“You can wait,” she whispered close to his ear.

“Nope,” he said, and started the car. “Waiting is not an option.”

Before he could put the car in gear, she turned off the ignition. “Getting pursued by the law in a high-speed car chase is not going to get you laid faster.”

“Damn, you’re right.” He smoothed his hair back and yanked his ball cap back into place. “Maybe you should look up a nearby hotel on your phone and get us directions. I’d hate to get two tickets in one day.”

“Promise me you will not speed to the hotel no matter how fast this Bug can go.”

“The second ticket won’t be for speeding.” He gifted her with a devastatingly naughty grin, and her heart fluttered. “It will be for public indecency.”

She grinned. She’d be more than willing to pay that fine.

“God, I want you right now, Mel,” he said.

“I love you,” she said again, just to watch him twitch. And maybe she was hoping he’d say it back to her, but he left her wanting.

Chapter Five

Gabe knew a man wasn’t supposed to feel gloriously happy when a chick he’d met less than two weeks before declared her love. He was supposed to run. But Gabe wasn’t running. He wasn’t even considering it. He’d already decided Mel was his one, and knowing that she felt the same way gave him no choice but to be ecstatic. He’d wanted to tell her how he felt again a thousand times over the past week, but she’d never said the words after that one time backstage in New Orleans, so he’d decided it best to keep his own words locked inside. And now that she’d said them again—each utterance a moment of pure joy for him—he felt it would be a bit canned to repeat them to her like a fucking parrot. But he would tell her how he felt. Soon.

Unfortunately, the nearest decent hotel was about seventy miles away. If he committed to doing the speed limit, it would take them over an hour to get there. Even though he’d just gotten a speeding ticket—not his first, but his first in Oklahoma—he was having one hell of a time not slamming the gas pedal to the floor. Because he wanted her body, yes, but his urgency to be alone and naked with her was more than just sexual. He wanted to bare his heart to her. He trusted her to treasure it.

“Are we there yet?” he asked. Melanie laughed.

He loved the sound of her laugh. Every time he heard it, he couldn’t help but smile.

“We’re about two minutes closer than we were the last time you asked.”

“You have got to keep me distracted. I’m dying over here.”

“What kind of distraction did you have in mind?”

The kind he had in mind would likely get him that public indecency charge. Besides, he doubted he could drive at all with her gorgeous mouth sucking at his cock. And if they pulled over . . . He shook his head to clear his thoughts. He felt like a teenager around her. Horny, confused, emotional, fixated, yet at the same time distracted and a bit giddy. But yeah, mostly fucking horny.

“Tell me about your parents,” he said. “That ought to keep me from discovering how well I can drive while you suck my cock.”

“Parents?” She crinkled up her nose. “I prefer that second distraction for sure.”

She unfastened her seat belt and reached for the top button of his fly. He caught her hand. His heart was thundering so hard in his chest, he thought someone might need to call the paramedics. Having such an intense response before she even touched him did not bode well for his ability to be sucked and to drive simultaneously.

“You don’t want me to?” she asked, looking up at him from where she was partially leaning across his lap.

His cock jerked in his jeans. Her looking up at him like that, with a naughty question in her hazel eyes, had him out of his mind with lust. Christ, she had to be the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

“Of course I want you to,” he began, his voice husky to his own ears. “But—”

She didn’t let him finish. Instead, she unfastened his pants and gently pulled his cock free. His seated position didn’t allow for much maneuvering of his underwear, so his length was pressed up against his belly. He knew he should have gone commando that morning despite the discomfort of sitting in a car all day.

“If you don’t think you can drive while I suck you off, then I’ll just lick it a little. Okay?”

Her cool hand gently pressed against the underside of his cock, and her thumb brushed the throbbing head.

“Mel,” he gasped.

“Okay?” she asked again.

“Please.” He wasn’t sure if it was a plea for her to stop—surely not—or a plea for her to begin, but she took it for the latter.

When her tongue caressed him so gently his balls ached and his belly tied itself in knots, he praised genetics that he was gifted with long legs so that there was plenty of room between his lap and the steering wheel. He also praised the engineer who’d invented cruise control as he set his speed exactly on the posted limit. He concentrated on keeping his eyes open and focused on the straight stretch of road before him, but it was damned hard when Mel’s tongue was teasing him beguilingly.

“That feels so good,” he whispered, squeezing his eyes shut for a heartbeat, allowing himself the tiniest moment of pure bliss before he forced his attention back on the road. There was something about trying to squelch the pleasure rippling through him that intensified it.

Melanie’s hand slid against his belly and pushed his cock away from his body so she could lick the neglected top of his cockhead. She drew an inch of him into her mouth and sucked, her tongue teasing his rim, and then pulled back to blow cooling breaths over his wet tip.

He shuddered in torment. Worried that he’d hit the ditch running along the highway if he took a hand off the steering wheel to burrow into her thick hair, he tightened his grip until his fingers ached. She repeated the motions—lick, suck, blow—and his eyes rolled back. He swerved just enough to hit the warning rumbles on the edge of the pavement, which caused him to jerk out of his lust-induced stupor and right the car again.

“Fuck, woman,” he growled. “You’re going to have to stop. I can’t see straight.”

“You can’t drive straight either,” she said with a chuckle.

The huffs of air her soft laugh produced tickled his highly sensitive and still-wet tip.

“Of course I can’t drive straight. You give great head.”

He chanced touching her sleek curls, but only for a second, as that increased the tenderness he felt for her and completely shattered him.

She’d said she loved him. She’d said it. Without prompting. Not as some sort of apology or to make amends, but just because.

And she really did give great head.

She smiled up at him and seemed determined to prove his compliment correct when she took the tip of him into her mouth once more.

Just stay on the road, Gabe. Stay on the goddamned road. He groaned when her free hand, which had been resting on his thigh, brushed up against his balls. Her other hand was curled gently—unmoving—around his shaft.

“Do you want to come?” she asked.

His belly clenched at the sound of her sexy voice, and his cock jerked in her hand. “Yeah. Inside you. In about thirty minutes.”

“Should I stop? Are you close?”

Probably and definitely, but he said, “Keep doing that just a little longer.”

She kept him on the brink of orgasm for miles. He fought to stay focused on the road, fought to keep from filling her mouth with the heaviness pooling in his balls, fought not to shove her head down and fuck the back of her throat.

When the hotel-directed GPS on Melanie’s phone announced prepare to turn right in two miles, he was sure the robotic voice belonged to an angel of mercy.

Melanie sat straight in her seat, her face flushed, lips swollen from working him over. She wiped a bit of saliva from the corner of her mouth, and he groaned, his overexcited body unable to take the added visual stimulation of the sexiest mouth he’d ev

er seen or felt. Or tasted.

When they got to that hotel room, he planned to devour that sweet, dirty mouth of hers while he pounded her pussy raw. He knew he wouldn’t be able to take her slow, to show her care or how much he loved her. Not this time. But he would countless times in the future. Because he wanted her in his life permanently, and he wasn’t afraid to let her know it.

Melanie tried rearranging his cock in his jeans, which made him double over in agony.

“God, you’re hard,” she said.