“Oh, but the results are more than worth it.” Trin beamed at her as she came forward in her plum-colored maid of honor gown. She stood behind them, meeting Kiyomi’s gaze in the antique full-length mirror placed in the corner of the room. “You look so gorgeous.”
“Thanks.” She smiled at her reflection. Her hair was pinned up with little wisps escaping to frame her neck and face, and her makeup was subtle. “I wasn’t sure about this design initially, but now I’m glad I went for it.”
As a nod to her mother and Japanese heritage, her wedding dress was kimono-inspired. The head seamstress at the bridal shop in town had custom made it for her. The main part of the gown was an ivory satin, with wide kimono-style sleeves.
Kiyomi had commissioned her to make theobiout of the same plum-floral fabric of the robe she’d worn the first night she’d gone to Marcus. That night would always signify the moment when she’d fallen in love with him, and she’d wanted to incorporate it into their special day.
“Is everyone else ready?” she asked Trinity.
“Yep, all present and accounted for.” She folded her arms and leaned against the wall, watching Kiyomi, her wedding band gleaming on her finger. She and Brody had tied the knot at his family’s horse farm in the Shenandoah Valley two weeks earlier, with all the Valkyries and their partners in attendance. Now everyone had reunited once again here at Laidlaw Hall to celebrate another wedding. “You nervous?”
“Not even a little.” She tugged at one layer of theobi, trying to line it up with the others, and got her hand smacked for her trouble. Her aunt reprimanded her in Japanese, now gathering the folds of theobitogether to form the bow.
She grinned at Trinity in the mirror. Her Japanese family still had no inkling of what she was, or anything about her former life as an assassin. When she’d invited them, they’d jumped at the chance to fly here for the wedding, even before Kiyomi had insisted on paying for their trip. “Guess I’ll just stand here and let them do their thing.”
“I think that’s a wise decision.”
Finally, her aunt and great-aunt stood, turned her a few times to inspect everything, then smiled their approval and deemed her ready. Her aunt took her by the arms to give her a wobbly smile. “Your mother would have been so proud of you,” she said in Japanese.
Kiyomi bowed slightly, touched. The picture of her and her mother was sitting in a frame in the master bedroom up on the top floor. “Thank you, aunt.” Both women kissed her cheek and left to go take their seats for the start of the ceremony.
Trinity walked up and put her chin on the top of Kiyomi’s shoulder, looking into her eyes in the mirror. “Look at you.”
“I know. Hard to believe, right? I’ve come a long way, baby.”
Trin laughed. “I’ll say.” She wrapped her arms around Kiyomi’s waist from behind. “How’s the shoulder holding up?”
“Still attached.” The swelling in her left arm and hand was finally gone. Everything was healing well but she had radial nerve damage that meant the back of her arm and hand ached constantly. Her range of motion was slowly improving, but it would never be one-hundred-percent.
A small price to pay for her freedom, and the chance to marry the man she loved.
They both turned when Eden appeared in the mirror, carrying two bouquets she’d made for the occasion. “Ready in the nick of time,” she said, handing Kiyomi hers.
“Just gorgeous, thank you.” Kiyomi raised the bouquet to her nose and inhaled. “Mmmm.” She recognized the white flowers. “Gardenia?”
“Yes. They represent joy. The pink peonies represent a happy marriage. And irises, to symbolize faith, valor and wisdom. I thought that represented you the best.”
Aww. “And there’s something poisonous in here too, right? I’d be disappointed if there wasn’t.”
Eden grinned. She was a new bride herself, since she and Zack had eloped when they’d gone back to meet his dad and stepmom. “Well, maybe just a couple things.”
“That’s my girl.” Kiyomi hooked an arm around her neck and pulled her in for a hug. “It’s gorgeous and I love it. Thank you for being here.”
“Are you kidding? I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.”
Chatter came from the hallway as a group of people approached. Kiyomi picked out Chloe’s voice long before she came into view.
The blonde stopped short in the doorway, staring at Kiyomi, her diamond engagement ring sparkling on her finger. Heath had proposed back in the States after he’d taken her rock climbing. “Holy shit. Now that’s a wedding dress.”
“You like?” Kiyomi did a slow circle as the other Valkyries spilled into the room amongst oohs and aahs.
“I brought the ring bearer,” Megan said, grinning as Karas trotted past her. The dog came right up to Kiyomi and sat, ears cocked. She was still daddy’s girl, but Karas was completely devoted to Kiyomi now as well. “She’s got this down by heart, since it’s her second time.”
“Sweetheart, you look stunning,” Kiyomi told Karas, reaching down to ruffle her ears. Eden had even put a mini bouquet in her collar with flowers to match Kiyomi’s bouquet.
Trinity clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “I’m still team leader, whether you bitches like it or not.”
“Bitchilantes,” Chloe corrected with a frown.