“I wonder why,” he snapped, but he wasn’t angry. Far from it. He was, however, going to die if he didn’t fuck her within the next five minutes.

“You know, I heard that cars will be driving themselves in the next ten to twenty years,” Melanie said.

“Normally I’d enthusiastically discuss the particulars of self-driven cars, but I think I need to concentrate on breathing until we get to the hotel.”

“I wonder how people will keep themselves entertained on long road trips if they don’t have to pay attention to the road.”

He immediately caught on to her implication. “I’m liking the idea of a computer being in charge of my vehicular safety more and more.”

She laughed and tried forcing his rigid length back into his pants again. “Still too hard. Are you going to make it to the hotel?”

He spotted the hotel’s sign and imagined it was pointing the way to nirvana. He was more than ready to find his way there with Mel.

It was a typical chain hotel, but newer and nicer than he’d expected. Melanie had to go inside to check in because Gabe was still at the whim of the hardest dick he’d ever owned. By the time she exited to stand beneath the portico where he was waiting in the car, he’d managed to get himself to a state of semi-hardness by forcing himself to think of post office lines and filing taxes. Yet the second she smiled and brandished a room card at him, he was hard as stone again.

“Calm the fuck down,” he pep-talked his dick. “It isn’t as if you’ve never been laid before.”

But with Melanie, every time carried the excitement, the longing, the curiosity and wonder of his first time. The main difference was he had a few more skills now than he’d had when he’d gratefully lost his virginity in college.

Melanie climbed back into the passenger seat. “The entrance we want is around back. Unfortunately, check-in time isn’t until four.”

A spike of panic thrust through his chest. He couldn’t wait two hours. “What?”

“I convinced them to let us check in early.” She grinned. “I told them you aren’t feeling well—probably have a case of food poisoning—and that you really needed to use the bathroom before you lie down for a nap, so no one will be suspicious if you have to walk in all doubled over.”

“Now, Miss Anderson, why would I have to walk in doubled over?”

Her hand slid to his lap, and he groaned when she discovered he was as hard as ever.

“I don’t know, Banner. Why would you?”

“You’re evil.”

“Get used to it.”

Luckily, the back parking lot was empty except for a single semi-truck parked far off to the side. Gabe snagged the parking spot next to the alternate entrance and shut off the car. He glanced up at the nondescript beige multi-floor box of a hotel, hoping their room wasn’t far from the door.

“We’re on the first floor,” she said as if they shared a brain. “So you won’t have to hobble up stairs or wait for an elevator.”

She was enjoying his misery far too much. Though elevators had possibilities, he was grateful the room wasn’t too far away. He silently pledged that after he filled her with his cum—and probably took a long nap—he’d make her want him as much as he currently wanted her.

“Give me a minute, and I think I’ll be able to stand,” he said.

Melanie leaned over and nibbled on his ear. “I sure hope so. I was hoping you’d take me up against the wall.”

His face tightened in agony. Was she trying to kill him? “You like this power you have over me, don’t you?”

She grinned. “You have it over me too. That’s why I wanted you to drive today.”

He closed his eyes and laughed. Yeah, if she’d been driving, he’d have had no choice but to put her in a similar state of arousal.

“You’re driving the rest of the way, then,” he said.

“I plan on it.”

She kissed him—rather chastely—and opened her door. She looked at him over her shoulder, the question in her eyes turning him into a smoldering kettle of lust. What was it about that look that reached deep inside him and pushed all of his triggers? He watched her pass in front of the car like he was some sort of creepy stalker rather than her boyfriend, but he could not for the life of him get his body to move from the driver’s seat.

“Are you coming?” she called when he just sat there in the stupid car, staring at her through the windshield.

“Almost,” he whispered to himself.

He was pretty sure he was drooling, but couldn’t help it. She was everything he wanted. Not just physically, though that was at the forefront of his mind at that particular moment, but everything he wanted and needed in his life. He knew he’d never love another woman as much as he loved her. Until Melanie, he’d never known he could be completely sure of anything. Having a keenly scientific mind, he automatically questioned everything—fact or theory—extensively. But not his feelings for Mel. With her, he just knew. Was this what it felt like to have absolute faith? If so, he envied those that faith came to naturally.

“If you don’t hurry, I’m going to have to take care of myself,” she said. “My panties are uncomfortably damp and—”

He threw open his door, jerked against his still fastened seat belt, cursed the infernal device as he fumbled with the clasp, and finally unfolded his long body from the confines of the Bug. He slammed the door and met Melanie at the hotel entrance. She was moving as swiftly as he was. Expecting the card reader to waylay their plans, he actually said, “Fuck, yes,” when the light turned green and the mechanism unlocked on her first attempt.

He followed her into a small foyer, and she glanced from the number written on the cardboard folder of her keycard to the small plaque on the corridor wall. “This way,” she said.

Gabe couldn’t keep his hands off of her for another second. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her up against his side, leaning in to steal a kiss. And once he tasted her sweet lips, he couldn’t stop. He was only vaguely aware that they were still moving down the hall toward their little sanctuary. Melanie’s soft lips had his full attention.

She turned her head and eyed the number next to a door before turning back to his kiss and luring him past the next few rooms. By the time they reached the end of the corridor, his hand had developed a mind of its own and was massaging her soft breast. Her nipple was distractingly hard against his palm. He needed his lips on it, his tongue on it, his teeth . . .

“Just let me open the door,” Melanie said.

Her voice was husky, but she could still form words. She wasn’t nearly as turned on as he was if she could speak a complete sentence. He planned to take that ability from her at once. She turned toward the door, and he moved to stand directly behind her, his dick pressed into the soft swell of her ass, one hand roughly rubbing her tit, the other seeking the heat between her legs. She gasped when his mouth found the point where her neck met her shoulder.

“Gabe,” she said, his name a breathless whisper. “I can’t open . . . door . . . You . . .”

She shifted her hips, rubbing her sweet ass against his aching, throbbing cock. She could still speak in recognizable words, so she wasn’t at his level of desire just yet. He pinched her nipple, and she shuddered, flattening herself against the door, her legs spreading for him as if she was perfectly okay with him taking her right there in the hotel corridor. Satisfied that she’d be ready for him the instant her panties hit the floor, he slipped the keycard from bet

ween her fingers and stuck it into the slot. It blinked mercifully green, and when he pushed the handle down, the door sprung open. Melanie stumbled forward, and he allowed the few inches of separation between them, but only until they were both inside the room and the door clicked shut behind them. He yanked off her shirt while she kicked aside her shoes. He jerked open his fly while she shimmied out of her shorts. Jeans around his ankles, he caught her around the waist and turned her so that her face was pressed against the wall and her gorgeous bare ass was tilted upward. He grabbed his cock, rubbing the tip through the wetness he knew he’d find. He slipped into her swollen pussy with a groan of part triumph, part agony and pushed forward until he was buried to the root. She whimpered, her hands curling into the wall on either side of her face.

He pulled back and pounded into her again and again. He held her hips in a solid grip as he pulled her into him while he thrust forward. Her flesh rippled with each forceful invasion.

“When you tease me like that,” he growled, “I have no choice but to punish your naughty pussy.”