“It’s not over yet. There may yet be discrepancies, news worthy items besides what everyone else will report. Look for that unique slant. You have the best seat press will likely ever get, use it to your advantage. Report what no one else can see.”
She hated that idea. Because that would mean she was reporting on the inner workings of the royal family, and she would break an unwritten royal code. The families guarded their private moments as their most valued possessions. But perhaps she could find a way to print the truth while still staying loyal to her friends and maintaining her integrity both as a reporter and a friend.
With a pang in her heart, she admitted she had likely already lost the love of her heart because of her past articles. But so much good had come of it. The good that had come seemed a small consolation some days. And other days the environmental changes seemed like the greatest accomplishment of her writing.
Following the call she headed to her favorite café. Two of the men from EcoFresh, Roberto and Alonzo, went over the plans with her. She had made copies of the event maps and schedule that Trane’s assistant had sent her. These two had an incredibly powerful demonstration planned from what she could tell, which might make a huge impact and draw much attention to their cause.
Roberto pointed along the parade route. “We will plant our people right along this side for the greatest impact. We want the world leaders to see us. And most especially the news cameras. The greater the coverage we get at this event the better the impact worldwide. The Mediterranean will stand as a witness and example for everyone else in the world. The Bahamas, the Virgin islands, the barrier reef, Mexico, Florida.” With every area he named, his eyes shone brighter until Phina thought he looked a bit crazed.
“And then, thanks to you.” He pointed to her. “Right during the ribbon cutting, right before they announce any changes, our greatest surprise will disrupt them all and cause them to give attention to further changes.”
“I am so happy to be of help. And I will be there documenting it all so those who missed it the first time will read about it after.”
When Alonzo and Roberto had gone, she called out quietly, “Lucan, I know you’re there.”
He stretched up out from the table behind them, took off his hat and glasses and bowed. “At your service.”
She indicated he should sit. “What are you doing here? I mean, besides spying on me.”
“But that is exactly what I am doing.”
“Why Lucan?” She held up her hand. “And don’t tell me it’s your job. Our family has someone over security too and he is nowhere close to being as diligent as you.”
He dipped his head in acknowledgement of the compliment but remained closed lipped. “What information did you give those two?”
“As I am sure you ascertained all by yourself, I helped them choose the best places to stage their demonstrations.”
“Do they have copies of our routes?” His eyes sharpened but his expression remained a blank puzzle. There was a strange tight quality about him, like a bow extended.
“They’re going to make a difference for the movement, Lucan. It will help your citizens if they see others who care about the environment. Trane will be able to do more with his influence.”
“I know your heart’s in the right place, Phina. Can I see what you gave them?”
She handed it over and he took pictures of everything. After talking for a moment, he stood to leave. “I’m sorry things are tough for you two right now. We all really like you, for what it’s worth.” His face looked sheepish. She embraced him, kissing his cheeks. “Thanks Lucan. It’s possible Trane and I are just not meant to be.”
“Or you are.” Lucan’s eyes held a strange intensity.
“Trying to decide which Valdez brother suits you?” Trane’s arms were crossed and his face tight in a mock scowl as he approached.
She laughed, unreasonably happy to see Trane. “Maybe.” She stepped forward and embraced him also, whispering, “You win.”
Lucan tipped his head to them both and then walked briskly from the café. The city was just starting to pick up its pace, other storefronts were opening and everywhere shop workers swept their sidewalks. Unsure what to do with Trane standing next to her, emanating such a masculine intensity, she wanted to take a step back at the same time his magnetism sucked her closer.
“Can we sit for a minute?” Trane pulled out a chair.
She took it and sat with her back straight and hands folded, waiting. He was a good looking man, sharp jaw, bright strong eyes, and deep dark hair. She felt her small smile grow.
“You look as if you know something.”
“Oh, I know something.” She laughed at her own joke. “I was just admiring you, Trane, along with every other woman in the near vicinity.”
He didn’t even look around to see. “You still admire me then?”
She sighed, not wanting to get into their issues right now. “I always will, Trane. But…”