He had a strange mind-disconnected-from-his-body feeling as he waited for her response. He clutched Melanie’s hand, squeezing it far harder than he intended. Christ, his heart was about to beat itself through his ribs.

“The results show conclusively that you are not the paternal father of the subject’s baby.”

“Not?” he asked breathlessly, wanting to make sure he’d heard correctly.

“Not,” she reiterated.

“Not,” he repeated. Gabe melted back into the porch swing with relief. “Do the results say who the father is?”

“I cannot provide that information to anyone but the mother and the biological father,” she said. “Do you have questions I can answer?”

Gabe shook his head, even though the woman couldn’t see the motion. “Thanks for calling. You have a great day now.” He hung up and drew Melanie into his arms.

“It’s not yours?” she asked, her voice breathless.

“It’s not mine.”

“Oh, thank God.” She twisted her body so she could cup his face between her hands and kiss him. “Not that you wouldn’t make a terrific father.” She kissed him again. “I just want you to make babies with me and no one else.” He kissed her. “I’m sorry if that’s selfish.”

“It’s not selfish. That’s the way it should be,” he said. “So let’s go make one right now.” Those were probably the most impulsive words to ever escape his lips.

“We do need more practice,” she said with a giggle.

“I’ve had enough practice,” he said. “I’m ready for the real deal.”

“What?” Her eyes searched his. “I thought you wanted to wait.”

“I don’t want to wait anymore.” He eased her away just far enough to see her face clearly. “Do you want to wait?”

She stared at him for a solid minute, her eyes still searching his. “No,” she finally said.

Did that mean no, she didn’t want a baby or no, she didn’t want to wait? “No?”

“I want your baby inside me as soon as possible,” she said, pushing away all vagueness.

He grinned and kissed her enthusiastically. Melanie Anderson wanted to be his wife and wanted to have his baby. Just a few weeks ago she’d been hesitant to give him a chance, and now they had a long and loving life before them. It was a good thing she’d given Sole Regret’s tattooed, Mohawked drummer a try, or he might have never found true happiness.

“I’ll have to stop taking my birth control,” she said, nibbling his lip. “You’re sure about this?”

“Yeah,” he said, his heart brimming with joy. “Are you?”

Her smile was so brilliant, it almost blinded him. “Absolutely.”

The front door opened, and Nikki came out onto the porch with Beau and Lady on her heels. She was carrying her laptop in one hand.

“Can I talk to you guys? It’s kind of important.”

“It can’t be more important than the news Gabe just got,” Melanie said.

Nikki brightened. “Is the band getting back together?”

Her eager gaze made Gabe feel more than a little guilty. He knew there were thousands of fans out there who, like Nikki, were waiting for news about the band making amends. Gabe hadn’t given up on the idea, but it was pretty much out of his hands. Adam and Jacob were the ones who’d have to fix this mess. He, Owen, and Kellen would just have to wait until they came around. They could encourage a reconciliation, but they couldn’t force one.

“No,” Melanie said. “No news on that front yet. But he’s not going to be a father.”

Gabe’s arms tightened around Melanie, and he squeezed her tightly. “Oh, yes, I am.”

“We’re going to try for a baby,” Melanie said, wrapping her arms around his and pressing them even closer to her belly, “but Lindsey’s baby isn’t his.”

“A baby! Really?” Nikki’s happiness for them was genuine. “That’s just . . .” She wiped at a tear with the back of her hand. “You’re going to be the best mom, Mel. The absolute best.”

Gabe wondered why he hadn’t recognized Nikki’s kindness from the start. Probably because it had been hard to see through the seductress mask she typically wore when she was around men. She didn’t wear it around him, though. Wasn’t he worth seducing? Naw, that couldn’t be it. She just trusted him as a friend. He was pretty sure that was actually a big deal for her.

“And you’re going to be the best auntie,” Melanie told Nikki.

Gabe tensed slightly, but then relaxed. His dogs adored Nikki, and he absolutely trusted their judgment. Nikki wouldn’t do anything to harm their child. She wouldn’t be a bad influence. She might even babysit so Gabe could work on making baby number two with Melanie. But he was getting far ahead of himself.

“So what did you want to talk to us about?” Gabe asked. He actually hoped it was the wedding. Their relationship was moving forward rocket fast, but that wedding could not happen fast enough. He wanted this woman in his arms to be Mrs. Gabriel Banner as soon as possible. Nothing would make him happier.

Nikki cringed. “Don’t be mad at me.”

Melanie stiffened and sat up straighter on Gabe’s lap. “Did you max out my credit card?”

Gabe didn’t want money to be any consideration when it came to his wedding to Melanie. “If it’s for the wedding—”

“It’s not that,” Nikki said. “I, uh, took a ride on the Sex Stallion on your date night last week.”

“You didn’t!” Melanie snarled.

“I know you told me not to, but something happened. I’m not sure how to tell you.”

Gabe’s eyes widened. “Did it hurt you?” Injuring someone was his greatest fear.

“Fuck no,” Nikki said. “Best seven orgasms of my life. I filmed all of them for some guy I’ve been messaging on a fetish dating site.”

“What?” Melanie sputtered.

“You have a fetish?” Gabe blurted. Not that he cared or wanted to know what it was. Okay, he couldn’t lie, he was curious. Last time he checked, he was a guy.

“He published my video on a porn site. Eight hundred thousand views in three days.”

Gabe’s jaw dropped. That must be some video.

“Oh no, Nikki,” Melanie said, scrambling off Gabe’s lap and wrapping an arm around her friend’s shoulders. “That’s terrible. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, it’s no big deal. You can’t see my face. You can see everything else, but not my face.”

Was it hot out here or was it just his fiancée and her best friend talking about a video centered around riding his masterpiece?

“Did you think we’d be mad because I told you to stay off of my Stallion?”

“You wouldn’t have been able to resist it either, Mel.”


’s true. So then why would you think we’d be mad at you?” Melanie asked, holding Nikki by both shoulders to try to capture her gaze. Nikki still had her laptop clutched to her belly. “That guy shouldn’t have posted that video without your permission.”

“Actually . . .” Nikki squirmed and wouldn’t meet Mel’s eyes.