So this is what freedom feels like.
Marcus stood with Rycroft at the curb outside the pub, waiting for a cab to take Rycroft to Heathrow. “What’s your take on the threat level now?” he asked quietly. Kiyomi was talking with Amber and Megan a little ways down the sidewalk. Marcus wanted to take this opportunity to be crystal clear about any potential danger still facing Kiyomi and the others.
Rycroft shook his head. “It’s over. All Jane’s associates are either dead or under arrest. She operated strictly on a need-to-know basis, and her operatives had no family or close friends. No new threats have been identified.”
“What about Rahman’s people?”
“His group has splintered. The three people in the best position to take over his network are interested in power and money, not avenging Rahman. There’s been no chatter about Kiyomi or any of the others.”
Good. “Will you continue to monitor things?”
“Of course. I’m not anticipating any further threats—as long as they all stay out of trouble.” His gaze shifted to Chloe, talking with Eden and Trinity. “Although that’s gonna be harder for some than others.”
Marcus chuckled and shook Rycroft’s hand as the black cab pulled to the curb. “Thank you for everything.”
Marcus inclined his head. “I expect you’ll be glad to get home after all this.”
“Can’t wait. But honestly?” Rycroft smiled fondly at the Valkyries. “I’m actually gonna miss them all. I’ve kind of become fond of their brand of crazy.”
Marcus chuckled. “Me, I’m looking forward to a bit of quiet for a change.” He couldn’t bloody wait to get Kiyomi back to the manor and be alone. It would take a while for both of them to truly believe the threat was gone, but time alone was exactly what they needed.
Rycroft got into the cab. Marcus shut the door for him and watched the cab pull away.
He turned to find Megan walking toward him. He’d already said goodbye to everyone else and had been saving her ‘til last. He had something long overdue to say to her.
“Ty’s bringing our rental around,” she said, and slid her hands into the pockets of her down vest.
“You headed to London?”
Megan nodded. “We’re flying to California in the next day or two.” She glanced at her shoes, then up at him. “So I guess this is goodbye for real this time.”
“Not goodbye. Just see you later,” he corrected. “And I should have said this ages ago, but… Thank you for what you did for me. I know I was an ungrateful bastard at the time, but I’m glad you pulled me out of that prison and made me live.”
She smiled. “You’re welcome. And now you’ve got someone to live for.”
“Aye. Also thanks to you.” Without her, none of this would have been possible.
Her smile turned a bit sad, her eyes growing damp. “I’m really going to miss you, you know.”
“I’ll miss you too, love.” He drew her into a hug, squeezed her tight, ignoring the pain as his stitches pulled. “But it doesn’t matter how far apart we wind up. I’ll always be here for you. You know that, right?”
She sniffed, nodded. “Yeah. And same back.” She hugged him hard, then stepped back, wiping her face. “You’re happy?”
A smile spread across his face. “Aye.”
“Good. Take good care of her for me.”
“I will.” Ty pulled up to the curb beside them. Marcus set a hand on her shoulder, jerked his head at the car. “Go. He’s good for you.”
“I know.”
He ran his thumb across her cheek, wiping a stray tear away. “Be happy, lass.”