The sentiment was mutual. Even an ass to crack walnuts with and a stomach to grate cheese on couldn’t make up for her intolerable personality. “You haven’t shown me a single photo of her, and I still hired her, so I’m evolving, don’t you think?”

Connor raised his eyes to the sky as if he was praying. I doubted anyone would listen to his prayers, not after all the shit he and I had been up to in the last few years—before Fiona. “It was time you chose your assistant based on her skills and not looks.”

“I’ve always based my decisions on their skills… They were all very skillful, trust me.”

Connor snorted, then he rubbed his forehead. “If you mess this up, Fiona will kick my balls.”

“Doesn’t she have better things to do with them?”

Connor sent me a glower. I missed the time when he’d share every fucking kinky detail of his sexcapades with me, but Fiona had him on a short leash.

“So tell me: what is Evie like, what does she look like?” I asked, knowing it would push Connor’s buttons.

“She isn’t your type, Xavier. Get it out of your head,” Connor said, narrowing his eyes. Fiona had trained him well. I could almost imagine her patting his head like a good little dog.

I leaned back with a grin. “She’s human and female, right?”

Connor nodded.

“Then she’s my type.”

He opened his mouth then snapped it shut. “You know what, mate. Never mind. I’m not getting involved in this. I’ll be the one to pay for your mess-ups as usual.”

“Come on, that one time doesn’t count.”

Connor gave me an incredulous look. “That one time? You fucked some secondhand gangster’s wife and told her my name. That asshole tried to beat me up with his ugly-ass brothers.”

“To my defense, I came to your help.”

“Geez, thanks,” Connor muttered, but he was fighting a smile. He missed our crazy-ass adventures. His eyes moved past me. I followed his gaze and spotted Fiona and a young woman with long strawberry blonde hair. She was much curvier than Fiona and I’d never have pegged them as sisters, much less twins. Which was a fucking relief. If I had been forced to have an assistant with Fiona’s face around me twenty-four-seven, I would have lost my shit. My eyes came to a stop on her chest and I released a low whistle.

Connor shot me a glare “Xavier, I swear, I’ll hold a pillow to your face while you sleep next time we have to share a room if you mess this up.”

I grinned. “At least, I can die happy.”

Xavier’s eyes took their sweet-ass time checking out my body. Surprise flashed across his face, then that was gone. He kept talking to Connor, who looked as if he were sucking a lemon, but Xavier’s eyes were fixed on me. To be honest, they were mostly fixed on my breasts. I was a 40 D, and men always noticed, but usually they weren’t as unabashed about it. Xavier obviously had no shame. Several of his teammates standing around on the field also threw me curious glances.

Despite my best intentions, heat rose into my cheeks.

When Fiona and I arrived at the bench, he rose to his feet, and holy shit, was he a beast. The photos I’d seen of him hadn’t done him justice. That man was six foot six of pure muscle. How he could move that body as quickly as the sport required was a miracle to me. I felt like someone was holding a hair dryer into my face, blasting heat at me full force.

“This is my sister, Evie,” Fiona introduced me. The warning in her voice was unmistakable, and her death glare only emphasized it.

I nudged her side with my elbow, not wanting her to embarrass me in front of my future boss. It was endearing that she wanted to protect me from Xavier, but I was more than capable myself.

“You don’t look like twins,” Xavier said as he took me in then turned briefly to Fiona.

I flushed. I’d lost count of how often I’d heard those exact words. It wasn’t even true. I had seen photos of us when we were little girls and we had been almost indistinguishable, only my hair was more strawberry blonde than golden blonde. We shared the same facial features and dusting of freckles, were almost the same height, but later, when Fiona had turned toward sports and I had turned toward reading, people had focused on our biggest difference: our weight.

Deciding not to start off my new job backed into a corner, I made a show out of checking out Xavier. Problem was somewhere along the way, around his ridiculously broad shoulders, or the outline of abs, or that delicious V, it turned into more than a display for him. That man was ripped. Holy mother of too sexy for this world rugby players. “Now I get why they call you the Beast. Can’t be easy to find clothes that fit you. Do they have big and tall shops around here?”

