“True,” he said. “I’m not sure if anyone will approach us as a couple.”

His concern was unfounded. They hadn’t even had time to order drinks before a young woman in a white mask sat in the empty seat beside Caitlyn.

“You’re gorgeous,” she shouted over the loud, throbbing club music. “What are you doing here with this guy?”

Caitlyn had never had a woman hit on her before, so it took her a moment to respond. “Uh, he’s my boyfriend.”

Was he her boyfriend? Maybe she shouldn’t have introduced Owen that way. She glanced at him to see if her claim had bothered him, but he was looking at the drink menu as if he hadn’t noticed the blonde who’d invited herself to their table.

“Not fulfilling your needs? I’ve got the cure for that.” She leaned over and licked Caitlyn’s breast above the lacy edge of her bra.

Um, wow. Forward much? Caitlyn supposed there wasn’t any reason to play coy or pretend that any of them were there for something other than sex.

“He’s fulfilling all of my fantasies,” Caitlyn said, rubbing a hand over the inside of Owen’s bare thigh. “That’s why he brought me here.”

“So is this a lesbian fantasy while he watches thing or a threesome thing? Because I don’t do dick. I don’t want dick anywhere near me.”

Caitlyn laughed, hoping the woman wasn’t offended. She didn’t think she was funny per se, but rather refreshing in her ballsy outlandishness. “I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” Caitlyn said, which wasn’t entirely true.

“She wants to be the center of our attention,” Owen said. “She wants dick in her pussy. Your tongue

and fingers and fist in her pussy.”

Fist? They’d never discussed a fist. They hadn’t discussed tongue and fingers, for that matter.

“Does she speak for herself?” the woman asked, never taking her eyes off Caitlyn.

“I’d like to try licking.” She glanced at Owen and then back at the blonde. “I want to eat your pussy too,” she said, “but I don’t want my man to touch you or be touched by you.”

The blonde chuckled and slid a hand up Caitlyn’s leg. “I like a woman who knows what she wants. I just wish we could leave the dick out of this entirely.”

“Then you should find some other woman to hit on,” Owen said. “One who doesn’t crave my cock.”

The blonde laughed and slapped him in the chest. “My, aren’t you full of yourself?”

Actually, he wasn’t usually the type who boasted about his appeal—though he had tons to spare—but Caitlyn noticed this woman had him on edge and not in a good way.

“He’s right,” Caitlyn said. “I do crave his cock. I think I want him to be pounding me while I eat you out.”

“As long as he’s not pounding you while I eat you out.”

Caitlyn’s pussy tightened at the thought. “That does sound exciting.” Caitlyn turned to Owen and wrapped her arm around his lower back, pressing her breast into his hard-muscled arm. “Is that possible, to be licked and fucked at the same time?”

“Yeah. But probably not if your partner is afraid of cock.”

“I’m not afraid of cock,” the blonde said. “It’s just gross. All hard and veiny.” Her lip curled. “Ew.”

“Mmm,” Caitlyn purred. “I like them all hard and veiny.”

The blonde shuddered and stood. “If you change your mind, I’ll be over there, far, far from the penis you brought with you.” She planted a soft kiss on Caitlyn’s lips. Caitlyn was too stunned to kiss her back. And even more stunned to discover she hadn’t been even slightly repulsed by another woman’s mouth against hers.

Her eyes still on the blonde as she walked away, Caitlyn leaned toward Owen and asked, “Are the people who frequent these places always so forward?” At her first and only other experience in a sex club, Owen had been the only one to approach her, and he hadn’t been quite that brusque when making it clear their interactions would be sexual in nature.

When he didn’t answer her question, she turned to find a woman draped over the back of his chair, one hand on his devastatingly distracting abs and another inching down the front of his red silk boxers.

Caitlyn grabbed the woman’s wrists and yanked her hands off Owen’s body, all sorts of overwhelming and confusing feelings swarming through her. “What are you doing?”

“Inviting myself to his party,” the woman said. The red of her hooded mask brought out the blue of her eyes and told Caitlyn that this one was looking for both a man and a woman. That might have had interesting possibilities if it hadn’t meant that she’d expect Owen to touch her, to fuck her. It probably wasn’t fair of Caitlyn to expect him to be okay with her having sex with another woman while she was decidedly not okay with him having sex with one, but the unfairness didn’t change her opinion on the matter.

