She laughed and hugged his arm. “Come on, my brave hero, let's get you to bed. I'll behave myself doing whatever bored harem girls are supposed to do in their free time.

A nice leisurely bath, perhaps.”

Reece stretched out on the divan and closed his eyes. “I'm sleeping. I'm sleeping,” he said. “Please wait until I wake up to take your bath.”

“Very well,” she murmured. She stood and leaned over to kiss his forehead. “But only because you said please.”

Chapter Eight

When Reece opened his eyes again, the sun had set. Candles and torches kept the room well-lit. He lifted his head and lowered it again when he noticed Farima sitting in pile of cushions beside the bed. Maisha stood behind her waving a fan to keep her princess cool.

Reece reached for a cup of water sitting on the floor beside the divan and downed it in three thirsty gulps. He set the cup on the floor and lay back down. He was stil a bit woozy, but feeling much better than he had before his nap.

“Did you sleep well?” Farima asked.

No signs of Lara. She was solidly Farima. Reece wondered why. Had something happened while he’d been asleep?

Reece yawned and stretched his arms over his head. “Yes. I’m not a very good guard. Sleeping on the job.”

“I watched our princess,” Maisha said. “Had she been in any danger I would have awoken you immediately.”

“I am glad she has a trustworthy friend in you,” Reece said.

Maisha lowered her eyes. “Friend? I am but her slave.” Farima reached up and took Maisha’s hand. “But you are my friend, Maisha. I love you. Since the moment you came to my father’s palace.” Maisha released a shuddering breath. “Oh princess, I love you more than life. As a friend. As a lover.”

Perhaps this was why Lara was incognito and Farima was running the show.

Watching the two women make love would be hotter than hel . Reece’s cock stirred to attention at the mere thought. Nasir was definitely in agreement. The man was surprisingly randy for a guy with no balls.

“Show her how much you love her, Maisha,” Reece prodded. “I’m not sure she understands.”

“I give her body pleasure many times a day. How can she not understand?”

“Perhaps she thinks you do it out of duty and obligation, rather than out of love.” Maisha moved to kneel before Farima. “Is that true, princess? Do you not understand I am making love to you when I give you pleasure?”

“I do understand, Maisha. I want to speak to my husband about offering you your freedom. My father would never al ow it no matter how I pleaded, but I think Ashar might be more agreeable.” Farima smiled and cupped Maisha’s lovely face in one hand.

“Would that please you? To be free?”

Maisha reached for the waistband of Lara’s pants. “It matters less to me than pleasing you, princess. I am so full of love at the moment. I want to share it with you.”

“I’m full of love, too,” Nasir said. “Bring her to bed. Let’s give her pleasure together.” Reece allowed Nasir free will, knowing that he’d feel like he was cheating if he made love to Farima while Lara was not visible to him. Even though she was sharing a body with Farima, it wasn’t her in spirit, so it wasn’t her. Now if Lara made an appearance, he’d be al over that, but until then he was content to observe.

“Allow us to please you, Princess. We will give you much pleasure,” Maisha said.

Farima rose to her feet and took Maisha by the hand to draw her upward as well.

She touched Maisha’s lovely face and stared into her dark eyes. “Kiss me,” Farima said.

“Kiss…” Maisha’s breath caught. “For so long I have wanted to kiss you, Princess.” When exotic Maisha claimed Farima’s mouth, Nasir groaned. He climbed from the divan, slightly unsteady on his feet and moved to stand behind the only woman he’d ever loved. He cupped her breasts and rubbed his already hard cock against her ass as he watched the two women kiss. “I’m glad I’m not the jealous type,” he murmured into her ear.

Farima lifted a trembling hand to stroke the pointed tip of Maisha’s high breast. The woman shuddered and tore her mouth away from Farima’s to gaze at her. “You would give me pleasure?” she asked.

“I want to give you much pleasure, Maisha.”

“Are you going to taste her?” Nasir whispered in Farima’s ear.

