“No. Our kind never got a choice.”
Eden faced forward again. Her feelings about the Program were so complicated. It had taught her so many valuable things, made her feel like she could do anything, yet it had taken so much as well. “I’m sorry. That must have been really hard.”
“You know how they were. They made it seem like being the rarest kind of Valkyrie was the toughest and most coveted assignment. That we were the most elite, like it was the greatest prize to be coveted.”
Fucking liars. Brainwashing in all its forms, subtle and otherwise. She could admit to that now. “I’m glad you and Kiyomi both made it through to the other side.” Few of that kind survived longer than a handful of years in the field.
Trinity shot her a genuine smile. “Me too. The most rewarding work I’ve ever done in my life is with you and the others. I feel like I’m part of a dream team, with people who understand me in ways no one else could.”
Eden couldn’t help but grin. It was true, no one understood her like the others did. “I’m not hating it so far.”
“Good. But don’t ever cut comms on an op again, okay? You’re part of this team now, and we’re your backup for a reason.”
Before Eden could respond, her phone buzzed with an incoming message. From Zack. Her stomach sank even as her heart tripped in excitement. “He’s in.”
“Great. Tell him to meet us down here in five. We’re taking him to the manor.”
God, not only was she going to be trapped in this car with him for the next two-plus hours, but he was going to live in the same damn house as her for the foreseeable future?
Eden sent the message, then lowered the phone to her lap, conflicted. She’d done everything in her power to get over him. She’d left to keep them both safe. Now they would both be in danger, and she wasn’t ready to trust him. “He doesn’t really know what he’s signing up for.”
“You need to give him more credit.”
Eden didn’t want him to be used again or see him get hurt. Didn’t want to be hurt by him in retaliation for what she’d done. She couldn’t shake the fear that he would turn her world upside down again.
What was she going to do? She’d found the strength to leave him once. If something happened between them this time, she wasn’t sure she could do it again.
Trinity reached over to squeeze Eden’s shoulder. “It’s going to be okay. You’re part of our family now, and we take care of each other, no matter what.”
She blew out a breath, nodded. “Thanks.” Knowing that helped. She’d never had backup she could trust, except for Chris. “Does Marcus even know we’re bringing someone else back with us?”
Trinity was busy typing something on her phone. “He does now.”
Marcus updated his last account spreadsheet and was about to shut down the computer when a new email popped up. The name made him pause, a knot of dread coiling in his gut. He clicked on it anyway.
How’s it going, mate? Long time no talk to. Shite’s going down here. Wouldn’t be surprised if our paths crossed again soon. I know better than to hope for a reply, but I hope all is well with you.
He read it twice, was tempted to reply and ask for more intel, then closed it and shut the computer down. His gaze strayed to one of the framed photos on the corner of his desk. It had been taken in Syria just prior to the disastrous mission that had cost him nearly everything. He stood in the center of the sixteen-man troop, Karas as a pup sitting at his feet wearing her Kevlar vest. Rory stood to his left.
Of the sixteen men in that photo, only nine had made it home alive. And although Rory and the others didn’t hold Marcus responsible for what had happened, he’d cut contact with them all when he’d returned to the UK. It was just too painful otherwise.
Hurried, impatient footsteps that could only belong to Chloe rushed past the study, pulling him from his memories. He waited until she was out the front door and her steps faded into silence before planting his cane and rising from his desk, covering a wince as a sharp pain sliced through his left hip. The surgeons had told him it was a damn miracle he was even walking. But the price for surviving was he’d never have the mobility he once had, and would never be without pain again—mental and physical.
Beside him, Karas stretched and lazily got to her feet, none too thrilled at having her afternoon nap interrupted.
“Right. Let’s crack on,” he said, striding for the door. He liked Chloe and the others well enough, but he craved solace and privacy—two things in short supply now that his house was full of Valkyries and their significant others.
Through the constant buzz of activity he did his best to stay out of everyone’s way and keep to himself. So it was odd that in spite of all the people around and his preference for solitude, he felt more isolated and alone than ever.
It probably had to do with Megan. Now that she had Ty, Marcus didn’t see her often. They rarely worked out or rode together these days. He missed the way things used to be, even if it was just a quiet evening together in front of the fire with a proper brew. The bond they’d forged in Syria meant he was more comfortable with her than he’d ever been with anyone else—even his own family while they’d still been alive.
Now she had Ty, and that’s how it should be. Marcus wanted her to be happy, she deserved it. All these women did after what they’d been put through, and he was glad to at least offer them his home as a place of refuge while they needed it.
Especially one other Valkyrie in particular that he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about.