Trinity wrapped an arm around Eden’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze, her deep blue eyes sincere. “We’ve all got your back, lady. Forever.”
“Fuck yeah,” Chloe answered, looking juiced, as though she was itching to find a target to blow up.
A quivering sensation hit Eden deep in her chest. “And I’ve got your backs too.” These incredible women were her family now. They’d all faced insurmountable odds and survived. They would stand together, take on hell itself to protect each other, along with the exceptional men in this room.
It was the best feeling in the world.
“That sounds like trouble,” Zack said to Ty from behind her.
“Brother, you know it,” Ty said.
Everyone filed outside to head back into the manor for the reception. Eden and Zack were the last to leave.
At the door he stopped her, gazing down at her with an expression full of tenderness. “So what did you think of your first wedding, my little romantic?”
“Loved it.” Ty and Megan looked so happy. So perfect for each other.
“That’s gonna be us someday, sweetness,” he said, the conviction in his voice turning her heart inside out.
Eden flushed and lowered her gaze, secretly thrilled that he was already thinking along those lines even with all the uncertainty that lay ahead. While she might never have allowed herself to dream of anything like that before … Now it was different.
Because she had Zack, and he would stand with her always.
—The End—