Page 79 of Beautiful Vengeance

“Birmingham. How’s Kiyomi?”

“She’s in good spirits. Marcus is keeping watch.”

Rycroft nodded. “I’ve got extra security posted outside and on this floor. You guys staying?”

“At least two of us will be here until she’s released.” Jane Allen—aka Janelle Richards—had been caught but the threat might not be yet over. She might have more soldiers planning an attack. “Think she’s got any others out there, ready to stage a rescue attempt?”

“We’re making sure that doesn’t happen. What did the doctor say about Kiyomi?”

“We can get her released tomorrow if we want. The long-term prognosis isn’t clear yet. It’ll be a few days until we know more, once the swelling and inflammation starts to subside.”

Those intense silver eyes scanned her face. “And what about you? How are you feeling?”

“Sore as hell.” Her entire chest was on fire. They’d bound her ribs with a tensor bandage because there really wasn’t anything else they could do.

She’d refused any opioid meds, wanting to keep her mind clear in case anything happened. And because between the injured ribs and sternum that wouldn’t let her draw a deep breath and the opioid side effect of suppressing the cough reflex, she was wary of developing a respiratory infection.

The extra strength ibuprofen tablets weren’t doing much that she could tell. Every breath hurt. And if she coughed, sneezed or laughed, it was unbearable.

He cracked a grin. “No shit.”

“Yeah.” No one had to tell her how lucky she’d been. The only reason she was still here was because of her vest. If that round had hit her a few inches higher or to the side, she likely would have died from hypovolemic shock from a slug that caliber. “What about the prisoners?” They’d captured two of Jane’s wounded bodyguards.

“They’ve already been transported to different facilities around London. Initial questioning resulted in nothing.”

“Did they have tats like the other ones?”

“Not the same kind. It’s almost like Jane was trying out a bunch of different designs. Anyway, the interrogations started an hour ago.” Keeping the tats wasn’t the best idea if Jane had planned to start a new version of the Program, but what did she know?

It was scary as hell to think that Jane had not only been behind the Valkyrie Program, but may have implemented a new one. “Any idea how many more might be out there?”

“No, but finding out’s one of our top priorities.” He pulled his phone from his pocket, still buzzing. “I gotta take this.” He ran his gaze over her face again. “I’m going to start trying to crack Jane as soon as she wakes up. I’ll call you with the location later, and you can meet me there if you’re up to it.”

“I’ll be up to it.” There was no way she was missing her chance to interrogate the bitch responsible for all of this shit they’d been through.

She followed Rycroft down the hall, heading for the waiting room where the others were all gathering. Briar and Georgia had stayed there with their men while the rest of them visited Kiyomi.

Everyone looked up when she entered, but her gaze slid right to Brody and stayed there. He’d flown across the ocean to be here for her, had voluntarily put himself in harm’s way to help and protect her. Today he’d done all that and more. He was more her hero today than he’d ever been.

Before anything else happened, she had something to get off her chest as soon as they were alone.

She filled the group in on what Rycroft had said. Amber had Lady Ada open on her lap. So much of this next part of the investigation hinged on what Amber and Rycroft’s analysts were able to uncover. “What do you need us to do?” Trinity asked her.

“Find any new intel you can and send it to me,” she answered, busily typing away, jaw tight. “I’m going to crack that bitch open if it kills me.”

“Who’s taking first watch here?” Megan asked. “Ty and I can do it.”

“You sure?” Trinity asked.

“Yep. Just text us when you’ve got a location to meet Rycroft. I need to be there.”

“Of course.” She paused, looking around the room. These strong, capable women and their partners were closer to completing their mission than ever before. All they needed were a few more breaks. “Any questions?”

“Nope,” Chloe answered, taking a pull from a can of energy drink. “I just wanna get moving anddosomething.”

Trinity nodded, then addressed the group. “Dismissed.”

Everyone got up and filed out of the room. Brody came last. She stopped him, waited until the door shut, leaving them alone in the room.