Megan cursed under her breath when she saw the picture. The tat was the exact same one as the dead female’s in the alley. “So what are we dealing with here? Another hit squad for the CIA?”
“Doubtful it’s with the CIA. There’s been so much heat on them since they scrambled to dismantle everything to do with us. No way they’d go down that road again with all the scrutiny they’re still facing.”
“Then what?” Eden asked with a frown. “The dead woman in the alley is barely out of her teens. Early twenties at most.”
“Same with the driver last night,” Trinity said, reaching out to place a hand on Eden’s shoulder and giving her a warm smile. “I’m just glad you and Zack are okay. Now go take care of your man.”
“He’s not my man,” Eden said, looking uncomfortable. But her eyes shot anxiously to the open cabin door as she turned and headed for the stairs.
“He’s totally her man,” Chloe said with a chuckle when Eden was out of earshot. “And on that note, I’m going to find mine,” she said, aiming for the stairs.
Just then Ty appeared at the top of the steps. He jogged down them, his gaze swinging from Megan to Trinity. “Pilots have clearance. You guys ready?”
“Yes,” Trinity answered as she headed for the stairs.
Megan started to follow her, but stopped next to Ty and waited for the other Valkyrie to disappear inside. Ty searched her eyes, concerned. “What’s up?”
“Nothing.” Something had clicked for her today.
The two of them had had so many close calls together, and there would undoubtedly be more before all this ended. Ty had been with her through thick and thin since coming back into her life. She trusted him without reservation and would be utterly destroyed if she lost him.
Life was guaranteed to no one, least of all them. So what the hell was she waiting for?
He frowned. “Must be something.”
She remembered what he’d told her once. That he wanted her to come to him when she was ready.
Say the word, and I’ll get down on one knee and ask you properly.
“Okay, there is something.” Megan wound her arms around his waist and smiled up at him. “I think we should get married.”
His eyes widened. “What?”
“As soon as possible.”
A startled smile broke across his face. “Are you serious? I—” He stopped, dropped to one knee in front of her and took her hands.
“No, hey.” Laughing, she pulled him upward, spying Chloe and Trinity’s curious faces pressed to the windows above them, watching with interest. “You don’t need to do that. I already said yes.”
Ty wrapped a strong hand around her nape and kissed her. “I’ve got witnesses. You can’t take it back.”
She grinned up at him, her heart swelling with love and pride. “I won’t take it back.” Everything would be all right as long as she had Ty.
Her head whipped around when she caught sight of two vehicles racing into the parking lot. Must have tracked them via CCTV feeds or maybe a drone.
A surge of adrenaline shot through her. “Shit, we’ve got more company. Let’s go,” she yelled up into the cabin as she tore up the steps. Ty was right behind her to yank the hatch shut and lock it. “We gotta gonow,” she told the pilots. “Right now.”
When she turned around, Trinity and Chloe were peering through the windows on the other side of the plane. “Two cars,” Trinity announced.
The engine noise increased as the pilots powered up and began moving the plane forward.
Ty was right beside Megan as they hurried to a window across the aisle from the others as the plane turned. “This is gonna be close,” she muttered. They had maybe thirty seconds before the first vehicle was within easy firing range.
“Yep,” Ty said, settling a hand on her hip, the solid weight of it reassuring her.
Megan reached for his hand and gripped it tight. Whatever happened, at least they were together.
Chapter Nineteen