He didn’t hesitate to follow instructions. “The grass tickles.”

She grinned. “You should feel it on your nipples.”

“Maybe later.”

She straddled him and could already tell that the pose wouldn’t go well.

“Usually my knees are closer together,” she said, lodging them as close to his hips as she could manage. She scooted up his body until she could slide his cock inside her and began to bend backwards.

“Without a man between my legs, I can almost get my head to my feet,” she said.

“You can bend backwards like that and put your head on your feet?”


But this wasn’t working the way she’d envisioned. Maybe there were some two-person yoga moves they could work on together. She doubted they’d find many penetration poses, however. They’d just have to keep being inventive.

“Maybe mermaid pose instead.”

She sat upright and hooked one ankle in the crook of her elbow and stretched her opposite hand overhead to grasp her wrist. Sed’s eyes widened.


She dropped her leg. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“I was saying ow on your behalf. Are there any poses where you just lie there?” he asked.

“Like savasana? You lie flat on your back and completely surrender to the ground.”

“That sounds nice and missionary,” he said.

“It’s also called corpse pose.”

He cringed in horror.

She laughed. “Am I scaring you?”

“I don’t want to fuck a corpse, no, or a camel for that matter. Aren’t you worried you’ll break something with all those twists and bends?”

“I can feel my limits,” she said. “I can’t, however, move when I’m contorted.” She tried to think of a pose that would open her up to him. “We could try happy baby pose.”

His eyebrows drew together. “We’ve got to come up with sexier names for these things.”

She laughed and leaned over to kiss him. “That’s a plan. And we have all day to experiment.”

“We could just call them all Jessica pose,” he said.

“That’s not very descriptive. How will you be able to request the poses you like?”

“I like everything you do to me.”

She understood that sentiment perfectly. “Then prepare yourself for Jessica pose.”

“I’m always prepared for Jessica.”


Neither of them bothered to put on clothes until it was almost dark and they ventured out of the house for dinner. Since the restaurant was only a mile away, and directly on the beach that their rental house overlooked, they decided to walk. Normally when they engaged in marathon sex, Jessica’s legs tired and her hips ached, but she’d done so much bending and stretching while they’d tried out various poses that her entire body felt sensational. She couldn’t stop smiling and neither could Sed. They’d both enjoyed happy baby pose and had the perma-grins to prove it.

They held hands as they strolled along the water’s edge, watching a few diehards relax in the sand and play in the surf. Almost everyone had already packed up for the day, so the usual daytime crowds had diminished. Jessica didn’t mind getting out for a little while, but she was so enjoying her alone time with Sed. When they were holed up in their rented oasis, she had Sed all to herself. On the beach and in public places, she never knew if someone would recognize him as the talented lead singer of Sinners and hound him for autographs and photos. Or worse, rip off his shirt in a frenzy of excitement. He went through more shirts that way.

“Tomorrow we should stay in and try cooking dinner ourselves,” she said, eyeing the young woman who had stopped walking up the beach to stare at Sed. Maybe it was because he was gorgeous. Or maybe she was one of his innumerable fangirls. Either way, Jessica didn’t feel much like sharing him.

He laughed. “I better get my fill at dinner tonight, then. Your cooking is atrocious, sweetheart.”

Atrocious was a bit harsh. Sed didn’t cook much either, and now that Jessica was pregnant, she suddenly wanted to learn to cook. She dreamed of being the kind of mother who made her family delicious and healthy homecooked meals every night after she’d delivered her daily dose of justice in the courtroom. Unlike Sed, Jessica had never been treated to homecooked meals growing up and felt that she’d missed out on important family connections because of that. Jessica would probably never have a good relationship with her mother, and that idea fueled her desire to be the best mom she could be. Jessica’s children would never wonder if they were good enough or loved.

“If we work together, I think we can pull it off,” she said.

“Together, we can do anything.” He nodded resolutely. “Even cook.”

She laughed—happiness bubbling up inside her—and leaned against his shoulder. “Today has been perfect. I treasure every moment I spend with you.”

“Isn’t the honeymoon phase spectacular? Before you know it, you’ll be yelling at me about putting my socks in the hamper and telling me not to drink out of the milk carton.”

She wouldn’t do that, she thought, but then she grinned. She would totally do that. “We should both enjoy this honeymoon phase while it lasts.”

“I say we shoot for a thirty-year-long honeymoon.”

“Let’s make it sixty. By then I won’t remember where you’re supposed to put your socks.”

“Oh my God, it is you!” a shrill voice carried across the sand.

Sed staggered sideways, losing his grip on Jessica’s hand, as a nearly nude body careened into him.

“I love you. I love Sinners. I love you. I love Sinners.” Sed’s attacker squealed and squeezed him until Jessica feared his eyes would pop out. “I can’t believe it’s really you. Will you sing for me, Sed? Please. I’d die happy today if you sang even one word.”

Sed took the fangirling good-naturedly, carefully working his body out of the exuberant hold the young woman in the tiny bikini had wrapped around his midsection. Sed opened his mouth and let out a tremendous battle cry—Jessica recognized it as the one that headed “Let Go,” a lesser-known song on Sinners’ new album. When he started to sing, she wondered if he’d written the lyrics for just this kind of occasion.

“Let go! Let go! What is your price? My suffering? Let go! Let go! Is it your fate to smother me?”

The woman, unfortunately, did not let go. She tangled her fingers in his T-shirt, and Jessica cringed.

“Hey,” Jessica said, wrapping a hand around the woman’s wrist. “You’re going to hurt him.”

Jessica knew well that he was used to this kind of thing, and he never complained, but then he’d never been married to her, and she wasn’t having it.

“Don’t touch me, bitch!” the fangirl snapped, her gray eyes burning with anger.

“You don’t touch him,” Jessica said, then added, “Bitch!”

“Ladies, ladies,” Sed said calmly. “You don’t have to fight over me.”

Jessica begged to differ. “I said get your goddamned hands off of him.” She wrapped both arms around the woman’s waist and tried yanking her off, but the fangirl dug her heels into the sand and refused to budge.

“What are you?” the woman screeched. “His mother?”

His mother? Jessica released her hold to blink at her. “I’m his wife.”

Fangirl’s face fell, and she looked up at Sed. Tears pooled in her eyes. “You got married?” She sobbed. “But you were supposed to marry me!”

“If only I’d met you first.” Sed patted her head, and Jessica had the urge to rip out every strand of hair his hand touched in that small conciliatory gesture. “If you let go, I’ll give you something.”

“A kiss?” Fangirl said hopefully.