Page 42 of Lethal Pursuit

The once-black revolver sat harmlessly on his outstretched palm. It was nicked and scarred all over, showing its age and use. This was no mere decoration and it held more than trivial significance for Khalid. He’d planned this whole thing out very carefully, from the video camera across the room to the air of anticipation he seemed to be enjoying so much.

“Last chance,” he said. His tone was flat, hard, brimming with impatience. She didn’t know if she was more afraid of seeing that impatience unleashed or finding out if the chamber she chose had a bullet in it.

Swallowing, Maya forced her right hand up.

“Stop,” Jackson blurted.

Her fingers closed around the cold grip of the pistol, and the man pulled his hand away. The weight of the weapon felt strangely light, almost nonexistent in her fist. If she was in shock, maybe it would help numb her. Because she had no fucking idea how to get out of this. For one crazy moment, she thought about turning the gun on Khalid and emptying every chamber until she found the loaded one and hit him right between the eyes. She could do it if she was quick enough. Maybe if she could kill him before one of the others shot or disarmed her, they’d stand down.

“Cock it,” Khalid ordered.

That cold voice was so devoid of emotion it sent fresh chills down her spine. Her fingers flexed around the grip. She didn’t look at him. Didn’t dare because she was afraid she’d take the chance and fire at him. If she did and the chamber was empty, her act of defiance would be useless. And then Jackson and the Sec Def would die.

Swallowing, she cocked the hammer back, her mind rebelling at each tiny movement. The metallic click was loud in the choking silence. She heard Jackson shift, caught a glimpse of movement in her peripheral vision as he tensed.

Even with her mind made up, she couldnotmake herself raise the gun to her own head. The room blurred, began to spin.

“Raise it to your head,” Khalid said.

“Maya, put it down!” Jackson yelled. The desperation in his voice cut straight through her.

No. It was impossible. She couldn’t do this.

“You are willing to accept the consequences then?” Khalid purred in a silky tone.

Her insides contracted. Her arm felt rigid, like it was made of steel. Unbending. Her tormentor stared back at her for a few heartbeats, daring her to challenge him.

She never backed down from a challenge. Something in her simply refused to surrender—even now, when all seemed lost.

Maya locked her jaw, maintained eye contact and set the gun down in a blatant act of defiance. If the asshole wanted her dead, he could shoot her himself.

Jackson’s relieved exhalation filled the tense silence.

She barely had time to blink before Khalid made his move. His eyes shifted away from her and his gun hand whipped out and up. Maya bit back an instinctive cry of protest, her body going rigid. Khalid swung the weapon around, aimed at the Sec Def and fired a bullet into his lower leg.

Haversham’s dazed eyes flew open and he jerked upright, a howl of agony erupting from his throat. He bared his teeth and writhed in place, unable to escape from the pain or stop the flow of blood from his leg. A scarlet pool spread out beneath him.

Staring in horror, Maya blanched. Jackson cursed low under his breath. This time when she looked back at Khalid, she was shaking with a mixture of fear and revulsion.

He raised one eyebrow in insolent reply. “Aim the revolver at your head and pull the trigger, Lieutenant, or I will shoot him full of holes.” When she didn’t answer, his eyes narrowed thoughtfully for a moment. Then he glanced at Jackson. “Or maybe I’ll put a few holes inhiminstead until you decide to cooperate,” he finished, turning the pistol toward Jackson.

“No!” The instinctive protest came out before she could bite it back. Whatever horrors she’d endured, she couldn’t take that. She’d rather die than be the cause of Jackson’s suffering. Being responsible for Haversham’s gunshot wound was bad enough. She was willing to sacrifice herself if it spared Jackson.

The swirling nausea peaked and ebbed, making her clammy and shaky. Her hand trembled around the old revolver. Calling on every bit of self-control she possessed, she lifted it slowly. It went against everything inher, but she did it, inch by inch, her skin crawling with the thought of what was coming. Could she actually pull the trigger? She didn’t know if she had the guts.

In the end, she closed her eyes. Shut out everything in the room, locked down her emotions. It was easier that way. Digging down deep for her courage, she brought the cold round mouth of the muzzle to her right temple. Bile filled her throat, hot and acidic.

“Maya.” Jackson’s agonized cry ripped through the room. She squeezed her eyes shut, forcing the image of his stricken face from her mind. Didn’t he understand? There was nothing else she could do. If she didn’t do this, Khalid would shoot him or Haversham, who was still losing a lot of blood. Friendly forces in the area might have a lock on them, might even find them in the coming hours, but she couldn’t stall anymore.

“Don’t do it, Maya,” Haversham managed between gritted teeth. “I’d rather be...shot full of holes than... watch you do this.” She could hear the conviction in his voice, the former Marine still very much alive in him.Semper Fidelis.

It was her turn to be faithful to them now by offering her life for theirs.

“No,” Jackson said again, as though he’d read her intentions. “Maya, don’t you fucking do this. You hear me? Goddammit,lookat me.”

She didn’t, because she couldn’t bear to. If there was even half as much pain on his face as there was in his voice, she’d never be able to go through with this.

“My next bullet goes in him if you don’t pull the trigger within five seconds,” Khalid snapped.