“That wasn’t the scary part,” Dad said. “The scary part was thinking I might have to live even a single day of my life without her.”

There was no doubting which of his parents was the most romantic. He was pretty sure it was the same for himself and Melanie. When it came to love, Melanie was far more practical about her feelings than he was.

“I feel the same for Mel. And we’re supposed to be men of science.” Gabe snorted.

“The most important qualities for any scientist are a sense of wonder and being able to accept that there are things in this universe that we will never be able to explain.”

I am my father’s son, Gabe thought wryly.

Dad licked his lips and watched his fingers drum on the countertop. “Are you going to go back and finish your degree now that your band is over? I’m sure I could get you a late admission wavier for fall semester.”

Gabe decided that asking that question was the real reason his father had cornered him in the kitchen.

“I’ve thought about it,” Gabe said. “But I’m not ready to give up on my music just yet.”

“You could always play drums as a hobby,” Dad said.

“I could,” Gabe said, “but I don’t think I’d be satisfied. I will definitely let you know if I decide to go back to school. I’ll play that nepotism card like a fiddle.”

Dad slapped him on the back hard enough to sting. His smile lit up his entire face, even brightening his eyes. “Whatever makes you happy, son.”

“Melanie makes me happy. Everything else good in my life is just gravy.”

Chapter Twelve

After saying goodbye to Gabe’s family and promising to have lunch with Leslie later in the week, Melanie collapsed on the sofa. Her body still hadn’t fully recovered from her amazing ride on the Sex Stallion, but her mental exhaustion far surpassed her physical weariness.

“If I’m going to live here,” Melanie said to Gabe, turning her head with more effort than she’d willingly admit to watch him approach, “you have to promise me one thing.”

Gabe cringed. “I’m sorry they just showed up like that. I’ve told my parents at least a hundred times that they need to call before they stop in.”

“That’s not my concession.” Though she could see how them showing up whenever they felt like it might be a problem.

“Name it,” he said, sitting beside her on the sofa and wrapping an arm around her shoulders to draw her closer.

“We have to get a second dishwasher installed specifically for sex-gadget washing.” She’d almost died of embarrassment when she thought her future mother-in-law would see those Sex Stallion skins hanging out on the top rack of the dishwasher. “Is it possible to install it in the sex-gadget room?”

Gabe laughed and gave her a tight squeeze. “That’s a great idea. I’ll start working on the plumbing tomorrow.”

The tension drained out of Melanie’s body, and she relaxed against him, her eyes drifting shut. They popped open again when a sound that reminded her of air compressors on carnival rides came from near Gabe’s—and she supposed her—bedroom.

“Nikki, you’d better not be in there messing with my new toy,” Melanie shouted.

Nikki emerged from the hallway holding Gabe’s remote control. “You said you’d show me how it works.”

“I’m too tired to move at the moment,” Melanie said. “Let’s just watch some TV or something.”

“Gabe, are you too tired to show me?” Nikki asked.

Gabe perked up instantly. “Do you really want to know how it works?”

“I really want to ride it,” Nikki said. “And I don’t care if Mel got her cum all over it. I like Mel’s cum.”

Gabe stiffened, and Melanie slid a hand up his neck. “She doesn’t know that from experience,” Melanie assured him. “She thinks you’ll find that sexy enough to let her get her way.”

“I could know that from experience,” Nikki said. “If you’d give me the chance to show you that I know my way around a pussy.”

“Nikki, I’m not sure it’s a good idea for you to get all worked up when you’re trying to break your sex addiction,” Gabe said.

“My doctor said it might help if I had a device to take the edge off. It could keep me from seeking another partner,” Nikki said.

“Sounds like strange advice,” Melanie said. “When you’re fighting alcohol addiction, you don’t drink wine to take the edge off.”

“I’m just repeating what he said.”

“I can give you a handheld vibrator,” Gabe said. “I’ve made dozens of prototypes over the years.”

Melanie snorted. “I can’t believe you just offered to give my friend a vibrator.”

“I wouldn’t mind letting her give the Stallion a go,” he whispered close to Melanie’s ear, so Nikki wouldn’t overhear. “See how another responds to it.”

“I’m not sharing it with her,” Melanie said. “It’s mine.” She already had a strange emotional attachment to the machine. Maybe because Gabe had invented it and put it together with such obvious care. Or maybe because it gave her amazing orgasms and her hormones had caused her to bond with the damned thing. Whatever the case, she did not want Nikki on it.

