Her heart rate had just returned to normal. It accelerated again. A tear leaked from the corner of her eye. She didn't know if she could allow her body to be taken by this man, even to save her people. She closed her eyes and swallowed, feeling guilty for being so selfish. She felt his lips against her cheek as he removed the tear she'd shed.

She thought of each surviving member of her clan. She had to be obedient for their sakes. Whatever he required of her, she would endure it. A trail of gentle kisses were pressed against her jaw line. Her only protest was a small sound of denial in the back of her throat. She was surprised she didn't find his kiss repulsive. It wasn't as if she wanted his kiss, but it was less horrible than she imagined it should be. His body shifted as he lifted his head to look down at her. After several moments, she opened her eyes.

She didn't know quite what to make of his expression. Tenderness? That was impossible.

He released her wrist and stroked a strand of silky black hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. “Are you finished with your meal?” he asked. “What skil s do you possess for entertainment purposes?”

“Skil s?”

“Do you play a musical instrument? Sing? Dance?”

She stared at him in disbelief. “Why would I do those frivolous things?”

“What do you do for enjoyment among your clan members?” His fingers moved from her hair to trace the line of her jaw.

“Train in the martial arts.”

“Are you skil ed in making love?”

Her eyes widened and a flush spread up her throat and across her face.

He smiled tenderly. “Or are you a virgin?”

She knew what he wanted to hear, so she lied. “I have taken company with many men, often and repeatedly, but I will never lie with you willingly.” His eyebrow twitched. She realized this was the most unsettled she'd seen him since she’d bashed through his wall that afternoon. He moved away from her, returning to his side of the table and continued to eat. Hana sat up and picked at her delicious fish, her appetite suddenly lacking.

“Why do you lie to me, Onihana-chan?” Kojiro asked in an angry growl.

She glanced up at him. Was she so transparent? “I did not lie.”

“You should wear your innocence proudly.”

“I am not innocent,” she said.

He snorted sardonical y. “Prove it.”

She stared at him blankly.

“I doubt you've ever even kissed a man,” he said.

She lowered her eyes, afraid he would see the truth behind her lies. “I have kissed many men.”

“Who? Your grandfather?”

She couldn’t look at him when she said, “Lovers. Many lovers.”

“Show me how a woman kisses her lover.”

She had an inkling that he was toying with her, but she was unaccustomed to this type of behavior in men and did not know how to react. “I would gladly do so, if you were anyone but my brother's killer.”

“Then I am correct. You are a virgin. When I claim your body as mine, I will be your first, last, and only lover.”

She shook her head. “You will be neither the first nor last.” He chuckled. “You sound unsure of yourself.”

She glanced up, surprised that his laugh sounded so warm. Their eyes met for a brief instant before she turned her unseeing gaze to the tabletop in front of her.

“Show me how a woman kisses her lover and I will spare you further humiliation this evening.”

“What do you mean?”

“Kiss me now and you will still be a virgin come tomorrow.” Her heart thudded. If she didn't kiss him, would he force her to lie with him? Or maybe he was being deceitful. Maybe if she kissed him, he would still force her to accept him as her lover. “I don't believe you.”

“Then let us go to bed, so I can sample what so many have had before me. I prefer the tight sheath of a maiden, but an experienced woman brings certain benefits to a joining.”

Mortification did not begin to describe her feelings at his words. She wasn't even sure what he meant by “tight sheath”, but was certain she didn't want to know. She’d had a very awkward experience with a local boy a few years before and since then had kept her legs firmly closed.

She took a deep breath, trying not to hyperventilate. “I will kiss you, if you promise to keep your word. A kiss will be less offensive than joining with you.”

“I don't know, Onihana-chan. Perhaps, I will no longer be satisfied with a mere kiss.

You must have learned many skills from your various lovers. I am interested to know what those are.” It seemed as if he was teasing her, but she was too unsettled to be sure. And how was a man as cold-hearted as this samurai capable of teasing anyone?

“But you promised…”

“I did,” he murmured. “One kiss tonight. Nothing more.” He made no move, but instead waited for her to approach. She stood—because crawling in a kimono was next to impossible—walked slowly around the table and dropped to her knees beside Kojiro. The tightness in her chest could only be attributed to her nervousness. She licked her lips, eyes trained on his mouth. She'd never noticed how interesting his lips were. His upper lip was thinner than the lower. She leaned closer, the only sound she could hear was the blood rushing to her head. She pressed her lips to his gently, and then leaned away.