Xavier blinked at me, then a slow panty-dropping smile appeared on his face. “I wouldn’t know. I have my clothes tailored for me.”

“Of course,” I said, letting a hint of irony tinge my words, not too much to offend but enough that he’d notice. “Nothing off the rack for you.”

“Indeed,” he said. He extended his strong, big hand. “I’m Xavier. Your new boss.”

I took his hand, squeezing a bit harder than necessary. “I’m Evie, your new babysitter.”

Xavier laughed, a deep, low laugh that raised the little hairs on my back. He didn’t release my hand and I made no move to pull away. “Oh, I like her already,” Xavier said to Connor.

Fiona scowled. “Make sure not to like her too much, all right?”

“Fiona,” I hissed, my cheeks growing hot. I couldn’t believe her. She gave me a so-what look and shrugged. “What? He needs reminding, trust me.”

Xavier smirked and leaned a bit closer. “Don’t listen to her. I’m perfectly capable of behaving myself…if I want to.”

Good Lord. With that low timbre of his voice, Xavier should do the voiceover in romance novels. It gave me pleasant chills I’d never felt before. “I’ll make sure you behave. That’s now my job, right?”

Xavier released my hand, but his warmth lingered. “Not yet. You have to sign the contract and a few other documents my lawyer’s set up.”

I nodded. That seemed sensible, which surprised me a little considering what Fiona had said about him. “When?”

“This afternoon. I can send Connor the details.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Why don’t I give you my number so you can put it in your contacts? A middle man won’t be necessary.”

Xavier’s smile became more pronounced as he took out his phone. “Here. You’ll be quicker.”

I took his phone, then keyed in my new number. “There you go.”

“First job well done,” Xavier said, a hint of arrogance twisting that too gorgeous face.

I snorted. “Are you testing me?”

Xavier smirked. “Nah, the tests will come later.”

The way he said it made a mix of nerves and excitement bubble up in me. “I will pass them all.”

“I don’t doubt it.”

“Get your asses over here!” a man in his fifties with a cap that read Coach shouted.

“Have to go,” Xavier said, his eyes making a brief detour to my chest again. “See you later.”

He turned and jogged over to his coach, followed by Connor. My eyes were glued to Xavier’s backside, which his trunks weren’t hiding at all. The rest of the team gathered around them. It was obvious that Xavier was the leader of the pack.

“I don’t like that look,” Fiona whispered.

“I’m only appreciating the scenery.”

“Yeah, but don’t get entangled in the scenery. It’s a thorny, barren land.”

I laughed. “Oh, Fiona. I missed your sarcasm.”

She flashed me a grin. “I’ll have to go too. Enjoy the training.”

I took a seat on the benches and watched the rugby team train several tactical maneuvers that made absolutely no sense to me, but the sight of all the tall, muscled rugby players sweetened my time. Only Fiona’s occasional warning glance in my direction while she bent her body to her will like the other c

heerleaders dampened my mood. She didn’t have to worry. I could appreciate Xavier’s physical assets without the risk of acting on my urges.

I was used to lusting after the unattainable types. That hadn’t changed one bit since high school.

“Do you think this outfit is okay?” I asked. I had bought the dress shortly before I’d left the States. It was a cream-colored sheath dress with a narrow red belt accentuating my waist. I was a bit self-conscious about it because the dress clung to my curves more than my usual attire.

“You look great, Evie. Perhaps a bit too great.”

I rolled my eyes. “I want to look like a businesswoman, as if I can handle anything, even Xavier—The Beast—Stevens.”

“If anyone can handle him, then it’s you. He won’t know what hit him.”

“Thanks. I’ll try to keep the big guy on his toes.” That’s what I hoped, at least. I still wasn’t entirely sure about my set of tasks, but I hoped Xavier would brief me on the details of my work today.

