“Deserves good pounding,” she slurred.

Her hand moved down to where their bodies were joined, and her fingertips brushed his length every time he moved within her. Enjoying the sensation, he slowed his thrusts, pushing back his mindless need to attain release. When his instincts retreated and he located a sliver of reason in his lust-clouded thoughts, he gently slid his hands around Melanie’s body and cupped her soft breasts. He kissed her sweat-damp shoulder and brushed her hair back with the side of his face as he kissed his way to her neck.

She moaned, churning her hips to meet his much slower but still deep thrusts.

“Kind of lost myself there for a moment,” he whispered, fingers tugging at her nipples. “I almost forgot it’s better to give than to receive.”

“You’re always . . . Oh!”

He grinned at her reaction to his rough treatment of her stiff nipples. “What were you saying?” he asked.

Jeans around his calves, his shuffled toward the bed, still joined with Melanie.

“You’re always giving, Gabe. It’s okay to take. I want you to take. Take all of me.”

So he bent her over the bed and took and took and took until he exploded inside her. When he collapsed onto her back, breathing hard, his balls quivering from the merciful release, he had no idea if she’d enjoyed it, if she’d reached orgasm, or if she wanted to do nothing more energetic than sleep for the next few hours. But he knew all those things were true in regard to himself.

“You okay?” he asked, face squashed against the middle of her back.

“Never better.”

He hoped she wasn’t just saying that. He wanted their relationship to be built on trust and no lies. If his bedroom skills lacked in any way, he wanted her to tell him so that he could improve. Even if that meant they had to accessorize with new devices.

“Did you come?” he asked.

“Twice.” Her hand, resting on the bedspread beside her head, curled, and she extended two fingers. They were shaking.

So it hadn’t been a total failure on his part.

After a moment, he found the will to stand. He gently caressed her back with both hands and watched his softened cock slip from her pussy. If he hadn’t just come, the sight of their combined cum dripping down her thighs would have made him instantly hard for a second round, but he was completely spent. He kicked off his cumbersome jeans, pulled back the covers and climbed between them.

“There’s a spot right here for you, baby,” he said, holding the covers up in invitation.

A look of longing on her face, she glanced toward the suite’s bathroom. “Hold that thought.”

He did until she returned a few moments later with a warm, wet washcloth.

“I want you to sleep comfortably too,” she said, and handed the cloth to him.

He wiped the stickiness from his dick, overwhelmingly touched by her completely unembarrassed meeting of his needs. The simplicity of the gesture reminded him of her earlier confession. He dropped the cloth to the floor and wrapped the covers around her when she slipped between them. Spooning up against her back, he brushed her hair aside with one hand and kissed the delicate curve of her jaw.

“There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you every time I look at you,” he said, his heart now thudding a rapid staccato. “Or even think of you.”

She turned her head, that questioning look that laid waste to all rational thought on her beautiful face. “What’s that?”

“I love you.” He half-expected a comet to strike the planet and end the world at that moment, but the only thing that happened was the room air conditioner kicked on.

“Are you sure?” she asked, the question clear in her eyes. “You don’t have to say it again just because I said it.”

“Trust me.”

She rolled over in his arms and palmed his cheek in one hand. “I do.”

Two words even scarier than the three he’d just said, but he smiled at hearing them. He planned to hear them again from her in a more formal setting in the future. “Good,” he said. “Because it’s true. I love you.”

All the questions left her face, to be replaced by a radiant smile. “I love you too, Gabe. Crazy as it sounds.”

“Didn’t think you’d ever fall for a tattooed metal drummer?” He lifted a teasing eyebrow.

“Well, no, but that’s not the crazy part. What’s crazy is how fast it happened.”

“Mass remaining stable, the faster the acceleration, the greater the force.”

“And Force is with me on this?”

He laughed at her use of his nickname and kissed her. “Force will always be with you.” He kissed her again. “But please leave the corny Star Wars references to me.”

She shook her head. “I want to share everything with you,” she said, her fingers sliding through the strip of hair at the center of his scalp.

He had no idea what had happened to his ball cap, but was glad they were completely bare to each other—inside and out—at that moment.

“I want to share my body, my heart, corny Star Wars references.” She blinked, but then held his gaze. He could feel her heart thudding against his. “My life.”

“I guess if corny Star Wars references come with the rest of those amazing perks, I’ll allow them.”

She scowled at him. “Perks?”

“I said they were amazing.”

“But do you want the same thing?” she asked, her hand now moving to his cheek.

He melted into her palm, sorry he’d made her doubt his intentions. “I want to marry you, Melanie Anderson. Is that what you had in mind?”

The blood drained from her face. “It’s much too soon for that. I was talking about moving in together. I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m ready.”

He caught her wrist and drew her hand to his mouth, tenderly kissing her palm. “I’m glad. But . . .”

“But? I thought that’s what you wanted.”

“It is. But . . .”

She stared at him, waiting for him to continue. Moving in together just wasn’t enough.

“I know I don’t look it, but I’m rather traditional.”

She snorted.

“I mean that,” he said. “I might move in with a woman I wasn’t sure about, but I’m sure about you, Mel. You’re my one. My forever. My only. I want you to be my wife.”

Her eyes widened, and she stared at him for a full minute before she blinked. “Do you really mean that?”

His kiss moved from her palm to her wrist, where her pulse beat rapidly against his lips. “I’ve never meant anything more in my life.”

She grinned. “Your acceleration is a force to be reckoned with, Force.”

He laughed. He actually liked that she teased him about his nickname. “Is that a yes? You’ll marry me?”

Her smile brightened, and she cupped his cheek in one hand. “Yes.”

The air conditioner kicked off. A comet didn’t strike the planet. But he was pretty sure his world had just ended. It had brightened into a new one with the promise of this woman by his side. Always.