My eyes scan the page, devouring the words before me. Another gift from Lady Fate. She looked at her supernatural children and felt the way they longed to not be alone. She intervened and began to intertwine their soul lines. Every supernatural creature has a true mate out there, the one who would complete their soul.

True mates are drawn together. A tether ties them together, pulling tighter and tighter until they’re falling into each other’s laps one way or another, destined to find true love once they’re together.

I bite my bottom lip so hard it draws blood.

Is that what I’m feeling? Is Axel my true mate? But why wouldn’t he say something? Why wouldn’t he just tell me?

I put on my hunter hat, trying to look at this logically.

Axel took me in when I was at my most vulnerable, promising to help me with my transition into the supernatural world. I’m sure he didn’t want me to feel like he was forcing himself on me. He was trying to protect me.

My stomach is fluttering with butterflies as I sit back against Axel’s sheets, letting this new information truly sink in. Axel is my true mate.

Even as I think the words, they sing with truth inside of me. He’s my true mate. That’s why he smells so good, that’s why I feel so at home here in his space. This is why I feel so fucking drawn to him, which is a relief because I was worried I would always feel so fucking overwhelmed for the rest of my undead life but it turns out it’s because I’m around my true mate.

A started chuckle escapes me as relief hits me full force. I’m not out of control, I’m just meeting my mate.

I continue to read everything that Cooper has left me, wanting as much information as possible. I get so lost in reading that I don’t register Axel’s arrival until he’s knocking on the bedroom door. I startle for a moment before relaxing, setting my book down on the bed.

“Come in.”

Axel walks in, looking all matters of shy. After tucking his hair behind his ear, he nervously rubs at the back of his neck. “Hey,” he says, his shoulders so tense they’re practically touching his ears. I really shouldn’t find this so endearing. All of these feelings welling up inside of me finally make sense and I can’t stop myself from smiling. “I just wanted to apologize about earlier.”

I shake my head. “You have nothing to apologize for,” I tell him seriously.

“No, I really do. I shouldn’t have let things get so out of hand. You’re still learning how to be in this body. I shouldn’t add complications to that, Jeff.”

“You know what?” I ask, cutting him off and standing up. “I changed my mind. You have one thing to apologize for.”

Axel’s eyes widen and he stands up a little straighter, hanging on my every word. Good. I want his full attention.

“Anything,” he says.

“You can say you’re sorry for not telling me sooner.” I take another step towards him until I’m right in his space, almost nose to nose.

“Tell you what?”

“That you’re my true mate,” I say right before I’m kissing him and this time, Axel doesn’t pull away.