Page 70 of Toxic Vengeance

“A few,” Trinity answered, “but if it comes to that, we’re in deep shit.”

The plane turned sharply. Zack shot out a hand to keep from rolling off the bed and the engines powered up more.

“They’re coming right at us,” Eden said, turning and dropping to her knees beside him. “Hold on.” She wrapped an arm around his shoulders to brace him, Heath keeping him steady on the other side.

Zack couldn’t hear the approaching vehicles over the noise of the engines, but then the sharp crack of gunfire punched through it. He grabbed Eden and held her close, ignoring the fresh wave of pain.

She let out a hiss as rounds hit the back of the plane. “How bad?” she asked Trinity. “Can you see?”

“No, but… Shit, hold on.”

More rounds raked across the fuselage.

The jet kept going, picking up speed, then nosed upward. Zack closed his eyes, helpless to do anything to protect Eden. If any of the rounds had clipped the fuel or hydraulic lines—

Trinity pushed back from the window and reached for the door, leaning forward to counteract the angle of the plane’s nose. Heath tied off the bandage and squeezed Zack’s shoulder once. “You’re good to go. Hang tight.” He was up and out of the cabin as the plane started to climb.

Zack started to get up but Eden pressed him down onto his right side with firm hands and a warning look. “Stay here.”

“No.” He pushed upright, needing to be ready. The plane had sustained significant damage. If they had to do an emergency landing, then he needed to be ready to get Eden out safely within seconds of touching down.


Done with arguing, he swept her aside with one arm, a surge of adrenaline masking the worst of the pain in his side as he struggled to his feet.

The plane dropped sharply, knocking him off balance. He hit the bed on his good side, bit back a howl of agony as fire shot through him, registering another sharp prick in his hip too late.

What the hell?He jerked his head up to stare at Eden in astonishment, taking in the syringe held in her hand. “Youdruggedme?” he accused.

“It’s for your own good. Now lie down before you rip open your damn stitches,” she ordered, pressing him down once again.

He opened his mouth to argue but whatever she’d hit him with was already pumping through his system, making his limbs heavy and his entire body drowsy. His grip on her eased, his muscles going lax. Then he smelled it.


Eden’s head snapped up as she smelled it too.

“Jesus, are we onfire?” he said. His voice was already slurred.

“Dunno.” Her expression was tense.

Oh, Christ. The plane was burning and he was too weak to move.

Through his rapidly blurring vision he barely made out Eden’s silhouette as she raced through the door and shut it, the scent of smoke filling his nose as the blackness closed in.

EDEN SHOVED ASIDE the sharp twinge of guilt and raced up the aisle to the others. Everyone had their faces pressed to the windows, looking at the aft portion of the aircraft. “How bad is it?”

“Bad,” Trinity said, staring out her window, tension visible in her face and the line of her shoulders. “I can see smoke and flames coming from the tail.”

“Pilot’s requested an emergency landing,” Ty added, grabbing Megan and pushing her into a seat to strap her in. “Better buckle up.”


Eden spun and ran back down the aisle, leaning forward to counteract the downward angle of the plane. She didn’t like the sound of the engines, either. The smoke was getting thicker in the cabin, a harsh, acrid stench that burned her eyes and nose, filling the air in a dark cloud.

Zack was lying on his back on the bed, out cold.

The smoke was the biggest threat to him at the moment, and he was closest to the source. Eden grabbed him under the shoulders, wrenched his torso upright until he was in a seated position. The door banged open behind her and Ty was beside them an instant later, hoisting Zack over one broad shoulder to carry him out.