“I could come with you,” Fiona said quickly.

I gave her a look. “If I show up with my twin sister as backup, Xavier will never take me seriously.”

“He won’t either way because women are only playthings to him. I don’t think he sees them as human beings.”

“You’re exaggerating.” Xavier had seemed manageable during our first encounter this morning. A bit cocky, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Perhaps he’d be more intolerable if I fit his type, but as it was he’d probably end up seeing me as one of the guys and not so much a female, like every other guy I’d crushed on.

“I’m not. With guy friends, he’s loyal and funny, from what Connor tells me, but with women…but you will realize it soon enough.” She fixed a strand of my hair that had gotten loose. “Call me if anything happens.”

“I’m going to sign my work contract, not take a dip in a piranha-infested river.”

“Just make sure you stay away from Xavier’s anaconda, that’s all I ask,” Fiona muttered.

“Fiona!” I hissed. “Now I won’t be able to look at him without turning bright red.”

Connor was nice enough to drive me to the law firm where I was supposed to meet Xavier. He gave me an encouraging smile when I got out of the car, which only made me more nervous. I waved at him as I headed toward the glass door leading into the sleek office building.

The receptionists pointed me toward an elevator at the end of the large lobby. The moment the elevator stopped on the right floor and I stepped out, a tall, dark-haired man strode toward me. He was dressed in an immaculate dark-blue three-piece suit and was in his early thirties. His face registered surprise upon seeing me. “You must be Miss Fitzgerald?”

I gave a nod and smiled.

“I’m Xavier’s lawyer, Marc Stevens.” He held out his hand for me to shake. His smile was pleasant but reserved. I wondered if the shared last name was coincidence, but upon closer look he shared a distant similarity to Xavier. Dark hair, same high cheekbones, but he wasn’t nearly as tall or broad, and had brown eyes. “Why don’t we head into my office so we can go over the details of your contract?”

“Won’t Xavier join us?”

“He will, but given the fact that his old assistant left and you haven’t started working for him yet, I doubt he’ll be on time.” He motioned for me to follow him.

His words surprised me. As Xavier’s lawyer, I wouldn’t have expected him to voice criticism like that. He was definitely family. Brother? Or maybe cousin? “Doesn’t he have a watch?”

“Several, and all of them cost more than a small car, but Xavier uses them for their decorating properties, not to read the time. That would be part of your job.”

Telling Xavier what time it was and to be on time. He really needed a babysitter.

“Why don’t you have a seat?” He motioned toward a massive oval table made from some kind of reddish wood. A stack of papers sat in front of one of the chairs. I sank down on the surprisingly comfortable chair and read the cover page of what seemed to be a long contract.


I nodded.

Mr. Stevens took a seat beside me. “Why don’t I read it aloud and you will voice your concerns or questions if they arise.”

“I assume you used the same contract for Xavier’s previous assistants, so even if I had concerns regarding certain parts of the contract, you would be reluctant to change them.”

He smiled. “That’s correct, but I think you’ll find that everything’s reasonable.”

Most of the contract was reasonable. The only passage that had me a bit worried was the part that stipulated I couldn’t stop working for him until I found him a new assistant or six months had passed. I had a feeling that part had been added recently due to Xavier’s difficulties keeping his assistants.

Mr. Stevens had read almost the entire contract to me when the door opened and Xavier stepped in. “Am I late?” he asked with a grin, knowing full well that he was.

“You are, as usual,” Mr. Stevens said. “We were about to move on to the payment clause.”

Xavier sank down across from me. “That’s probably the part you’re most excited about.”

Mr. Stevens cleared his throat and read the next clause. My pulse sped up when I heard how much I’d earn being a mere assistant. My palms became sweaty, and I got a little lightheaded. No matter how nerve-wracking Xavier was, for that much money I would have become the assistant of a serial killer, maybe even helped him dispose of the bodies.

“That doesn’t include expenses. They come on top. Whenever you pay for something, let me know and I’ll reimburse you.”

