Eden darted away from him with a throaty laugh that told him she’d stepped on the back of his shoe on purpose. It was the second time she’d left him in the dust. “I don’t think so!” he shouted, shoving his foot back into his shoe to race after her.
She was fast, and fit. He had to go all out to catch up with her, reaching her just as they crested the final hill before the manor. By the time they got to it, they were both laughing, and it felt fantastic.
They slowed before the gravel path leading around the side of the house into the back garden, and his heart was beating faster from more than the run. He liked this Eden even more than the previous one, and seeing her laugh and have fun with him gave him hope that he was beginning to earn her trust. That they still had a chance together.
Trinity was waiting at the back door for them. “There you guys are. Come on, we’re all waiting.”
Zack and Eden followed Trinity into the library. He stood off to the side with Eden while everyone waited for Trinity to start.
“Okay, I just got off a call with Rycroft,” Trinity began. “He met with former CIA Deputy Director Glenn Bennett less than an hour ago. You’ll recognize him as being on the list of possible suspects we’re looking at, verified by the thumb drive Eden’s handler gave her.”
Zack had read up on him last night in the files Amber had showed him, to keep abreast of the current investigative work she was working on, and to take his mind off that kiss with Eden.
Bennett had retired two years ago, and most of what he’d done during his tenure with the Agency had been buried deep. Some of it so deep it appeared to have vanished altogether. Amber and the team of analysts back in the States were still digging, but it seemed like Bennett might have been involved with the Valkyrie Program somehow.
“Rycroft thinks he’s dirty, but we don’t know if he’s directly involved with us in the past or present, and he’s definitely not the Architect we’ve seen mentioned in several memos Amber has from her original hack of the system,” Trinity continued.
Zack had seen that term mentioned several times in various places in the files Amber had shared with him. The Architect could be anyone, but whoever it was, it was someone with influence and authority. Almost certainly a man, given the nature of the Valkyrie Program, and likely former military—maybe intel or SOF. Someone who had clout in the upper hierarchy of the CIA’s leadership.
“Bennett’s on the move. An encrypted phone called his wife’s cell number shortly after the meeting with Rycroft. The message he left for her said he had to go out of town for something—we think because Rycroft spooked him. We think he might be involved with the murder of Eden’s handler, and subsequent hit on Zack’s friend. We’re not sure where Bennett is going yet, but I’m taking a team to D.C. in anticipation of getting a location on him. I want all of you to go with me, except Kiyomi, who will stay and monitor things here.”
Zack glanced at Eden, who didn’t react to the announcement, watching Trinity intently.
“Once we get Bennett’s location, we’re going to capture him and extract the intel we need. If he’s dirty, we turn him over to Rycroft to deal with. Any questions?” Trinity finished. When no one spoke, she continued. “Good. Everybody go pack a bag and meet me out front in ten. Kiyomi, keep working the intel on the other suspects.”
“You got it,” Kiyomi answered.
Everyone dispersed to get to work. Zack followed Eden up to the third floor, stopping her before she could reach her room. Going after the former Deputy Director of the CIA wasn’t an average op, even by Valkyrie standards. “You ready for this?”
“Of course. You?” She studied his face. “Because you don’t have to do this.”
“I’m going with you,” he said firmly. He was staying as close to her as possible to make sure she was safe, and fighting for her. For them. “I want to find out whoever’s behind all this shit and make them pay.”
A little smile teased the corners of her mouth. “Never saw this side of you before. I like it.”
Zack cupped her cheek in his hand and bent to kiss her, but she blocked him with a solid hand on his chest, taking a step back. “No. That’s off the table for now,” she told him. “We’re teammates, and there will be no blurring of the boundaries.”
Holding back a growl of denial, he stared down into her eyes.For nowmeant there was hope. He would just have to wear her down. “I won’t give up on us.”
She held his gaze for a few heartbeats. “We need to keep our heads on straight,” she warned. “It’s the only way we’re going to come out of this alive.”
With that she disappeared into her room, her defensive shields stronger than ever, and all he wanted to do was to rip them down.
Chapter Twelve
“Hey, there’s my girl!” Trinity beamed and crouched down to hold out her arms as little Rosie toddled precariously toward her.
“She still walks like she’s drunk,” Briar laughed, hovering over her daughter to catch her if she fell.
The transformation in her friend was incredible, and beautiful. Briar had been one of the hardest and most lethal snipers the Program had ever turned out. While she would always be deadly, motherhood had softened her entire personality. Briar lived for her daughter and, after a rocky start that had shaken her, now adored being a mom.
That was why Briar was taking Rosie away for a while. Valkyries were used to taking a stand and fighting to the end. But with the current security situation facing them all, ensuring Rosie’s safety was as important as completing their mission.
Trinity caught Rosie and lifted her into the air for a big hug, making smacking kissing noises against the toddler’s neck. “You did it, clever girl.” It was four in the morning UK time, she was jetlagged as hell, but it was all worth it when those little arms closed around her neck and Rosie chortled in her ear.
A sharp pain stabbed through her chest, so intense and unexpected her lungs seized for an instant. She forced a deep breath, locked the grief in the vault inside her, and focused on the sweet baby in her arms.
“You gotta be wiped,” Briar said. “Want something to eat quick before I go? Matt made a lasagna I pulled from the freezer last night. I can warm you up a piece.”