“I don’t like her touching you,” Caitlyn said to Owen. She released the woman’s wrists with a shove.

“Would you prefer her to touch you?” Owen asked.

Caitlyn couldn’t meet the woman’s eyes as she made her intentions clear. “No.”

The woman shrugged and wandered off to find more reasonable prospects.

“She would have let us do anything to her,” Owen said.

“She would have wanted you inside her.”

“And you have a problem with that?”

“Of course I have a problem with that.”

His grin completely disarmed her. Why was he smiling? He should be perturbed that Caitlyn’s fantasies were so unyielding to his preferences, yet he seemed happy that she’d erected barriers not around herself, but around him.

“I like a woman who knows what she wants,” he said.

Oh, was that why he was smiling? Well, that was okay. Just as long as he wasn’t feeling smug because Caitlyn was out of her head at the mere thought of him fucking some other woman at a sex club. Maybe it was because he looked so hot and mysterious in that white mask. She couldn’t blame women for putting their hands on him.

Owen ordered drinks—whiskey for himself and a crisp white wine for her—and they people-watched for a while. With the normal boundaries of society left at the door, the women became rather predatory, she noticed. She watched one curvy lady take a man to the back, only to return ten minutes later and collect two more. Were they having an orgy back there? Caitlyn wondered if she’d be able to disconnect from her personal morals enough to get gang fucked. Probably not, she decided when several additional men tagged along behind the trio heading to the back of the establishment. The thought of six men taking turns banging her worried Caitlyn far more than it turned her on. Things could so rapidly get out of control in a mob situation. But wasn’t that what had happened between the members of Sole Regret and that Lindsey woman? As sexy as she found all the members of the band, Caitlyn didn’t think she’d enjoy them taking turns fucking her.

“I think I see exactly what we’re looking for,” Owen said after a moment. “Stay here; I’ll bring her to you.”

He kissed her before rising from the table and crossing the room. She couldn’t take her eyes off him even when a pair of giggling women streaked completely naked through her line of vision with a bouncer following them, shouting, “No nudity on the floor.”

Owen slid into a booth with a woman sitting alone and wearing a pink hooded mask. She was very thin and very pale and actually jumped when Owen spoke to her. She reminded Caitlyn of herself—not in appearance, but in the way she’d reacted when Owen had first approached her in that sex club in San Antonio. Caitlyn wished she were a lip reader when Owen continued to speak to the stranger and the woman turned her head to gaze at Caitlyn. Caitlyn smiled, hoping she didn’t look as freaked out as she suddenly felt, and the woman smiled in return before turning back to Owen and nodding.

He slid from the booth and took her hand, leading her across the floor. He stopped as the giggling streakers tried to use him as a human shield against the bouncer holding bra and panty sets in each outstretched hand. They circled him and then raced down the corridor that led to the partitioned rooms.

Owen placed a hand on the pink-hooded woman’s back and escorted her to the table. “C,” he said, nodding in Caitlyn’s direction. They weren’t supposed to use names, but an initial would make interactions less confusing. “This is M.”

“Hello,” Caitlyn said, feeling all sorts of awkward. She supposed the more often a person frequented one of these clubs, the more at ease they became. She wasn’t sure she’d come often enough to find that level of comfort.

“Hi. O says you’re curious too.”

Caitlyn looked to Owen for an explanation.

“Pink,” he said, pointing at the woman’s mask, “means she’s curious but not sure how far she’ll go. That’s why these horndogs haven’t approached her. She might say no.”

Caitlyn wished she’d known about the pink mask. She’d have asked for one herself even if it meant she didn’t have strangers feeling her up and kissing her without provocation.

“But I might say yes,” M said. “Can I sit down?”

“Of course.” Caitlyn scooted her chair slightly away from the free chair. She wasn’t sure if she was giving M or herself more personal space.

Owen sat on Caitlyn’s opposite side and took her hand before reaching for his drink.

Caitlyn examined M more closely. She appeared to be in her early twenties. Her long brown hair—obscured and flattened by the hood on her head—hung in a long mass to the middle of her back. She’d been close to Owen in height—nearing six foot—and had a slender athletic build, with small breasts and narrow hips.

“Would you like a drink, M?” Owen asked as the two women gawked