Page 9 of The Duke

“Of course you can, but not these meetings. How much do you think we can get accomplished in there if they think they could be quoted for your paper at any moment?”

“They shouldn’t care if they’ve nothing to hide.”

“It’s not that. Everyone has room for improvement. We are trying to do what’s best for the Mediterranean in the best way we can. It needs to be something that as a group, we all can get behind. It won’t work if we come up with something half the countries refuse to honor.”

“So you’re going to cave on what’s important.”

“No, of course not.” He looked back inside to where Nico was talking, but half the room was watching him. “Look, Phina. I have to get back in there. I plan to have a press conference early next week. You will have a front row seat.” He raised his eyebrows.

She frowned, but nodded. “Ok, see you later.”

He watched her go, but knew this conversation was not finished. She was way more persistent than he had planned. If she caused problems with the meetings or the summit, she would have to go. He hated the thought, but this was too important to risk anything going wrong. He took a deep breath before re-entering the room.

Immediately the prince of another small island similar to Torren said, “What is this? A reporter? What information are you feeding her?”

The others grumbled.

Trane held up his hands. “Nothing at all. She is a personal friend who will be attending the press conference and all other events for the press. We just had a miscommunication about what other meetings she would be invited to. But that has been cleared up.”

“From the looks of it, not without some collateral damage.” Some of those in the room chuckled.

He cleared his throat. “Yes, well, wish me luck. Dinner might be a cold affair tonight.”

The mood lightened, and he was able to finish his PowerPoint. They were all in agreement about most points. Things were progressing just as he hoped they would.

When they had at last cleared out of the room, Nico sat back in his chair with hands behind his head. “What are you gonna do?

“What are you talking about?” Trane bristled. He didn’t need his previously incompetent brother questioning his plans.

“Whoa there, relax brother. Just trying to help.”

Trane fell into the seat beside Nico. “I know. I’m sorry. It’s just…difficult to try to make things work with a woman when so many other things are going on.” He stared at the wall. “Important things.”

“And then she shows up in the middle of it.”

“Exactly. It reminded me that even though my purpose is to spend time with her, she is here to write a story.”

“We are going to need to watch out for that one. How did she even know you were meeting and where?”

“And she’s bold as brass, walking in here like that with her innocent eyes.” Trane had underestimated Phina. He had to admit he was impressed, but he couldn’t have her disturbing his plans. Seraphina as his girlfriend was one thing. Seraphina as his adversary, was quite another.

“Lucan will keep track of her.”

“I know. That was my thought but she’ll totally know what he’s doing. I would like to have some sort of relationship when all this is done.”

Nico thought a moment longer. Then his phone dinged. “Jo!”

Trane’s mouth lifted in a wide smile. “Does she have time? Phina loves Jo, thinks she saved the crown.”

Nico eyed him.

“Sorry, but it’s true.”

He shrugged. “It’s ok, half the country agrees with her.” He started texting. “I’ll see what she thinks. I know better than to answer for her.” He grimaced.

“All she needs to do is just keep our little spy company during key times. It won’t be that difficult. I’m sure Seraphina has other things to do besides wait around at the palace.”

* * *