A second later Cam stepped inside, rubbernecking Maya’s retreating figure. Jackson blew out a long breath, and his buddy turned around to gape at him with a stunned look on his face. “So, I didn’t see anything,” he blurted, hands raised in self-defense.
Jackson was too tired and annoyed to manage a laugh. “Nope.”
Cam crossed to his bunk and sat down, his boots landing with a thud as he tossed them onto the wooden floor. A moment later the covers rustled, and then all was still. “Night.” Jackson could hear the grin in the bastard’s voice.
“Night,” he grunted, and scrubbed a hand over his face. What the fuck had just happened? Why had Maya sought him out—and here in the so-called “secure” confines of the Spec Ops area—just to fuck him and get him off without getting anything out of it in return? Except power or control, or whatever the hell she’d been after. For the first time that he could remember, he was completely out of his depth with a woman. Wasn’t that a kick in the ass?
Though he’d just had the best orgasm of his life, he’d never felt less satisfied.
CLIMBING DOWN FROMthe cab of the old Toyota pickup, Khalid took a cardboard box from the front seat and carried it to the rear of their camp. His men were gathered around a small fire, cooking their evening meal when he approached.
Mohammed glanced up, a wide smile breaking over his face when he saw what Khalid carried. “You have them?”
Khalid nodded and surveyed his troops. Mostly young men in their late teens and early twenties. There had been more in the fall, but the majority of the older ones had been sacrificed in the previous operation to eliminate Nasrallah. Those remaining were motivated, fair marksmen and, more importantly, completely loyal to him.
A cool wind picked up, ruffling his hair and making the flames crackle and leap within their stone pit. “I have received word from Rahim’s people that tomorrow’s operation is a definite go. Are you all ready?”
A chorus of excited voices answered him in the affirmative.
He held up a hand for silence. “We leave an hour before dawn, in the groups I’ve divided you into. Mohammed will lead the last group to ensure our escape route is clear.” Across the fire, the boy’s eyes shone with pride at being given command of his own group. “We have only one chance to execute this properly. You all know what is expected of you—what I expect from you as men and soldiers. Prepare yourselves accordingly with prayer.”
He paused to let his gaze carry over the circle of men, the rise of excitement warm in his veins. “And now for those of you who will accompany me into the village, something to help you on our journey to rid our land of the unbelievers.” He opened the box flap and reached inside for the item on top. Smiling, he held up the first offive camouflage-patterned jackets of the Afghan National Army for everyone to see.
* * *
ABOVE THE POWERFULpulse of the Black Hawk’s rotors, Jackson listened to Cam and his other fellow passengers bullshit over their headsets as the helo flared above their LZ and hovered a moment before touching down. The pilots shut down the engines, and everyone took off their headsets and collected their gear in preparation to disembark. Just as well, since he didn’t much feel like talking to anyone anyhow.
Shouldering his heavy ruck and a duffel he’d stuffed full of medical gear, he hopped out of the helo and headed across the empty expanse of dun-colored ground to where the SF guys had already set up shop at the village’s perimeter. Doing a MEDCAP with an A-team helped on several levels, especially since they were all linguists and could speak Pashto. A real bonus out here, where none of the villagers spoke any English and what Pashto Jackson knew wouldn’t fill a coffee cup. Two more H-60s landed behind the bird he’d just exited, remaining on the ground only long enough for their passengers to disembark before powering up and lifting off again.
As he neared the SF guys, he noticed Maya off to the right with some other Security Forces personnel, likely setting up last-minute security details for the upcoming press promo op for an unnamed senior U.S. official. Nothing better to show the voters back home how much the current party in power back stateside loved to help the Afghan locals. At least this setup saved him from an awkward episode with Maya. They both had jobs to do here, and there was no doubt in his mind Maya would let nothing come between her and her duty.
It still shocked the shit out of him that she’d sought him out last night. He’d never encountered a woman so sexually aggressive, let alone have one be so detached from her own pleasure during sex. It not only bothered him, it made him want a repeat so he could make sure this time ended differently for her. Things felt too unfinished between them.
Cam caught up with him, carrying his own load of gear. A group of villagers had already assembled near the SF troops. Mostly women and children waited, standing a short distance behind the village elders to await permission to come forward.
“You got enough stuff for the kids if I run out?” Cam asked.
“Should have. Let me know if you need it.”
The SF Team Sergeant directed them to the two small tents set up at the eastern end of the village. Maya was farther down, directing a few of her soldiers into place. Even if her rank hadn’t been displayed on her uniform, there was no doubt as to who was in charge there. The woman wore her authority like a Kevlar cloak.
“You know anything about her background?” he asked Cam, still watching her.
Cam followed his gaze and answered. “Some. Dev told me she didn’t get to know her real well at Bagram, but apparently she was raised by her grandmother in L.A. Tough neighborhood, lots of drugs, gangbangers. She must have learned to kick ass early on to make it out of there without getting sucked into that kind of lifestyle.”
“Makes sense.”
Cam shot him a sideways glance. “Why do you ask?”
“No reason.” It was just that he couldn’t fucking figure her out. He’d always prided himself on being able to understand a woman and how her mind worked. God knew his mother and sisters had tried their best to get him to understand them while they’d raised him. What happened with Maya last night had left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth. He wanted to be the one to make her let go of all that hard-won control, watch her melt in his arms when he got her underneath him next time. And therewouldbe a next time. He’d make sure of that.
“She’s stumped you, huh?”
Cam knew him too well. He didn’t bother denying it. “I think maybe, yeah.”
“Well, that’s one for the history books. I can’t wait to tell Went.” His eyes sparkled at the prospect.