Page 14 of Beautiful Vengeance

Trinity shook her head at Chloe, her expression fond. “You’re still as much trouble as ever. Good thing we’re already getting ready to leave here soon anyway, so I guess there’s no harm done.”

At the reminder, Marcus’s gaze strayed to Kiyomi, a shock of awareness ripping through him when he found her watching him. Time was running out in Laidlaw Hall’s tenure as Valkyrie headquarters.

The team leaving here and spreading everyone out was the smart choice at this point, but part of him didn’t want to see it end. Seemed strange now, but he’d gotten used to having everyone around, and having the old house full of life instead of just him and Karas knocking around this great pile of stone. He would miss them all when it was over, especially Kiyomi and Megan.

“Amber managed to wipe the security feed clean?” Trinity said to him.

“Aye, it was flawless.”

“Good. If those idiots know we’ve got them on video attacking Karas, let’s hope they figure out their only option is to admit what they did and take the punishment.”

“They never saw my face. They even assumed I was a man.” Chloe’s expression was full of annoyance. “Little misogynist pricks have no idea. I should have left them out there for an hour-and-a-half.”

“It’sNovember, Chloe,” Trinity reminded her. “Half an hour in their underwear when it’s just above freezing was more than enough to drive your point home.”

“How is Karas, anyway?” Chloe asked Marcus.

The woman was diabolical, but adorable, and he had a soft spot for animal lovers, especially when someone had gone to the trouble of avenging his beloved dog. He didn’t have the heart to be annoyed with Chloe anymore. “Sore. I’ll be taking her in to see the vet. But if she could understand what you did, I think she’d approve.”

Chloe beamed. “I think so too.”

“Well, I’d best shove off. I want to have Karas at the vet office the moment it opens.” His gaze strayed over to Kiyomi as she stood.

“I’ll come with you.”

Her announcement surprised him. He’d thought that she and the others would want to hole up here and keep a low profile now, getting everything packed and organized for the upcoming move. “Under the circumstances, are you sure it’s a good idea—”

“Yes. I need a break from our investigation and I’ve been wanting to look around the area for ages. Maybe you can even show me around Stow for a bit later, if Karas is up to it.”

He’d love to spend hours taking her around town and showing her the places he loved most, but a short visit was all he would allow, for safety’s sake. “All right,” he said with a nod, and she followed him out into the hallway.

He felt her presence with every step, the rush of awareness and desire growing stronger every passing hour. He wanted to touch her. Hold her.

Take her to his bed. Protect her. Make her smile. Maker her laugh.

Make herhis.

That would never happen now, and it was for the best that she was leaving here soon. Safer for her.

And for you.

Aye. A woman like her would never want a cripple like him. Even if she did, the ever-present ghosts he carried with him were always there as a reminder that after what had happened that fateful night in Syria, he was the last person on earth who deserved happiness.

Chapter Five

Kiyomi got out of Marcus’s old Land Rover at the vet clinic just outside of town, sorry that the trip was necessary but glad to get away from the manor for awhile. The investigation to find Rahman and the Architect was wearing on her, and she had an intensive online therapy session coming up tomorrow that she’d been dreading for a while now.

In spite of all their efforts, no one had a clue yet who the Architect might be. It had to be someone connected to the Valkyrie Program or the CIA who knew or had known Kiyomi, but no one stood out in her memory.

They still didn’t know whether the Architect was responsible for all of this, and who the women with the stylized tats on their hips were, killed by Kiyomi’s team on a recent mission in Virginia. The design of the tattoo was different from the brand Kiyomi and the others had, but the similarities were disturbing.

It was almost like they were dealing with another group similar to the Valkyries, which should have been impossible since everything had been shut down after the shit storm following the Balducci trial. So yeah, she desperately needed this quick break, even if it only lasted less than an hour.

“I’ll text you when we’re done, then come find you,” Marcus said to her as he lifted Karas out of the back.

“Sure.” She stroked Karas’s head, then watched as he carried the dog inside the old stone building. What would it be like, to be with a man who treated her with such care?

The increase of traffic was immediate as soon as she reached The Bell, a centuries-old pub Marcus sometimes went to at the bottom of the town. Her insides tightened at the sudden, sharp rise in anxiety caused by a sense of exposure, even with a hat and sunglasses helping to disguise her. Instinctively she was still on alert, watching for threats.