Owen snorted. Because watching two hot chicks get it on while you fucked one of them was such a heavy load to bear.

“I’d rather know what you’d like to do now,” she said. “You should have your needs met as well.”

“My needs have been more than met,” he said. Well, his sexual needs had. But unlike Caitlyn, he’d like to enjoy more than sex during their time together. Maybe she’d be open to going out in public with him without having to disguise themselves with masks and refer to each other by initials—like an actual date or something.

“Do you want to go back to my place?” she asked. “We can cozy up on the sofa and relax.”

In other words, not be seen together in public.

“I was thinking we could go out to dinner.”

The farther they walked down the corridor, the louder the club music got, so she had to shout. “I’d rather stay in for pizza.”

It seemed she really didn’t want to go out with him, but he wasn’t ready to give up yet. “Are there any good shows playing at the theater?” he asked, remembering that she’d said she liked musicals and her ex-husband never took her. Owen’s goal was to be the opposite of that dolt.

“Probably,” she said, “but we’ll never get tickets.”

“If I can get tickets, will you go?”

“I’d love to, but you’ll never get tickets.”

“Have a little faith.” He grinned and dropped off their key with the attendant before leading Caitlyn toward the dressing room exit.

He located their shared locker and punched in the code to unlock it. He’d used Chad’s birthday, so had no trouble remembering the four-digit combination. He slipped into his pants and pulled out his phone while Caitlyn dressed. He knew exactly who to call for tickets.


Owen was still chuckling when he escorted Caitlyn out of the theater a few hours later. He’d never realized he liked musicals, but in his attempt to find some common ground with Caitlyn, he’d actually enjoyed The Book of Mormon. Maybe because it had been written by the same hilarious dudes who wrote the TV show South Park or maybe because his date—who refused to call their time together dating—was so charming. At first he’d expected her to be offended by the script’s over the top hijinks and crude language, but she’d laughed along with the rest of the audience. And Owen had laughed so hard he’d had to dab tears from his eyes.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” Caitlyn asked as they walked hand in hand to her car.

“Surprisingly, yes.” He leaned in to claim her lips, and she allowed his kiss. Even though she said she didn’t want to start a serious relationship, she’d agreed to their second real date. It gave him hope that that they could forge a relationship that was more than just one amazing sexual encounter after another. “Kelly would have loved it. I’ll have to take him to see it.”

Caitlyn stumbled over a step. “Kellen,” she said. “What’s he up to this weekend?”

“Oh.” A cold, heavy lump settled in the pit of Owen’s stomach. “He met a woman when he went to Galveston. I guess they hit it off; he’s spending the weekend with her.” And completely ignoring Owen. Owen understood that Kelly was upset about losing his cuff, but Owen couldn’t stand Kelly to be cross with him, and though he should be happy about Kelly being so lost in a chick that he didn’t have three seconds for his best friend, he wasn’t. Owen figured after the newness of Dawn and of having sex again wore off, Kelly might find a few moments to spare for the guy who stood by him through every disaster thrown his direction. Kelly had been the same way when he’d been with Sara too, so caught up in her that he seemed to forget that Owen existed.

“A woman?” Caitlyn smiled and unlocked her doors with her key fob. “That’s great news.”

“Yeah,” Owen said, so why did he feel so miserable when he thought about Kelly with Dawn? Kelly deserved someone to love. He deserved happiness. Owen decided he was just missing him. They’d been inseparable for years. Had it not been for Caitlyn and Dawn, the two guys would have undoubtedly spent the weekend together like they usually did. He’d probably be scoping out some unknown rock band in a bar in Austin right now if his and Kelly’s lives hadn’t suddenly detoured into female territory. Not that he minded. He was having a great time with Caitlyn. He’d just have been even more content if Kelly were serving as their third wheel.

Owen opened the passenger door and climbed in, only remembering he should have opened Caitlyn’s door for her after she slid into the driver’s seat next to him.

“You don’t sound happy.” Caitlyn started the Camaro, her attention shifting from the backup cam’s screen to the rearview mirror as she waited for traffic to clear behind the car.

“I am happy for him. God knows the dude needed to get laid.”

“He had sex with her?”

Owen laughed. “I know, right? About damned time he got over Sara.” And Owen meant that. He just wasn’t sure that going from completely celibate and single for five years to being adhered to Dawn was best for Kelly. The dumbass was probably in over his head, and Owen couldn’t even talk to him about it because the woman had been standing right beside him every time Owen tried to approach him.

Caitlyn shrugged, and when she finally found her opening to back out of the parking spot, she gunned the engine. “I guess I was wrong.”

“About what?”

“I thought he was waiting for you to come around.”

The muscle car seemed to shrink and evacuate itself of air. Owen grabbed the handle above the window to steady himself. “Waiting for me?” he squeaked. He cleared his throat before chuckling uncomfortably. “Whatever gave you that idea?”

“Something about the way he looks at you and touches you. Not to mention that you called his name when I was ass-fucking you with a dildo. I thought maybe there was something more than friendship between you.”

Owen shook his head, because for some lame reason, the word no got stuck in his throat and never materialized.

“I shouldn’t have said anything,” Caitlyn said. “I probably imagined an attraction between you when I was fantasizing about the two of you kissing.”

If Owen had been driving, he would have slammed on the brakes. “You fantasize about us kissing?”

“I saw him stroke your cock just days ago, Owen. My little fantasy about you sucking face is tame by comparison.”

At her words, Owen’s thoughts immediately shifted to the memory of being tied to a pommel and unable to move while Kelly’s hand rubbed him. Kelly had been showing Caitlyn how to touch Owen to give him the most pleasure. At least that was what Kelly had used as his excuse. And then after he’d boned Dawn, he’d decided he needed to awkwardly apologize for touching Owen, which had made Owen incredibly uncomfortable. His apology had made something substantial out of what Owen had thought they both considered nothing. Owen had put it out of his mind because he still didn’t understand why Kelly had said he was sorry.

“Do you really think he might want me?” Owen asked, confused as to why talking about Kelly’s possible attraction gave him a boner on par with the one he’d gotten while watching Caitlyn and M sixty-nine. Lord, what the fuck was wrong with him? Watching hot chicks eating each other out was definitely boner-worthy. Talking about his best friend platonically stroking his cock in demonstration shouldn’t be.

“I do,” Caitlyn said, “but I don’t think he’s prepared to admit it. Not even to himself. The question I have is: do you want him?”

Owen scoffed. “Uh, no. Of course not.” But the stiffy in his pants declared him a fucking liar.

Caitlyn drove through the city of Houston like she was trying to deliver a bomb before it exploded. Owen shoved all thoughts of Kelly aside to focus on not shrieking like a little girl every time Caitlyn got a bit too close to another driver’s bumper. His imaginary passenger-side brake was getting quite a workout.

“So what do you like to eat?” she asked. “I’m starved.”


“If you say pastrami on rye, I’m going to vomit.”

Owen chuckled. He had been going to say that. “Pasta?”

“Awesome. I know a great place that serves dinner late.”