“I don’t have to ride it,” Nikki said in a sorrowful tone. “But you can still show me how it works, can’t you, Gabe?”

“If Melanie doesn’t mind.”

“Melanie just wants to take a nap,” Melanie said. “Show it to her, but you’re not riding it, Nik.”

Gabe kissed Melanie’s temple and then shifted away, allowing her to stretch out on the sofa. Not even the muffled sound of Gabe describing the functions of his machine, Nikki’s responses, or the mechanical sounds coming from the small bedroom kept Melanie awake long enough to contemplate why she was okay with her fiancé showing her sex-addict of a best friend the innermost workings of his greatest achievement in sex toy inventions.

The next thing she knew, it was morning and she was sprawled naked across Gabe’s—and she supposed now her—king-size bed. Groaning, with no recollection of how she’d gotten to bed or where her clothes had gone, she rubbed her face and concentrated on the noise that must have woken her. From the small bedroom next door came a high-pitched whirring, like one produced by a drill, only louder. Melanie sat up, found Gabe’s side of the bed empty, and searched through a box of her clothes for something to cover her nakedness. She settled on an overlarge T-shirt since she couldn’t locate her robe and made sure she put it on right-side out. How mortifying had it been that her future mother-in-law had caught her with her shirt wrong-side out? Melanie had planned to unpack her stuff last night, but apparently she’d been completely down for the count. So much for spending her first official romantic night in her new home with the love of her life. Thanks to her utter exhaustion, she didn’t doubt that she’d even snored and drooled while she’d slept. All that noise coming from the small bedroom was probably Gabe building an escape hatch.

She walked extra slowly on sore and stiff legs as she went to investigate. She really did need to build up her strength, stamina, and flexibility. She found Gabe on his hands and knees drilling a hole through the floor in one corner of the room. Admiring his ass, Melanie crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe.

“Isn’t it a little early to be making all that noise?” she asked.

Gabe peeked at her over his shoulder. “Did I wake you?”

“I’m not sure. Probably.”

“Sorry about that. And it’s almost noon. Not exactly early.”

“You’re kidding!” She must have slept almost sixteen hours. Holy crap.

“I think maybe we should have started with one or two stimulators instead of all four at once. I made note of it.”

“Where’s Nikki? Did you have breakfast? What are your plans for the day?”

“Nikki is snuggling with the dogs. I had some coffee. Need to go to town today and try to get in touch with Amanda since she never bothered to call me, and while I’

m out, I think I’ll purchase my lady’s requested new dishwasher.”

“Jacob’s Amanda?” Melanie asked, trying to wrap her head around all the answers he’d volleyed at her.

“Yeah, I figured she might know what’s going on in Jacob’s head, because I sure as hell can’t figure it out.” Gabe cleared his throat. “Also need to stop by Lindsey’s gynecologist to give my blood sample.”

Melanie blew out a breath. “Sounds like we have a busy day,” she said. “Assuming I’m invited to accompany you.”

“Fair assumption,” he said with a grin. “I’ve been twiddling my thumbs around here all morning waiting for you to find the strength to climb out of bed. I’d have harassed you about your laziness, but I feel sort of responsible.”

He looked so cute when he brushed his hair back sheepishly that her heart fluttered.

“You are entirely responsible,” she said with a laugh. “But I forgive you.” She walked over and gave the Sex Stallion a pat. “I’ll be seeing you later,” she said. “Do we have time for me to take a shower?” she asked Gabe.

Gabe sniffed in her direction, and his nose crinkled in disgust. “Yes, we definitely have time for you to shower.”

She swatted his ass before darting away and heading for the master bathroom. She’d forgotten how many shower heads the guy had installed. It took her a good twenty minutes to get the flow and temperature just right and then once she was in the soothing yet invigorating jets of water, she didn’t want to get out.

“What’s taking so long? Are you masturbating in there?” Gabe asked from somewhere beyond the steamed-up glass shower wall.

“No,” she said. Well, maybe a little. But then no matter how she turned, she had jets aimed at her ass and both tits. What did he expect?

“Nikki’s staying here with the dogs, so we have the entire day to ourselves.” The shower door opened, and Gabe stepped inside. He was perfectly naked, and his cock was already standing at rigid attention.