the trial courses all day of course. They could get the Valdez brothers in for a run or two also, he knew, and he looked forward to it. He loved to slalom. And as it always did, a ping of regret niggled at him, why had he not given it a go when he’d had the chance? When he was hot.

He'd take a run this week and see how off he was. Perhaps it wasn’t too late.

Chapter 4

Jenneca Claire took the turns at a reckless pace. With each flag on the steep slope, she pounded the frustration out of herself. With any luck, she’d return to the bakery ready for a few more weeks of making cronuts or cannolis or cookies.

A man whooped off to her right but she barely registered. The ladies had said a whole group of royals had come up last night. The last thing she needed was a group of playboy reckless skiers who took up space on the slopes. They weren’t supposed to be on the training slopes but somehow they always managed to be there. Curse the other groupies. Apparently even world champion women on pre-Olympic trials ski teams were groupies at heart.

Tomorrow she was going on a heli drop. She wasn’t technically on the team, just finishing her recovery from a torn ACL, so even though the coach wouldn’t like it, he wouldn’t know, and she needed the solitude. That peace in the quiet snow with only the sky above and powder beneath is just what she needed.

She finished out her run and looked at the clock. Her time made her wince. She had to drop two seconds. Impossible. No, she corrected. Back up the lift. She would just need to come back, two more trips and work harder, conditioning at home.

She dropped into the chair lift, ignoring the person beside her.

“J.C.?” Henry Baldeez sat beside her.

“How did you get in over here?”

“Glad to see me?” His white teeth gleamed against tan skin. He lifted his goggles up to rest on his forehead.

“I’m focused today.” She smiled politely and then stared off to their front.

“I’m focused too.” His eyes traveled over her face.

The chair began the steep ascent up the face, to reach the trial run practice flags. She studied them below her.

Henry’s voice jarred her from her concentration. “You going to the third floor tonight?”

“What? Oh. Um, maybe. Henry, I’m not really here for that. I’ve got training to do, and not much time to do it.”

“But you need to relax, right, you need to eat. Perhaps I could join you on your down time.” His grin was contagious. And Jenneca began to relax. She could have fun too, when she wasn’t training. It would make the frustrating moments less so.

She grinned back. “Sure, sounds nice. Is the whole group meeting up at the hot tubs?”

“Yes, but we can do our own thing if you like…”

Henry Baldeez was always trying for something.

“I want to see everyone.” The lift approached the end and she grabbed her poles in one hand and lifted her tips. “See you there?” She adjusted her goggles while exiting the lift and made her way to the start of another practice run. Her second of about fifty she would do today.