She nodded slightly.

Nasir felt a tightening between his legs. As if he had balls. He’d been feeling a bit odd the past day. It was almost as if he wasn’t in control of his own body at times and he’d always loved Farima, but not with this al -encompassing need. They made love on occasion, but never alone.

Farima took Maisha’s hand and led her to the bed. Nasir followed, anticipation making his mouth water. The two beauties stretched out beside each other and embraced. Maisha cupped Farima’s face with absolute tenderness and kissed her.

Nasir wanted to kiss her too. The only thing more arousing than watching Farima make love with a beautiful woman was making love with her himself. He stretched out behind Farima and trailed kisses over her shoulder. His hand circled her body to cup her soft breast. Maisha’s nipple brushed the back of his hand. Nasir lifted Farima’s breast to gently rub her pink nipple against the other woman’s darker areola.

“Take her into your mouth, love,” Nasir whispered into Farima’s ear.

“I’ve never done this before,” she whispered. “With Maisha, I’ve always been on the receiving end of pleasure.”

Maisha kissed her forehead tenderly. “If you do not wish to—” Farima silenced Maisha’s words by pressing her on to her back. “But I do wish.” She slid down Maisha’s body and extended her tongue. When it brushed Maisha’s breast, the woman jerked and then gently stroked her lover’s hair, her back bent to offer her flesh willingly.

Watching Farima tentatively flick her tongue over Maisha’s nipple had Nasir’s cock engorged to near bursting. She sucked one nipple in her mouth and Maisha moaned.

Nasir cursed under his breath. If watching Farima suck Maisha’s breast had him this aroused, what would it be like to watch her use her mouth between Maisha’s legs? He waited patiently while Farima kissed a trail down Maisha’s slightly rounded belly. She continued downward and nipped the woman’s shaved mound with her teeth. The three of them shuddered with excitement.

Farima pressed Maisha’s thighs open and the scent of her sex—her excitement—

urged Nasir to move down Farima’s delectable body. He watched her mouth move against Maisha’s slick, reddened flesh for a moment and then he continued lower to position his face between Farima’s legs. She groaned and bucked against his face as he suckled, licked and kissed her hot flesh.

Maisha screamed when she came, “Yes, Princess. Oh I must be a dreaming. Yes!” Farima lifted her head. “Nasir, I want you inside me.” He gasped in anticipation. “Yes, Princess.”

“Maisha, you will suckle me at the same time.”

Nasir loved everything about this woman. He sent a silent word of thanks to her for knowing what she wanted and being unafraid to ask for it.

“Lie on your back, Nasir. Are you ready for me?”

“What do you think?” he said in a low growl. He moved up the mattress and turned onto his back. His cock pointed at the ceiling. Farima wrapped her hand around it and it twitched excitedly.

“Help me get him harder,” Farima said to Maisha.

Harder? There was no way he could get any harder. Or so he thought before the two women began to flick their tongues over the head of his cock.

“Oh, nice,” was the best he could come up with as the pleasure overwhelmed him.

When Farima was satisfied with his condition, she moved to straddle him. Maisha took his cock in her hand and rubbed it over Farima’s clit before guiding it into her body.

Farima sank down on his cock and then leaned back, giving Maisha access to her clit while she rode him slowly. Maisha wiry hair brushed Nasir’s lower belly as she

bobbed her head with Farima’s motions, suckling her princess’s clit as requested. He watched Farima’s face as she was taken to new heights of ecstasy. When Maisha’s tongue moved to stroke Farima’s pussy as it engulfed his cock, Nasir shuddered.

“That feels amazing,” he said breathlessly.

“I crave her taste,” Maisha murmured and licked Farima’s fluids from Nasir’s cock.

When Farima sank down to take Nasir deep again, Maisha shifted her attention to Farima’s clit once more.

Farima shuddered with release, crying out in ecstasy.

“I see my wife has been well attended in my absence,” a deep voice said from beside the bed.