Page 87 of Beautiful Vengeance

Almost over. You’re almost there.“I need to talk to the others for a few minutes. I’m going to go with them.”

“Sure. I’ll follow you.”

Trinity waited beside a white, unmarked delivery van. “All okay?”

“Yes. Marcus is gonna follow us.” She climbed into the side door and found the others all inside.

Chloe was behind the wheel. Megan and Amber both had laptops open. Eden, Briar and even Georgia were all gathered behind them, watching the screens.

“Good to go?” Chloe asked. Upon confirmation she started the engine and drove out of the secure parking lot.

Kiyomi settled herself between Trinity and Eden, now watching the laptop screens. Megan’s showed a secret feed patched into the cameras posted at the highly guarded loading zone beneath the building where prisoners were transported in and out of the facility. Amber’s showed something else entirely.

“Here she comes,” Megan murmured.

On screen, a trio of heavily armed guards accepted transfer of Jane and took her to the back of an armored van. They opened it, put her inside, and the feed on Amber’s laptop began.

Amber glanced at them all. “You ready?”

Everyone nodded.

“Then let’s do this,” Kiyomi said, and held her right hand out.

The others all followed suit, stacking their hands on top of hers. She smiled at her sisters. It was time for Valkyrie-style vengeance.

JANELLE KEPT HER expression impassive as the guards climbed into the rear of the armored van with her and shut the doors, hiding a smug smile at the perfection of the moment.

She hadn’t expected Kiyomi to be there today. It had been surprisingly upsetting. The sheer arrogance of her, coming to gloat at seeing Janelle behind bars, and then lobbing that final insult in her face before walking away.

Kiyomi might think she would have killed herself rather than submit to Janelle’s plans, but it was impossible for an unconscious person to have a choice about anything. Janelle had every intention of keeping her drugged around the clock to get what she wanted, and now she wanted Kiyomi worse than ever.

She folded her hands in her lap. Rycroft and the other intelligence idiots thought they were sending her to a secure MI6 facility, but they’d underestimated her once again. They hadn’t stopped her by hauling her in. They’d merely delayed the inevitable.

She had dreams to fulfill. Important dreams, and nothing was going to stop her from getting what she wanted. Shealwayswon in the end.

One of the guards came over to kneel in front of her and unlock the chain holding the wrist of her uninjured arm and feet together. As it slid off with a clatter, he immediately removed her wrist and ankle cuffs.

She flexed her sore wrist, anger seething inside her. Every single person who had been involved in her wounding and brief incarceration would die.

“You know where to go?” she asked the guard seated across from her.

“We’ll transfer vehicles after we drop you off at the safehouse,” her man said. “Then we’ll go after the cargo.”

Kiyomi. “Take Laidlaw as well. I want him alive.” So she could torture him for a while and then kill him in front of Kiyomi.

The little bitch might be necessary for Janelle’s plans to work, but she still deserved to suffer for her part in all of this. That final insult at the facility wouldn’t go unanswered, and the same went for her nieces and the rest of the Valkyries. She’d made them what they were—they would be nothing without her. Ungrateful bitches.

She stretched her spine, letting out a sigh. She was tired, yet energized at the thought of what was to come. Closing her eyes, she let herself slide into a doze.

Her eyes shot open sometime later as she flew off the bench seat when the van suddenly lurched to the right. She barely managed to spin in time so that her back hit the opposite bench instead of her face.

Snarling at the shock of pain in her shoulder, she scrambled to her feet, grabbing for the hook in the wall used to secure restraints to steady herself. The van wheeled left, jolted hard and then seemed to slow, bumping over the road now.

“What the hell? Did that idiot hit something?” she snapped, unable to see outside because there were no windows back here.

But the two men in the back couldn’t answer her. They were sprawled on the floor, eyes closed.

Alarm jumped inside her. She knelt and quickly checked one man’s carotid pulse. It was weak, and growing slower every second. She glanced at the other, knowing he’d be the same. They’d been drugged, and likely the driver too.