Page 80 of Toxic Vengeance

“Calm down? You tell me you were fuckingshotand then expect me to staycalm?”

“It’s a flesh wound.” Hurt like a mother, but every day was getting a bit better. “Barely slowed me down.” Okay, that was a lie, but he wanted to put his father’s mind at ease. “A few stitches and some downtime, and I’ll be good as new.”

“Where are you?” his father demanded, voice taut.

“In the UK.”

“The UK,” he repeated, his frustration palpable. “That’s all I get?”

“Sorry, but yeah.” He wouldn’t even be having this conversation at all if it weren’t for the heavily encrypted phone Amber had given him. With the kinds of enemies hunting them now, they had all doubled up on precautions.

“I’m sorry about John. He was a good man.”

“Yeah, he was. Did you send the card to his parents like I asked?”

“Put it in the mail yesterday. I hope they get some closure eventually.”

“They will.” He couldn’t say more, but they’d since found evidence that Glenn Bennett had also sent a hitter after Penny.

As for Bennett’s death, the attacks on the way to the airport the other day and Rod’s involvement, it was looking more and more like it had to do with the Architect.

“Can I talk to Paula for a minute?”

“Sure. Hang on.”

A rattle sounded in the background, then Paula’s voice came on the line, soothing and calm. He assured her he was fine, talked for a minute and then got serious.

“By the way, I’ve met someone. I want to bring her home to meet you guys soon.”

He could just picture her reaction. Ears perking, eyes sparkling with excitement. “Really? That sounds serious.”

“Yep.” He was deadly serious where Eden was concerned. He loved her. She hadn’t said it back to him yet, but he hoped that was only a matter of time.

In the background he could hear his dad trying to pump his wife for intel, but then the bedroom door opened and Eden walked in. Zack smiled. “Gotta go, Paula, but I just wanted to let you both know I’m okay and I promise to visit soon. Good luck with Dad.”

“I’m gonna need it. We love you—stay safe, and if you need anything at all, let us know.”

“I will, and love you too.”

Eden drew the sheet back as he ended the call. Zack dropped the phone on the bedside table as her soft hands and even softer mouth began roaming over his naked chest. He groaned, didn’t even wince as he rolled to his back. His wound was sore but the stitches were coming out any day now, and he’d been dying to make love to Eden again.

Having her hands on him now was exquisite torture. He was hard as a rock beneath the sheets as she kissed her way down his abs, pausing to nip and lick at the sensitive spot where his hip and groin met.

He slid a hand into her curls, squeezed them in his fist and let out a low growl of arousal. It had been way too damn long since they’d been able to enjoy each other. “I’m liking this wakeup call,” he murmured, pulse racing with anticipation as that mouth hovered oh-so-near to where he needed it.

“Hmm,” she replied, her fingers stroking feather-light patterns on the insides of his thighs. “I came up to see if you wanted me to bring you a tray. You hungry?”

The scent of coffee and something sweet clung to her, but the sweet was probably Eden herself. “Not for food.” He tightened his hold on her hair, dying for the moment those sexy lips closed around his aching cock.

“Ah. Maybe this, then?” She closed her fingers around his erection, gave him a long, slow stroke that had him seeing stars.

Zack arched up off the bed, ignoring the pain in his side. “Yes.”

He was a little afraid she intended to tease him to death, so he shuddered and sighed in pleasure and relief when the heat of her mouth surrounded the sensitive crown. “Oh, God, Eden…”

She hummed and ran her tongue around him, then took him deeper, sucking, enjoying it damn near as much as him. She loved turning him on, or maybe it was that she loved reducing him to a quivering mass of need. Either way, he loved it too.

He closed his eyes, let himself sink into the bliss she lavished on him with every sexy pull of her talented mouth. It was so damn good.