“How do you manage to drive your assistants away with that kind of payment?” It burst out of me.

Mr. Stevens let out a choked cough that sounded remarkably like he was stifling laughter.

Xavier leaned forward on his elbows, letting the muscles in his arms bulge against his tight shirtsleeves. “My irresistible charm drove them away.”

“That brings us to the next point. The non-disclosure clause,” Mr. Stevens said with wrinkled brows, sliding a single sheet of paper over to me. Xavier’s answering smirk didn’t bode well.

Narrowing my eyes, I scanned the clause.

The non-disclosure clause made me snort. “In case of sexual intercourse between the employer and the employee, and any kind of actions that can be classified as such, the employee agrees to keep the details of said acts confidential,” I read aloud, then looked up at Xavier. “I think that clause won’t be necessary.”

And it didn’t even make sense. The press reported about Xavier’s sexual endeavors with women almost every day. What did it matter if his assistants did too?

Xavier smirked. “My lawyer would disagree with you on the matter.”

His lawyer looked up and frowned. “For good reason,” he said. Upon taking a closer look at both of them, I realized they looked too related for just cousins. Definitely brothers.

Then he turned to me. “It’s a formality, but if you would manage to prove it unnecessary for once, I’d appreciate it, believe me.”

I smiled. “Don’t worry. Pigs will learn to fly before anything happens between Xavier and me.”

“In the Caribbean pigs are swimming around in the ocean. Small step from that to flying, if you ask me,” Xavier drawled, winking at me.

And my pulse picked up. He was toying around. I wasn’t his type, and I wouldn’t let him play with me. “I’m not surprised you know all about pigs.” The moment the words were out, my eyes opened wide. I had used all of the money Dad had given me to buy a one-way ticket to Sydney, and even part of my savings. I needed this job.

His lawyer threw his head back and guffawed. He held out his hand. “Call me Marc. I’m the pig’s older brother.”

A small smile spread on Xavier’s face. He wasn’t offended, thank God. But his smile made me nervous.

I took the pen and scribbled my signature down on the contract and the non-disclosure cl


“Good luck,” Marc said with a half-amused smile.

“Thank you, but I doubt I’ll need it.”

Xavier rose from his chair, all six foot six of him, and I had a hard time not risking a peek at his arms again. “Now that you’re officially my assistant, why don’t I show you my apartment and tell you everything you need to know about me.”

I stood as well, thanked Marc and followed Xavier out of the office. He surprised me by holding the door open for me and matching his pace to mine. With his longer legs, I’d have thought he’d make me hurry after him. I slanted him a curious look. He exuded self-assurance and relaxation, as if nothing could get his pulse up. He seemed like someone who could take control of his own life if he wanted to.

We stepped into the elevator and the door closed. Suddenly I felt less sure of myself. Xavier leaned against the wall, tall and muscled, completely at ease. I could feel his eyes on me through the mirrors surrounding us. Resisting the urge to tug at my dress, I tightened my hold on my purse. “Why did you give me the job?” I asked.

Xavier’s gray eyes met mine in the mirror across from us. “Connor recommended you. I trust his judgment. Well, apart from his choice in women.”

My eyebrows rose. “I assume you mean Fiona. My twin.”

His mouth pulled into a smile. “Yep.”

“You realize that most people would question your choice in women more than his.”

Xavier turned to me so he was looking at me directly. He was a head taller than me even though I wasn’t exactly short and wore heels. But next to him I looked almost petite for once, which was a nice experience. “There’s a major difference you are overlooking. Connor has chosen Fiona as his girlfriend. My choice in women is only guided by their abilities in the sack.”

I was spared an answer, which might have led to me losing my job mere minutes after starting it, by the opening elevator doors as we arrived on the ground floor.

We stepped out into the warm Sydney sun, and I regretted my choice of dress at once. It was sweltering, and I could feel an annoying droplet of sweat make its way down my thigh. “Smile,” Xavier said under his breath, his own lips pulling into a million-dollar smile.