“That is how you kiss your lover?” he asked, his voice low. It didn't sound as if he were mocking her, only asking her a question.


“Disappointing.” His fingertips brushed across her cheek. “Close your eyes.”

“You promised.”

“One kiss intended for a lover, not a grandmother.” She closed her eyes. Was there really a difference? She felt his breath on her lips just before he claimed her mouth. So there was a difference. She could only submit to his glorious assault on her senses as he suckled her lips in abandon. He drew away and she stared up into his dark eyes.

“That is how you kiss a lover,” he said.

She couldn't look away. Why wasn't she repelled by this man? She despised him.

Yet she wanted him.


“Go finish your rice, and then clear the table.”


She kept her word, and he kept his. He did not try to force himself on her. Nor did he speak to her. He did watch her eat as if he were watching a fascinating Noh theatre performance. After Hana had cleaned up the remnants of the meal, Kojiro called for entertainment. A beautiful, young woman dressed in a red kimono entered the room.

She walked with a short, shuffling gait, not with the grace of a shinobi, but with feminine subservience. Her demeanor made Hana’s skin crawl. The woman glanced at Hana but lowered her eyes quickly and kept her head bowed as she knelt near the wall and held a stringed instrument across her lap.

“Aika is well practiced in the koto,” Kojiro said. “Many do not understand the purpose of music in these times of war, but what is life without moments of beauty?” He nodded at the lovely young woman. “Your playing would please me,” he said to her.

She smiled with what Hana could only describe as adulation. Who was this woman?

Dare Hana ask Kojiro what role the young woman served in his home? In his life? Was she his concubine? Did he kiss her the way he’d just kissed Hana? Why did that thought bother her? She didn’t care if Kojiro had fifty women at his disposal and kissed them all.

It would lessen the likelihood that he’d continue to want her. Hana stole a glance at the handsome samurai warrior and wondered why her heart was thudding so fiercely in her breast. He had a despicable, control ing personality. Why did she suddenly think it would be nice to give her power to him? To lessen the burden of her responsibility. To belong to this man. To al ow him to take control. To be feminine. To accept weakness as a part of who she was. Not the most important part, but a part she didn’t have to deny. That

would be... unfathomable. Yet strangely freeing.

Kojiro must have drugged her fish. It was the only explanation for her sudden interest in the life he offered.

When Aika started to pluck at the strings of her koto with the picks at the end of her thumb, index and middle fingers, Hana’s breath caught. The music started off slowly. It had no real rhythm to it. It was more like the gentle lull of a rushing stream at first.

Cohesive, yet unpredictable. As the song increased in speed, it swept Hana along with it until al of her cares and concerns were drawn away in the current of the melody. She had never heard such beautiful music. Had never had the time to enjoy a moment of frivolity.

As Hana relaxed and let her guard drop, Lara was finally able to push her consciousness to the forefront of the warrior woman’s presence. She almost collapsed with relief until she realized that she had to keep up her ruse as long as Aika was still in the room. She glanced at Kojiro and he winked at her before his form melted into a welcome sight. Reece! She forced herself not to launch her body across the table, tackle him to the floor and kiss him senseless. The confused thoughts of this Hana chick were driving Lara crazy. Was she attracted to Kojiro or not? Lara just wished she’d make up her mind.

The music began to slow again until the song eventually fel silent after one final ringing note. Lara clapped and then wondered if that was the right thing to do in this culture. The pleased smile on Aika’s face led her to believe that she hadn’t pulled a total faux pas.

“Would you like to learn to play the koto?” Reece asked Lara. Or was it Kojiro asking Hana? “Aika would teach you.”

Lara glanced at Aika who bowed her head slightly. Lara doubted the woman had ever challenged Kojiro’s wishes. No wonder the man was an insufferable pig. “I think I would enjoy that,” Lara said. Heck, she didn’t know. Hana had enjoyed the music. And it sure beat catching fish with birds.

“This pleases me,” Reece said in Japanese. “Hana will start lessons with you tomorrow, Aika. Leave us now.”

Aika bowed her head again, the somehow how managed to stand gracefully in her kimono and not drop the koto on the floor. She shuffled out of the room and slid the door shut.