It shook her even now, how far she’d let him in.
He was the only man she’d ever lowered her guard for. And dammit, ithurtto have this cold wedge of suspicion and hurt between them now. She wished things could have been different back then. That she’d been a different woman with a normal life, free to follow her heart.
But wishing for that was like wishing for the sun to suddenly rise in the west, and though she had regrets, there had been no other option but to leave him behind. She’d done what she’d had to in order to survive.
Maintaining an impassive expression, she held firm. “No. Tell me about your friend.”
“John rarely ever did hits, and he had a specific moral code, so if he did this—”
“He did. I saw him.”
Zack inclined his head in acknowledgment. “Then he was following orders.”
“Maybe he got an offer he couldn’t refuse and did it for the money.” People did bad shit all the time when the right circumstances were in play, moral code or not.
Zack shook his head, adamant. “No way. He was told to go after you both. The order either came from someone high up in the intel community, or he was fed false information.”
“Why are you so sure of that?”
“Because we worked security contracting jobs together after we got out of the military. I spent almost three years with him on and off. I knew his family. He knew mine. We were close. So if someone set him up, then I want them brought down hard.”
She understood that need for vengeance perfectly. “I know exactly how you feel.”
His expression softened and his posture relaxed. “Did you see who killed him?”
“No. And just to reiterate, it wasn’t me.” She paused, watching him. This was why she was here. To get answers, feel him out, and then see if he was open to being recruited to their cause.
Their history didn’t matter now. Only the mission did, so if Zack could help them, Eden had to try to bring him on board, even if she didn’t trust his motives now. “Believe it or not, I really do know how you feel right now. My team is trying to find out who’s responsible for all of this.”
He frowned. “What kind of team?”
“How much did Rycroft tell you?” she countered.
“Not much, other than mentioning you and setting up the meeting at the café.” He paused, watching her. “What are you, Eden? A spy? You owe me that much.”
She bristled at his wording, a retort springing to the tip of her tongue.I don’t owe you anything.
Except she did. What they’d had together was the closest thing to real she’d ever allowed herself to experience. He also hadn’t hurt her in Sevastopol when he’d suspected she was the killer. He hadn’t hurt her now. And shehadruined two of his missions.
Given everything that had happened, at this point there was no harm in telling him the truth. “I’m a Valkyrie.”
His lack of reaction was telling. He’d already suspected. How? “That…explains a lot,” he said slowly. Then he narrowed his eyes, suspicion taking hold again. “Did you drug me that morning?”
“Yes. I’m—we’re—being targeted, by the same person or people who had my handler and your friend killed yesterday. It has to be the CIA and it screams cover up.” And…
I’m afraid.
She’d never been truly afraid before. Not like this. Knowing someone with powerful connections and resources was systematically eliminating Valkyries and those close to them, was different than anything she’d faced before. And while she and Zack might not trust each other, Trinity and Rycroft were insistent that the team needed his help now, whether Eden liked it or not.
Silence stretched out between them. “Are you going to try to turn me in?” she finally asked.
His gray eyes never wavered from hers. “No.”
“Why not?”
“Because I believe you.”
A measure of relief hit her, but she was still surprised. Just like that? After everything she’d done? He might be trying to reel her in. Make her drop her guard so he could spring a trap.