“I don’t recognize him,” Zack said, frowning at it.
Suspicion shot through her before she could stop it. Eden forced it aside, reproving herself. Zack was a contract officer with no true loyalty to the CIA. He’d lost a good friend in this, had volunteered to be here. If he’d wanted to turn on them he could have easily done so the moment he’d first arrived at the manor, alerting his former handler and superiors to their location if he’d wanted.
Unless he’s playing the long game.Biding his time, trying to win her trust, using their past to try and get close to her again, make her lower her guard…
Not everyone’s a threat, Eden. You usedhimbefore, remember? Not the other way around.
Except Zack Maguire still remained a threat. Last night had shaken her, showing her just how weak she was with him. And the things he’d said. That she didn’t have to be alone anymore. That she could have him and a shot at something real if she’d just take the chance.
It tantalized her, tormented her with everything she’d longed for and never believed was possible, calling to the woman she’d allowed herself to be with him for those few brief months.
“Jesse does,” Amber said, drawing their attention. “And this guy is also connected to two names on the list of possible suspects involved with the Program recovered from your handler,” she said to Eden, then said a name that meant nothing to her. “He hasn’t worked an op in a while, but the ones hehasdone have been connected to both those names.”
The news settled like a rock in the pit of Eden’s stomach. “So that’s how he found Penny. The source or leak must be in the CIA itself.”
“Looks like,” Amber said, reaching for a piece of toast. “And we’re going to use every resource available to us to find whoever’s responsible.” She started to say something else, but stopped when her phone rang. “Excuse me,” she said after checking it, and walked out of the room.
“I’m gonna get changed so I’m ready to go if we get a lead,” Kiyomi said, tossing her napkin on the table and standing. “See you guys in a bit.”
“Sure.” Eden forced a piece of toast down after Kiyomi left, aware of the silent tension crackling between her and Zack, then stood. “I’ll see you later.”
He shot out a hand, snagged her wrist as she turned away. Before she could pull free, he’d tugged her into his lap. She stiffened at the feel of those hard thighs beneath her bottom, the heat of his chest against her side.
Holding her gaze, he reached up to stroke his fingertips across the nape of her neck. Tingles exploded along her skin, tightening her nipples and sending an instant rush of heat between her legs. “I didn’t sleep much.” He traced a fingertip beneath her eye. “And from the looks of those shadows, you didn’t either.”
“Let me up.”
He didn’t. “Did you think about what I said last night?”
How could she not? She wasstillthinking about them. “And if I did?”
One side of his mouth twitched at her curt tone. “Then I’m grateful.” His fingertips caressed her cheek, every subtle stroke laden with the promise of what he could offer her, memories of mind-melting pleasure and a sense of security that made her whole chest tighten. “Spend some time with me. We can start over, get to know each other all over again. The real us.”
She huffed. Oh, he knew her plenty already. Including everything about her body. “Little late for that, wouldn’t you say?”
He grinned at her meaning. “Okay, maybe. How about we pick up from where we left off, then? We’ll fill in the gaps as we go.”
The offer was so damn tempting she wanted to say yes.
That gave her all the incentive she needed to push to her feet, unable to ignore the way her body cried out for him. Need and love were two different things. Just because the first one was real didn’t mean she could trust him with her heart, and losing him the first time had hurt so much she wasn’t sure she could handle it a second. It was safer, smarter to shut the door on that chapter and move forward.
Zack caught her hand. “I meant what I said. I’m not going anywhere, and no matter how long it takes, I’m going to prove I’m worth the risk.” The heat and certainty in his eyes made her stupid, needy heart skip a beat.
She opened her mouth to tell him he was a cocky bastard, but yanked her hand free when she heard footsteps in the hallway. A second later Chloe strode in, long blond hair up in a ponytail, already chomping away on some gum even though it was only six in the morning, and wearing a T-shirt that read:Fuelled by ADHD and caffeine.
She glanced between the two of them, the fierce look on her face telling Eden she meant business. “I just heard about Penny, and I only wanna know one thing. Who are we taking out next?”
“I’m guessing someone on the list my handler gave me,” Eden answered, resolve hardening inside her like steel as she walked out of the room.
Zack would always hold a piece of her heart, but she’d be stupid to give him any more of it. They were teammates on this mission, nothing more. If she wanted to stay clear-headed and find Chris and the others justice, then that was the way it had to stay.
Chapter Eleven
Glenn arrived early at the country club and did a quick perimeter check just to be sure it was safe. He was armed as he went in to take his seat at a table in the back to await his contact. This meeting was time critical. Ten minutes ago, he’d received confirmation about last night’s op in Edinburgh.
Penny was dead, but the other Valkyries were all still unaccounted for.
At least the hitter was dead too. One less thing to worry about as he formulated his next step.