“I'm looking forward to some of these fish,” Reece said, glancing into the basket he was carrying. “Are you going to cook them for me?”

“Doubtful. For some reason I’m in a really bad mood. Maybe it’s Hana’s feelings. Or because Kojiro is being such a jerk. Or maybe it’s because I’m half-naked.”

“I'll warm you up, sweetheart, as soon as we are out of sight.”

“You will not touch me,” she said in Japanese.

“I guess I pissed you off again,” Reece said in English. “Do not tel me what I cannot do, Onihana-chan,” Kojiro said in Japanese. He sighed loudly. Was it Reece or Kojiro sighing? Probably both.

Hana followed him into his house, grateful to be indoors until she realized he could see her clearly now by lantern light. She stood just inside the door, upper arms trying to conceal her breasts.

“Turn around,” Kojiro said quietly.

She turned.

“Oh my God,” Reece said suddenly. “You are giving this guy such a hard on. I’ll stand still if you want to kick him in the nuts.” Lara laughed, and glanced at him over her shoulder. “Is that what you are hiding beneath that fish basket?”

“Maybe,” he murmured. “Why don’t you cook them for me and see?”

“Why don’t you shove them up Kojiro’s ass?”

He grinned. “I'm sorry, I've just never been inside a man who was so bad with women, yet so totally turned on by his own bad behavior.”

“Well, straighten him out while you're in there.” She paused. “On second thought, you'll probably only make things worse. Just let him make a mess of his life. Hana isn't going to take his shit for much longer. She's about at her limit here and if I didn’t know you’d suffer as well, I’d help her cut off his bal s.” Reece flinched. “One eunuch leap is plenty. Thanks. Let's see if we can find the poor girl some clothes. She'd probably like to wash up a bit, too.”

“I will not accept any comforts from you,” she said in Japanese.

“Here we go again,” Reece muttered. “You will gladly accept my generosity and thank me for my consideration, Onihana-chan,” Kojiro spat. “Or do I need to remind you of the consequences of your bad behavior again.”

She lowered her head. She was going to kill this bastard in his sleep. “Thank you for your consideration, Kojiro-dono.”

An hour later Hana was washed, dressed in a lovely kimono of pale green and seated across from Kojiro at his low dining table. Kojiro's mother, Ladeo, was piling fish on her son's plate. She then placed a single fish on Hana's plate before leaving the room. Hana was starving. She doubted one small fish would take the edge off her hunger, no matter how succulent it was. She waited for Kojiro to start eating before picking up her chopsticks and plucking bits of fish from the bone. It was, by far, the best thing she'd ever eaten.

“You should serve the rice now,” he told her.

She glanced up. He nodded towards the large covered bowl in the center of the table. She reached across and lifted the lid. Steam rose from the mound of rice beneath. She served a bowl of rice to Kojiro and then to herself. Perhaps she would have her fill after all.

“You look lovely as a woman,” he commented.

She wasn’t sure if he was complimenting her or insulting her. She decided to take it as an insult. “What was I before?”

“Masculine,” he murmured, his eyes seemed to caress her. “Those scrapes and bruises take away from your beauty, but they will heal soon and you will then be worthy of my attention.”

She gazed at him incredulously. “Are you saying I am not worthy of your attention as I am now?”

“I require a great beauty for my wife. A lady with refined skil s, obedience and an education. You do not quite fit my idea of a suitable wife.”

“I do not wish to be your wife.”

“You will change your mind,” he said confidently.

She doubted that with every fiber of her being.

“How is your fish?” he asked.

“Very good,” she admitted.

“You could eat like this every day. Wear fine kimonos. Learn important skills.”

“I already know everything I need to live as a ninja.”

“You will be a ninja no more, Onihana. I have already decided that you will marry me.”

“Why would you want to marry someone who loathes you?”

“You will change your opinion of me soon enough.” Hana ate her rice, turning his words over in her mind. She didn't think there would ever come a day when her negative opinion of Kojiro would change for the better. Of course, there was that brief moment on the boat when she had forgotten they were enemies and was truly enjoying his company. She wondered if they had met under different circumstances if she would have a more amicable opinion of him. Well, maybe.

If he hadn't murdered her older brother.

“Lara?” Reece whispered.

She glanced up and smiled. “Good to see you.”

“This is a real drag,” he murmured, scooting around the table. “I want to spend time with you.”

She lowered her lashes. “You don't find Hana charming?”

“She's about as charming as a rattlesnake.”

“I kinda like her,” Lara admitted. “She's tough. She's plotting Kojiro's murder, however. You'll probably want to hide anything remotely resembling a weapon if you want to survive the night.”

Reece wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her up against his side. She winced.

“What's wrong?” he asked.

“I have a big bruise on my hip.”

He placed a gentle kiss beneath her left ear. “Let me kiss it and make it better.” His nose brushed against her earlobe and she tensed. “Don't be getting me al excited, Reece. You know you won't be able to do anything about it. Not while we’re being hosted by a pair of enemies.”

“I miss you,” he whispered. “Why are you having such a difficult time with this leap?”

“I can't compete with Hana's hatred. It's a strong emotion.”

“So her hatred of Kojiro is stronger than your desire to be yourself.”

“I don't know. Why are you being so critical?”

“I don't mean to be.” He touched her cheek. “You look beautiful in this kimono.”

“You say that about every outfit I've worn. Are you into role playing, or something?”


“Do you want me to dress up like police officer and arrest you?”

“Only if you use your handcuffs to bind me and then take advantage of my compromised position.”

“Let me guess, future-me played that game with you.” He shook his head. “No. I wish I would have thought of it sooner.” She turned her head and found their lips only inches apart. She looked into his eyes and was instantly lost in them. He moved closer, his eyes drifting closed. She closed her eyes as well, eagerly anticipating his kiss. His lips brushed hers gently and she was consumed by a crippling fear. She struck out at him with a startled cry and tried to scramble away. She found herself on her back, looking up into the face of Kojiro. Her lower body was pinned beneath his. Her hands captured in his firm, yet gentle, grip on either side of her head.

“I will not hurt you,” he promised. “Do not look at me with such fear and loathing.” Her heart thudded rapidly in her chest. Her throat constricted so tightly it threatened to cut off her air supply.

“Onihana, could you ever love me?”

Her eyes widened. “How can you ask me that? Surely, you know how much I hate you.”

He considered her response for a moment before speaking again. His voice, as always, was deep and calm. He never seemed unsettled by anything. “Do you really hate me, or do you hate the results of my actions in the chaos of battle?” She found that a difficult question to answer. “I don't really know you,” she admitted.

“That is a fair answer,” he murmured.

He continued to stare down at her, his black eyes searching hers.

“Will you let me up?” she asked finally.

“I like the feel of your body beneath mine.”